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Draft Minutes 6/18/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A rescheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at Salem City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Dan Cooper, Kristin Anderson, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, and Ernest DeMaio.
Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: Dan Shuman, Will Peck, and David Bowie

Public in Attendance: Nina Cohen (Salem Resident) and Michael Williamson (Salem Resident)
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any comments or edits for the May 14, 2014 draft meeting minutes.  There being none, he asked for a motion to approve. Motion was made by E. DeMaio, seconded by B. Mabbott, and approved unanimously.

Review of Bike Path Committee Project Tracking Form
F. Taormina passed out copies of the draft tracking form template. The Committee review and then offered suggested changes.

Chairman Bellin stated that he would like to see a target date field added to the spreadsheet, the committee agreed.

E. DeMaio stated that an action item column would be helpful so that the Committee knows what the next steps are for each project/item.  He also noted that this needs to be a spate agenda item in all future agendas.  The Committee agreed.

Motion as made by K. Anderson to add a target date field and action item field into the tracking form and add as a separate agenda item in all future agendas, seconded by B. Mabbott and approved unanimously.

F. Taormina stated that he had a few administrative items he needed to discuss with the Committee and wanted to address them at this point in the meeting. He explained that three of the Committee Members terms are set to expire on July 1, 2014 (J. Bellin, K. Anderson, and E. DeMaio) and before a reappointment letter is sent to them, the Mayor’s Office wanted to make sure that each of those members are willing to continue to serve on the Committee.  Each of the three members agreed that they would like to continue serving on the Committee, and F. Taormina said he would pass that along and reappointment letters will be mailed out to them soon.

Chairman Bellin stated that Karen Scalia is interested in serving on the Committee and she will be submitting a letter of interest to the Mayor’s Office.  

F. Taormina apologized in advance for the short notice, but informed the Committee that this is his last week with the City of Salem and that this will be his last meeting with the Committee, as he has accepted a position with the State.  Discussion ensued and the Committee thanked Frank for his service and wished him well in his future endeavor.  

  • Public Comment
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any public comments at this time.

Nina Cohen (Salem Resident) and Michael Williamson introduced themselves to the Committee but did not have any public comments.

  • Old/New Business
Chairman Bellin asked if he could update the Committee on the MBTA Commuter Rail Station Garage Public Meeting that he attended recently. The Committee agreed.  He informed them that Nina Cohen (Salem Resident) was also present. He mentioned that during the public comment portion of the meeting he asked if the MBTA could include protected bike lanes into their site, but the MBTA dismissed the idea as it would complicate plowing operations during the winter months.  Chairman Bellin stated that he argued the need and importance, but the MBTA was not willing to convert the bike lanes that will be built on site into protected lanes.  Discussion regarding the project timeline, bike parking areas, cost of parking for cars, preparing a letter to the MBTA, outreach, etc ensured.

B. Mabbott asked about the last phase of the Bridge Street bypass project, from the MBTA Station to Flint Street.  F. Taormina stated that the project is still pending and has not even reach 25% design.  He is not sure when it will commence, but thinks it will not start until sometime after the MBTA Garage construction is completed.

Vision 2020 and Complete Streets Policy
Chairman Bellin opened the item and turned the floor over to E. DeMaio.

E. DeMaio informed the Committee that he had an informal meeting with Representative John Keenan a couple weeks ago to introduce him to the idea of protected bike lanes.  He stated that Rep. Keenan then submitted a letter to City Council to support the Committee’s Vision 2020. The Committee thanked E. DeMaio for reaching out to the Representative.

F. Taormina informed the Committee that they have been placed on the City Council’s June 26th Meeting agenda to present Vision 2020.  He clarified that the Council Committee Meeting will be held around 6:30pm to vote on the resolution for the Complete Streets Policy, but the BPC’s Presentation will be at 7:00pm at the City Council Meeting.

K. Anderson showed the Committee the map from the PEM bike event, which shows each of the attendants’ preferred bike routes through Salem.  The Committee then cross referenced it with the conceptual Vision 2020 Map and pointed out some interested similarities and differences.

E. DeMaio asked for some direction with respect to what he should leave the City Councilors with as a take away.  He noted that after the meeting with the City Planner and with the Mayor he left them with a list of items the Committee is hoping they will support or assist the Committee with.  He wanted to know if that list should be revised or expanded for the City Council. Discussion ensued.

Old/New Business
Bike Circulation Master Plan
Chairman Bellin asked if funds have been allocated to update the Bike Circulation Master Plan.

