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BOH Minutes January 12, 2010
January 12, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Martin Fair, Chairperson Barbara Poremba, Noreen Casey, Marc Salinas, Kemith LeBlanc, Gayle Sullivan, & Larisa Lucas

OTHERS PRESENT: David Greenbaum, Acting Health Agent, Council Liaison Thomas Furey & Tracy Giarla, Public Health Nurse

1. Call to Order

2. Minutes of Last Meeting
          (Dec.8 & 15, 2009)
Meeting called to order by Dr. Poremba, Chairperson, at 7:00pm.

Marc motioned to approve both minutes 2nd by Larisa Lucas Unanimously approved

3. Chairperson Announcements

No announcements for this month
    4. Monthly Reports-Updates

  • Administrative Report

  • Acting Health Agent Report

  • Public Health Nurse Report

  • City Council Liaison Updates
5. Old Business

A. Review and signing of the final draft of the transfer station conditions

6. New Business

  • Paul Ferregamo – 405-427 Highland Avenue

  • Shallop Landing at Collins Cove – Szetela Lane and Fort Avenue

7. Miscellaneous Items
Presented by Heather Lyons, Clerk of the Board

H1N1 Report
Barbara suggested there be a statement on our website that none of our flu shots where on the recall list

Nurses Report  
H1N1 Clinic will be held Jan 14 2010 – 2nd doses will be available for children

No updates for the Board

On #33 – Delete and turn left.
Add to #43 – will provide drop off for redeemable cans and bottles - all money will go to Salem public schools on a monthly basis
Martin motioned to add to #43 - North Side Carting will provide a drop off container for redeemable bottles and cans. North Side carting will redeem them and funds will be donating to the Salem Public Schools on a monthly basis.
Kemith 2nd unanimously approved
Martin motioned to except the 43 conditions of approval for the minor site assignment for the transfer station
Larisa 2nd 4 in favor 2 apposed

Atty. George Atkins presenting
Project is an11 lot sub-division all single family homes across the street from Wal-Mart – Zoning Board approved 11 lots
Scott Patrovitz Engineer on project spoke about drainage on site & blasting that will need to be done to clear some of the ledge from the land. They will comply with state regulations on blasting. They don’t know how long the blasting will take yet. Will be presenting this project to the Planning Board on 21st of January
Larisa Lucas Motioned to except plans with Board of Health conditions Kemith 2nd unanimously approved

Kemith excusing herself from deliberations.
This project is 3 parcels of land, all single family homes. They have already gone before the Zoning Board and are waiting to go before the Planning Board and Wetlands Commission.  No hazardous waste found on property. Snow removal and water drainage system will be privately maintained
Larisa Lucas motioned to except project with conditions –
2nd by Noreen approved unanimously

Discussion about agenda delivery– should it be mailed or emailed – Members decided to both email and mail packets to all members

Site assignment conditions document discussion – should be done and signed ASAP – discussion about who should write up the conditions. David Greenbaum will talk to David Murphy, Atty. Whittaker and Beth Rennard about who should be writing the final document.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Lyons
Clerk of the Board

9:00 p.m.

Next regularly scheduled meeting is February 9, 2010  at 7pm
At City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Room 313 Salem.