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June 2009

Unoffical until approved by COA Board of Directors

Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Wednesday, June 17, 2009.

Meeting called to order by Chair, Kathleen Wilkinson, at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call
Present:~ Kathleen Wilkinson (KW, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Treasurer), Frank Clocher (FC), Donna Clifford (DC), Jane Sarnowski (JS), James Willis (JW) and Councilor Joan Lovely (JL).

Absent:~ Domingo Alvarez, Pat Donahue, Dolores Nangle and Doug Bollen (Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.)

Others Present:.), Bill Woolley (Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.) and Andrew Lapointe (Friends).

KW recommends making a motion to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of May 20, 2009, and to accept them…

FC recommends that the letter written by Nancy Riley, 24 Webb St. be written out in the minutes.
        JW feels that it would be better if it is noted that the letter is on file.
        FC wants the letter attached to the minutes.
The board agrees that it should be noted that the letter written by Nancy Riley is on file and should be attached to the minutes.

KW recommends making a motion to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of May 20, 2009, and to accept them with the above amendments; FC motions, seconded by JW; unanimously approved.

Comments/Recommendations of the Chairperson

1.      KW would like to hold her comments till the end of the meeting and hands the meeting over to Assistant Director, William Woolley.

Director’s/Assistant Director’s Report
1.      Assistant Director William Woolley thanks the board for their time and service.  The Salem Council on Aging board is a significant group of active board members and the COA is lucky to have them.

2.      WW gives the board an update on the COA staff.  The custodial position has been filled by Jonathan Connelly; a young man in his twenties.  He has a couple years of experience in custodial work and landscaping.   
FC asks WW when he starts.

WW; all the paper work has been filled out with Human Resources but the city requires a physical with the city physical to approve that he can handle the work load.

KW asks WW what his hours will be.

WW; his hours are Tuesdays thru Thursday 5-10pm and Fridays 2-10pm.

3.      WW introduces a new program through the department of Human Resources called First Jobs.  First Jobs, is a grant supported program that encourages agency’s to push and hire young adults/teenagers for summer employment opportunities.  The department has submitted two job descriptions to HR; bilingual receptionist and custodial support.  

4.      Operation able update; Sandra Lee and Gary Lavender have finished their time at the COA.  At this time Operation Able is undergoing reorganization for budget reasons.  Operation able is an agency that trains individuals that are fifty five and older who are trying to apply for work.   
KW asks WW if Gary and Sandra will be replaced.
WW expects that they will be but it may be delayed due to the reorganization process.

5.      WW updates the board on the Bilingual Outreach project.  There are an estimated number of 1,000 Spanish speaking seniors in the city of Salem.   At this current time the center has two bilingual van drivers; one in the morning and one in the afternoon, the telephone answering service now has an English or Spanish option and Amy Walsh (Transportation Director), William Woolley and Nuvia Calderon (Bilingual Facilitator) are currently filming for SATV.
KW is happy to see the COA making these efforts and that progress is being made.  The board has been trying for years to push this and its great to see that progress is underway.

- The Cultural Competency workshop scheduled for June 23rd has a full panel of representatives from various Latino countries.  The workshop has received a wide range of support from all over.  People from Salem Hospital, Peabody Essex Museum, No Place for Hate and local churches will be attending the morning session.

-On July 18, there will be a “Fiesta,” held at Forest River Park.  The “Fiesta,” is a great event that will help spread the word of the availability and services the COA has to offer.

        KW asks WW if the Salem Evening News knows about the Outreach efforts.
WW; yes they do but I need to come up with a press release.  After the workshop and the Fiesta I may have a better idea how to draw one up.

6.      Currently, WW is working on the State Formula Grant Application.  The COA must submit three budget requests by July 15; the amounts are between $46,000 and $53,000.  This deadline is much later than the usual deadline.

7.      The Doll House donated by Pete Jalbert raised $551.00 and was won by Meredith Buckley.

8.      Upcoming events;
-       Winter Island Cookout is going to be held on July 14th, 11-1pm.  
-       Monthly Pizza Party, June 24th.
-       Father’s Day Luncheon, June 18th, Coney Island theme, 11-1pm.
-       Lions Club Community event, Wednesday, Aug. 5.
-       Senior Recognition week, first week in August. Same line up as previous years.
-       Lobster Roll sponsored by NSES, July 15th, regular lunch not a special event.