F. Taormina stated that funds have not been allocated in the Planning Department budget and the Mayor’s Office was not able to include a line item in the City Budget, however Dominick (Mayor’s Chief of Staff) informed him that the City Engineer’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget has a line item for bike planning/infrastructure and the Committee should coordinate with the city Engineer to tap into those funds.  F. Taormina stated that he will confirm with the City Engineer whether the Committee can utilize those funds to update the master plan before he leaves.

D. Cooper also asked if F. Taormina could outline the steps to update the Master Plan before he leaves, so that the interim planner or new planner can perform that work in his absence.  F. Taormina agreed.

B. Sandler asked about the particular scope for the update.  F. Taormina said that the Committee needs to determine what exactly they want the update to include so that they get what they want.  

E. DeMaio stated that the Committee needs to vet the scope before engineers are on board.  He suggested that the Committee hold a special meeting in August or have a later meeting in July. Discussion ensured.

Michael Williamson (Salem Resident) asked how he could forward the Committee his ideas and suggestions.  The Committee suggested either email, through their Facebook page or during the Master Plan Update process.

Nina Cohen (Salem Resident) suggested that there are numerous ways electronically to allow the public to comment or make suggestion and perhaps the Committee could look into them.

K. Anderson stated that the Committee should have a conceptual meeting perhaps out in the field, as Ernie suggested. She also stated that when the Committee is ready to update the master plans they should look into the various media and outreach technics so that they are being as inclusive as possible with the public.

Chairman Bellin informed the Committee that it was getting late and wanted to see if the Committee wanted to wrap things up and table the remaining items or extend the meeting and complete the agenda items.

F. Taormina respectfully requested that the Committee stay a little late tonight as this is his last meeting and he wants to tie up all the loose ends and convey where everything is to the interim or new staff planner. The Committee agreed to stay late to complete the agenda items.

Motion to extend the meeting beyond 8:30pm was made by B. Sandler, seconded by B. Mabbott and approved unanimously.

Motion to hold a special meeting in August in the field and establish a rain date was made and to extend the meeting time for the July Meeting to 9pm, so that the Committee can discuss the particulars of the special August site meeting was made by K. Anderson and seconded by B. Sandler, and approved unanimously.

Old/New Business
Salem Bike Path Extension Project

Chairman Bellin opened the item and turned it over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina was happy to report to the Committee that he spoke with the MBTA/TRA and they informed him that they will permit the City to extend the Salem Bike Path through their unused rail siding without having to abandon the freight rights and will permit an at-grade crossing over the freight tracks behind the former California Olive Oil Company. He noted that the City’s on-call engineers AECOM are revising the plans and once completed the revised plans will be forwarded to the MBTA for review and approval.  The Committee was excited to heard the news and thanked F. Taormina and Mayor Driscoll for all their work.  

Old/New Business
Car Free Street Day
Chairman Bellin opened up the item and turned the floor over to B. Mabbott.

B. Mabbott gave a brief overview of the concept as the matter was tabled for the past couple meetings. He discussed that Derby Street to the Willows could be a good location and perhaps they could try and piggy-back onto an event at the Willows, such as the Jazz and Soul Festival. Discussion ensued.

F. Taormina clarified that if there is an event at the Willows you will likely not be able to close Fort Avenue to vehicular traffic, and suggested perhaps closing Derby Street, but then installing temporary protected lanes on Fort Avenue to the Willows.  The Committee liked the item and discussion regarding the various options ensued.

K. Anderson asked if the Committee could split into Subcommittees to discuss some of the ongoing things in more detail.  F. Taormina stated that as long as there isn’t a quorum of members meeting to deliberate outside of a public meeting, that it would be ok.  

D. Cooper stated that he will look into the street closure process. The Committee them discussed how small groups of committee members would start working on details for the various projects and report back at the new meeting to discuss further and make decisions.

Chairman Bellin asked if the recycled plastic message board was purchased for the informational kiosks at the Bike Path.  F. Taormina said that specs are in the file but he has not set up a Purchase Order yet, he will pass that along to the new or interim staff planner

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight.

K. Anderson stated that she is not sure if the City wants to use FST Engineers for the Master Plan Update or if they are going to go out for RFP, but she gave F. Taormina a card for Toole Design Group who does a lot of Bike Planning work.  If the City is going to go out for RFP she recommended that they be considered.

K. Anderson also noted that she will not be at the next Committee Meeting as she will be participating in the next Bike + Build Event, which is a bike ride from Bar Harbor, Maine to New York City and in between performing various community development projects.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight.
there being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Shuman makes that motion, seconded by B. Mabbott and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their ___________ meeting