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Approved Minutes 5/14/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Will Peck, David Bowie, Dan Shuman, Dan Cooper, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Kristin Anderson, and Bruce Mabbott. Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: Chairman Jeff Bellin

Public in Attendance: Rinus Oosthoek (Executive Director of the Salem Chamber of Commerce)
In the absence the Chair, Vice Chair Will Peck called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
Acting Chair Peck asked if there were any comments or edits for the April 9, 2014 draft meeting minutes.  There being none, he asked for a motion to approve. Motion was made by E. DeMaio, seconded by B. Sandler, and approved unanimously.

Acting Chair Peck stated that a request was made to discuss changing the format of the meeting minutes or agenda.

E. DeMaio noted that he asked to add that item to the agenda so that current projects and outstanding projects can be better tracked and closed out.  Discussion ensued regarding how that would be done. Ultimately it was agreed that F. Taormina would create a separate spreadsheet that would track projects and that would be submitted with all the meeting packet information prior to each meeting.  

F. Taormina stated that he would create a template and the Committee could review and approve the layout/format at the next meeting.

  • Public Comment
Acting Chair Peck asked if there were any public comments at this time.

Rinus Oosthoek (Executive Director of the Salem Chamber of Commerce) introduced himself to the Committee and stated that he doesn’t have anything to discuss at this point in time and thanked Committee Member E. DeMaio for inviting him to the meeting tonight.

  • Old/New Business
Vision 2020
Acting Chair Shuman opened the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina informed the Committee that he, Chairman Bellin, E. DeMaio, and B. Mabbott met with the Mayor on April 29th in her office to present the Bike Path Committee’s Vision 2020 and next steps.  He stated that she is supportive of the concept and the next steps.    

F. Taormina passed around a sheet identifying the next steps and B. Mabbot read them aloud

E. DeMaio elaborated on the meeting with the Mayor and further explained the next steps including presenting the Committee’s Vision 2020 to City Council or potentially meeting with individual City Councilors.  
F. Taormina explained what the proceeds would be to be placed on a future City Council Meeting and noted that he wasn’t sure exactly what meeting agenda they would be placed on. Discussion regarding how long it might take to be placed on a City Council Agenda ensued.

Rinus Oosthoek (Salem Chamber of Commerce) suggested that the Committee present to the whole City Council as soon as possible so that they can buy into the concept, instead of hearing about it after the fact or second hand.

E. DeMaio noted that two of the City Councilors (Councilor Gerard and Councilor LeGault) are on the Complete Street Working Group and at the next meeting he will be presenting the Vision 2020 to the group, so a few of the Councilors will know about the concept soon.

F. Taormina agreed that the Committee should present to the City Council because not only will be also be reviewing and voting on the proposed Complete Streets Ordinance but will also be reviewing and approving funding requests for CPA Funds.  He noted that the committee could apply for funds to construct protected or buffered bike lanes utilizing CPA funds and if the Council know nothing about it, they may not support the project.

B. Sander suggested that the Committee prepare a letter for the City Council that outlines the Committee’s Vision 2020.  

K. Anderson agreed that a letter could be drafted and submitted as soon as possible and ask to be placed on a future meeting agenda but in the meantime bring to their attention some of the major points of the Committee’s Vision 2020.

D. Shuman asked if a map showing which wards will have protected lanes might be helpful.  

F. Taormina stated that the overall map should suffice, as it is conceptual and each of the Ward Councilors know what is and what isn’t in their ward.  The Committee agreed to include a map to put things in context. Discussion regarding what the letter should include and how it should be drafted was discussed.  It was determined that the letter that was prepared for the City Planner and the Mayor would be simplified for the City Council and include a map and perhaps a few photos showing the overall concept.

Old/New Business
Bike Circulation Master Plan Update
Acting Chair Shuman turned the floor over to F. Taormina for an update.

F. Taormina stated that he obtained an estimate from FST Engineers to provide engineering services in updating the outdated bike master plan which is $15,000-$20,000.  He noted that he will be submitting a funding request to the Mayor’s Office to include that amount in her budget, as it may not be able to be funded through the Planning Department’s Budget.  

