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Approved Minutes 3/11/2015

Salem Bicycling Advisory Committee
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

A meeting of the Salem Bicycling Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at Salem City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Vice Chairman Will Peck, Dan Cooper, Bruce Mabbott, Brad Sandler, Ernie DeMaio, David Bowie, Kristin Anderson
Also Present: Jeff Elie, Energy and Sustainability Manager, Gary Hebert (Fay Spofford & Thorndike, Salem resident)
Members Absent: Jeff Bellin
Invited Guests: None
Public in Attendance: None
Vice Chairman Peck called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
Vice Chairman Peck asked if there were any comments or edits for the February 11th draft meeting minutes. There being none, motion was made by D. Bowie motioned, K. Anderson seconded, all approved.

  • Public Comment
Vice Chairman Peck asked if there were any public comments at this time. There was no public comment.

J. Elie checked with Committee for any comment on Project Tracking Form, which is now online. B. Mabbott asked whether there was any news on the Footprint Power pipeline excavation and installation project. J. Elie informed the Committee that there had been no new news but he would ask Footprint at the One-Stop meeting with Footprint later in the month. The idea would be to connect the Collins Cove off-road path through this parcel of land that Footprint will be doing mitigation in that the pipeline goes through and on to Winter Island.

  • New/Old Business

Canal St. Bike Path Extension  

MassDOT has submitted 75% design plans to the Engineering department for review. The plans have been shared with the Complete Streets Working Group and the Bicycling Advisory Committee. E. DeMaio and J. Bellin had a meeting with the Mayor, City Engineer David Knowlton, DPCD Director Lynn Duncan, and Jeff Elie. The main focus of the meeting was to determine appropriate access points on Canal St that would allow people to access the path from other spots besides the start and finish of the path.

The points that were deemed most appropriate by the Committee were at Ocean Ave, Hancock St, mid-way between St. Paul and Roselyn St., and between Cypress and Ropes St. David Knowlton informed them that the plan now has an access point at the mid-way point between St. Paul and Roselyn St. Ocean Ave does not have an easement for the City to use so the other point that will be added to the design will be at Hancock St.

The meeting was productive with Lynn Duncan, E. DeMaio, J. Bellin, David Knowlton, and J. Elie sat down in a conference room after the meeting with the Mayor and looked at the AECOM plans to identify these points and show the complete layout of the path.

Bike Circulation Master Plan Update

Gary Hebert of FST Engineers attended the meeting and went over the scope of work that FST had provided J. Elie and shared with the Committee. The Committee wanted FST to make sure that they knew the Committee needed to be involved in every step of the process of the plan. This would include having member(s) attend all meetings between FST, the City, and MAPC, and being included in all correspondence (email). G. Hebert said that this was always the intention and we could work out the scope further when funding had been approved from the City. The Committee expressed the desire to take the Vision 2020 Plan and create designs for cycling infrastructure that the Committee can use for future roadway improvements to show that the design work has already been mostly done and that this is the most optimal infrastructure for bicyclists when streets are being re-paved, re-designed, etc. Focusing on cycle-tracks or protected lane design and implementing a pilot cycle-track at the completion of the Master Plan update would be a goal for the Committee.

Gary Hebert was amenable to all these changes and would work with City Energy Manager J. Elie to make changes and get the Task Order with the City in place.

Discussion of new member for committee

J.~Elie sent Tracy Ware,~interested to join the SBAC,~emails to inform them that they need to submit a letter to the Mayor's office that they are interested in joining.~Tracy has submitted her letter and has been invited to this meeting as well as the next. Tracy Ware is a biology professor at SSU,~on the Sustainability Committee at SSU,~lives downtown and commutes to SSU by bike. She could not attend March meeting but will try again in April.

Action Item – J. Elie to reach out again to Tracy Ware to invite her to attend the April meeting.

New Logo for SBAC
J. Elie still waiting for design firms Zero Degrees and Tessellati but no word yet.

Summary of Action Items

J. Elie – Upload Project Tracking Form online
J. Elie - To reach out again to Tracy Ware to invite her to attend the April meeting.
J. Elie - To reach out to both graphic designers and open dialogue about designing a new logo for the Committee. Bring some potential designs to the next meeting for feedback.
J. Elie – Work with FST on updating the Master Plan update scope of work and get the funding approved.

Vice Chairman Peck asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight. There being none, D. Bowie asked for a motion to adjourn. B. Sandler seconded the motion. All approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jeffrey Elie,
Energy and Sustainability Manager