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Draft Minutes 11/12/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
Draft Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 311 at Salem City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Dan Cooper, Bruce Mabbott, Kristin Anderson, Brad Sandler, Ernie DeMaio
Also Present: Jeff Elie, Energy and Sustainability Manager, City of Salem,
Members Absent: Will Peck, David Bowie

Public in Attendance: None
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 8:02 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record. The meeting started late due to J. Elie attending a mandated City Council subcommittee meeting.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any comments or edits for the October 8th draft meeting minutes. There being no edits, he asked for a motion to approve the corrected minutes. Motion was made by Kristin Anderson, seconded by Dan Cooper, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any public comments at this time. There was no public comment.

  • New/Old Business

Bike Path Commmittee Meeting with Mayor
Members of the Committee, Jeff Bellin, Ernie DeMaio, and Bruce Mabbott met with the Mayor, Dominick Pangallo, Planning Director Lynn Duncan, and Energy Manager Jeff Elie to discuss bicycle initiatives in the City and how the Committee takes part in short and long term planning for infrastructure improvements.

J. Bellin noted that the Mayor was receptive to the comments the members had for her including problems with the Jefferson/Loring/Canal intersection design and reconstruction. The Mayor also agreed that moving forward on new projects, the Complete Streets Working Group, and the Bike Path Committee would be consulted in a timelier manner, at the beginning of the process, to have input and incorporate bicycle infrastructure where applicable. She commented and committed to incorporate the interaction of more departments including DPW, Engineering, and Planning with the Bike Path Committee.

Bike Circulation Master Plan
The Bike Circulation Master Plan was discussed and the MAPC grant secured by Mass-in-Motion was discussed to clarify next steps. The funding allocation that the BPC has to update the current Master Plan will be supplemented by the MAPC technical assistance; however, because FST engineering firm did the original Master Plan, the scope of work will need to be updated to include FST’s expertise and engineering technical services. J. Elie suggested that the BPC review the scope of work and coordinate with John Pelletier of Mass-in-Motion and MAPC to develop an updated scope-of-work that better incorporates the BPC’s original plan to update the Master Plan in accordance with the Vision 2020 plan.

Discussion of reviewing previous RFP for the Master Plan issued in 2010 to issue a new RFQ

Action Item – J. Elie to find old RFP or RFQ that was issued by F. Taormina, previous Salem staff planner, to develop new RFQ and send to BPC

Discussion of new member for committee

J. Bellin mentioned that a new member, Tess DeMatteo might be interested in joining the Committee.

J. Elie attended a Salem State University Sustainability Committee meeting and one of the members, Tracy Ware, a Biology professor, offered to join the Committee. She lives downtown and agreed to send a letter of interest to the Mayor.

Funding for Bike Racks and Data Collection tools – Discussion
J. Elie discussed the potential for the Committee to spend some of its funding on putting new bicycle racks in some of the commercial sectors in Salem. Mass-in-Motion asked Jeff to ask the Committee to vote to approve funding so the City can install racks in various locations, specifically in commercial areas so people can have bicycle parking near places of businesses. MAPC is offering a discount on bicycle racks until the end of the calendar year 2014. The BPC took no vote on the issue but agreed that they needed more information on what the demand was for bicycle racks and where they should be installed. The issue was tabled for the next meeting.

J. Elie to provide the committee for quantities and prices for different types of racks

New Name of Committee
Committee discussed changing the name of the Committee. The Committee agreed to change the name to the Salem Bicycle Advisory Committee, or SBAC, for short.

Committee Voted to Change the name.
K. Anderson made motion to change the name to Salem Bicycle Advisory Committee
B. Sandler seconded the motion.
All voted in favor – 5-0

Summary of Action Items

J. Elie - Provide old RFP or RFQ that was issued by F. Taormina, previous Salem staff planner, to develop new RFQ and send to BPC
J. Elie - Provide the committee for quantities and prices for different types of racks
K. Anderson – Post BPC opening on Committee Facebook page

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight. There being none, K. Anderson asked for a motion to adjourn. B. Mabbott seconded the motion. All approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jeffrey Elie,
Energy and Sustainability Manager

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their ___________ meeting