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Approved Minutes 9/10/14
Salem Bike Path Committee
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at Salem City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, Ernest DeMaio. David Bowie, William Peck
Also Present: Jeff Elie, Energy and Sustainability Manager, City of Salem
Members Absent: Kristin Anderson

Public in Attendance: Karen Scalia, Salem resident
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any comments or edits for the July 9th, 2014 draft meeting minutes.  There being only a few minor edits, he asked for a motion to approve the corrected minutes. Motion was made by David Bowie, seconded by E. DeMaio, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any public comments at this time.

Salem resident Karen Scalia introduced herself to the Committee and brought up the lack of bicycle infrastructure on the North St/114 corridor of the City. Because this is a mostly residential area that is one of the main entrance/exit corridors of the City, she expressed a desire to add on street bicycle infrastructure to the area.

Review of BPC Project Tracking Form
Completed items were asked to be removed off the list.
Action Item: J. Elie to delete these items

BPC Discussed the repair of two kiosks on the bike path near Salem State University.

Vote Taken: BPC approved unanimously to use BPC funds to purchase new recycled plastic for two kiosks on the Bike Path.

Action Item: J. Elie to get quotes and process Purchase Order to repair kiosks with new plastic.

  • New/Old Business
The BPC generally discussed the direction of the Bike Path Committee in the larger context of how projects are done in the City and how roads are reconstructed and redesigned. The Committee expresses a desire to be more involved from the onset of projects so bicycling infrastructure and bicycling accommodations are considered and implemented at the earliest design phases of projects, rather than an afterthought.
These discussions lead the Committee to discussing the BPC’s role in the newly formed Complete Streets Working Group. Since the Complete Streets Working Group will have a representative from the Bike Path Committee, the hope is that bicycling will be a consideration when the Complete Streets ordinance is carried out for new development throughout the City. Since this working group is really in the infancy stages, there are still questions to be answered about how the working group will function in practice and if they will have the authority to revise current project designs.

Complete Streets Working Group
Complete Streets Working Group is still being formed by the Mayor’s Office. John Pelletier of Mass in Motion is coordinating Complete Streets Working Group activity including meeting times and agenda. B. Mabbott has volunteered to be the BPC representative on the Complete Streets Working Group.

Bike Circulation Master Plan
J. Elie handed out MPAC scope of work for Bike Circulation Master Plan update. Total budget of the project is $18,500 with MAPC providing $13,000 and Mass in Motion providing $5,500. The BPC was concerned with not being involved in how this proposal was developed or the development of the scope of work. The BPC asked to be in coordination with J. Pelletier to rework the scope so it matches with the already planned update of the Master Plan.

Action Item: J. Elie to coordinate with J. Pelletier about including BPC in reworking the scope to include BPC more in the process. ~

Mass in Motion Salem Bicycle Map Discussion and Update
The BPC reviewed the bicycle infrastructure and facilities map that Mass in Motion has been working on. The map is still in draft form and the BPC appreciated being involved in having some input into the changes made in the map.

Discussion regarding Mayor’s proposal for pop-up one day protected bike lanes
Several cities such as Portland, OR and Cambridge have implemented pop-up one day protected bike lanes using items such as removable planters as a buffer between automobile traffic and bicycle traffic. This could be implemented on wider streets such as Lafayette and Canal.

Since the Mayor’s office suggested the initiative, perhaps working with MAPC, the Police Department, the Planning Dept, and Mass-in-Motion to move forward with this initiative to market the event, pick an appropriate day, and have all the safety precautions in place so there is no liability question for altering traffic behavior on a popular City street.

Car Free Streets Day
Car Free Streets Day is an idea that other communities have implemented such as Portland and Seattle. On a certain day every week or month, but on a regular basis, close down one street or a short route in the City where no cars are allowed, only non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians.

The Committee showed enthusiasm towards implementing this measure on the way out to Winter Island Road but acknowledged there would need to be more research and planning to get this initiative moving forward.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight.

E. DeMaio addressed City Energy Manager Jeff Elie about his lack of communication with him and the rest of the Committee. He noted that he sent several emails and left a message without hearing a reply.

J. Elie responded that he had made a mistake in not responding, even just to acknowledge receipt, but explained that E. DeMaio’s email was overlooked in a longer chain of emails from other Committee members and J. Pelletier regarding Mass in Motion’s role in the update to the Bike Circulation Master Plan and the new Bicycle Infrastructure Maps. J. Elie apologized and told the Committee he would communicate with the Committee better when it comes to acknowledging emails.

J. Bellin asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Bowie makes that motion, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jeffrey Elie,
Energy and Sustainability Manager

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their ___________ meeting