9. Department Reports;
WW apologizes to the board for not having Nutrition and Transportation for May 2009.

10. As requested by the board WW amended the Standards of Independence and Behavior policies.  There were two points of adjustment; the addition, “Council on Aging is not responsible for items that are lost of stolen while on the premises or grounds,” to number fourteen and the addition of number twelve.
JW points out the type in point twelve.

WW is looking towards the Board of Health about pets in a municipal facility, as of today he has not heard anything.  WW explains the difference between a “companion” animal and a “service” animal.  A service animal provides an actual function while a companion animal is used for different types of therapy.   Some that come to the center are very adamant about having their pets with them at all times, while others are uncomfortable with the presents of an animal.

DC feels that the center should not enter into allowing “companion/therapy” animals into the center.  Who is liable if a pet/companion animal bites or causes an accident in the center?  It is a lot safer to say no pets are allowed in the building to avoid problems.

JL ask why do people bring pets to the center.  JL agrees with DC comments and feels that allowing companion animals will open up problems.  She suggests checking with the city Solicito,  who can research the law on pets in a municipality.  

The Board supports WW thoughts on not allowing pets in the senior center.  KW asks the board if they are prepared to vote on the amended policies, with the omission of the second sentence in number twelve.  The Board agrees they are ready to vote.  

KW recommends making a motion to accept the Behavior and Independence Policies with the omission of the second sentence in policy number twelve; FC motions, seconded by EH, all in favor, unanimously approved.

11. Chairman Kathleen Wilkinson asks Councilor Joan Lovely if she would like to address the board.  JL apologies for not attending the last couple meetings.  She expresses that she has no new news about the building of the new Senior center.  Currently, the focus has been on the budget and the city Finance committee is waiting on the numbers from Boston.  The Mayor is working to make meaningful cuts.   JL also tells the board that she had received phone calls from concerned senior citizens about the changes going on the center.  She referred to DB and WW, as well as the Mayor for answers to these concerns.

Treasurer’s Report
        WW expresses that his only concern is the State Formula Grant.  Jackie Grimes is on top of the spending prior to the time we must report zero.

Committee Reports  
No Committee reports

Other Business
Chairman Kathleen Wilkinson explains to the board that her term expires on July 1, 2009.  She has asked the Mayor to not reappoint her as chairman, as well as a board member for personal reasons.  KW also asks the Board if they are ready to vote on a recess for the months of July and August.  
        The board agrees they are ready to vote.

KW recommends making a motion to recess for the months of July and August; FC motions, seconded by DC and EH, all in favor, unanimously approved.

        KW also reminds the board that the next meeting is Wednesday, September 16.  This is an annual meeting and offices will be elected.  The Mayor will appoint a new chairperson.

Visitor Comments
Andrew Lapointe, President of the Friends of the Council on Aging asks if he may address the board.  KW approves.  Andrew states that the spaghetti dinner fundraiser held at the Moose Lodge on May 28th was a huge success, raising over $1,200.00.  Andrew thanks DB and WW for providing transportation to and from the event.  Volunteers and Council on Aging staff were a huge help in making the event successful.
Andrew feels that putting inserts about Friends of the COA events in the newsletter attracts lots of attention.  Andrew asks BW if putting inserts in the newsletter is a possibility of publicizing Friends events.
The television for the center is in the works of being purchased.  At the next Friends meeting, Andrew is going to have a vote to buy the television for the center.  Andrew has approached Tri-City sales for a donation and has received prices from Best Buy.  It has been three months since DB has put in the request, Andrew feels that it is time to take action and the new television will be something to bring over to the new center.
Andrew reminds the board that next Wednesday, June 24th is the Annual Meeting for the Friends of the Council on Aging.  Offices will be elected.
KW thanks Andrew for all his support.

Next Board meeting
September 16, 2009, at 6:30 p.m.
        *Annual Meeting

KW recommended to adjourn, motion to adjourn by EH; seconded by FC; unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Meghan E. Murtagh