D. Cooper asked when the funding request will be approved.

F. Taormina stated that the budget hearings will start in June for the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget.  If the amount is approved it would become available to the Committee after July 1, 2014.

E. DeMaio made a motion that the Committee start working on the Scope of Serives to update the master plan at the next meeting and for F. Taormina to bring a map of the existing and proposed bike routes map, seconded by B. Mabbott, approved unanimously.

Old/New Business
Events – PEM/PM Free Wheeling Bike Night and Bike & Build

Acting Chair Peck opened the item and turned the floor over to K. Anderson.

K. Anderson stated that the Bike Path Committee will be participating in the Peabody Essex Museum’s Free Wheeling Bike Night Event tomorrow night (May 15th).  She stated that she picked up bike route maps, safety pamphlets, and information regarding the Salem Spins Bike Share Program from F. Taormina.  She will also have one of the Salem Spins bikes on display at the event and will coordinate with F. Taormina on that.  She will also obtain some poster boards showing the existing and proposed bike routes and a street map of the City of Salem.  She noted that with the street map, the attendants will be asked to plot their preferred bike routes throughout the City.

B. Sandler asked if the Committee could review that afterwards, to see how that lines up with the Committee’s vision.  K. Anderson agreed and will share it with the Committee at the next meeting.

K. Anderson also stated that on July 15th Bike and Build will be coming to Salem.  Bike & Build organizes cross-country bicycle trips for community development and to assist affordable housing groups.  K. Anderson stated that she participated in the event last year.  She also noted that she works for the North Shore CDC and they will be coordinated with the Bike & Build this year, when they arrive in Salem to assist in making improvements in the Point Neighborhood. Discussion ensued.  

D. Shuman stated that he was aware of an event that he would like to share with the Committee. He stated that Jason Silva (Director of the Salem YMCA) is organizing a Earn-a-Bike Program in Salem, which encourages youth community service and in return the youth that participate get a free bike.  He asked if the Committee was interested in working with the YMCA on the event or organize a Bike Rodeo with the group.  He also noted that Salem State is interested in opening up a Bike Shop of Bike CoOp on campus.

R. Oosthoek (Salem Chamber of Commerce) informed the Committee that a film called “Human Scale” by a Danish architect and professor named Jan Gehl was recently shown at the Salem Film Fest 2014 at Salem Cinema, which looks at changing cities with people in mind instead of cars.  He noted that it was sold out and extremely well received.  He noted that there was such great feedback that the Chamber asked that the Filmmaker to return the Salem and show the film again at Salem Cinema, and suggested that the City Planning Department, Bike Path Committee, Salem Redevelopment Authority, Design Review Board, and any other City Department, Board, or Commission associated with urban design, development, and planning be invited to see the Film. Discussion ensued.

Old/New Business
Salem Bike Path Extension Project

Acting Chair Peck opened the item and turned it over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina stated that he and the Mayor had a conference call with the MBTA on April 15th to discuss what the City’s options are with respect to furthering the bike path extension project.  He noted that the negotiations between the City/MBTA and the owner of the former California Olive Oil company has come to an impasse.  He stated that the City and the MBTA have done as much as they possible could and the Mayor is unwilling to just give up on the project.  She asked the MBTA what the City’s options are, if any at all.  He stated that the MBTA is looking into two options: speaking with the fright company (PanAm Railways – Guildford Rail) to see if they can compensate them for the freight rights and have them abandoned and how eminent domain could work in this taking a right of way, with freight right. He stated that the MBTA needs to review the options with their legal and operations department and will follow up with the city to let us know our options.  F. Taormina said that he will update the Committee at the next meeting.

Old/New Business
Car Free Street Day

Because it was getting late, Acting Chair Peck asked if the Committee wanted to table this item to next month.  The Committee agreed.

Acting Chair Peck asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight there being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Shuman makes that motion, seconded by B. Mabbott and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their June 18, 2014 meeting