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Approved Minutes 4/09/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, Dan Cooper, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, and Bruce Mabbott.  Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: Chairman Jeff Bellin, Will Peck, and David Bowie

Public in Attendance: Kristin Anderson (Salem Resident and soon to be new Salem Bike Path Committee Member), Michael Williamson (Salem Resident), and Jude Griffin (Salem Resident and Salem Mass-In-Motion Safe Routes to School Coordinator)
In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, Committee Member Dan Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
Acting Chair Shuman asked if there were any comments or edits for the March 12, 2014 draft meeting minutes.  E. DeMaio pointed out an edit on page 2 of the minutes.  Acting Chair Shuman asked for a motion to approve as amended. Motion was made by B. Sandler, seconded by D. Cooper, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Acting Chair Shuman asked if there were any public comments at this time.

Michael Williamson (Salem Resident) asked what new bike routes are being planned?  The Committee stated that they will be discussing that tonight under the Vision 2020 agenda item.

Kristin Anderson also took this opportunity to introduce herself to the Committee and stated that she will be attending the City Council Meeting tomorrow night to be confirmed as a new member to the Salem Bike Path Committee. She looks forward to working with the Committee in the future.

  • Old/New Business
Complete Streets Working Group
Acting Chair Shuman opened up the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina noted that Committee Member Bruce Mabbott volunteered to represent the Committee on the working group, and Committee Member Ernie DeMaio was also present representing both the Committee and the City’s Design Review Board.

E. DeMaio explained that the first meeting was just to explain what a Complete Street is, reviewed an existing Complete Streets Policy from Littleton, MA and discussed the difference between a policy and ordinance.  He also noted that if a policy or ordinance is supported and approved by City Council he wasn’t sure if a new group or committee would be created to ensure compliance with the complete streets policy or ordinance.  

F. Taormina stated that he wasn’t sure but it would make sense to have the working group recommend such a thing.  He stated that ultimately the proposed policy or ordinance will need to be submitted to the City Council for their review/approval.    

B. Sandler asked if a new group or committee is formed, at least one Bike Path Committee Member should serve on it and one alternate as well.

E. DeMaio also stated that the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance is not a standalone document, but it references a variety of other documents or master plans to ensure that it is all encompassing.  He stated that the NACTO Guidelines and Bike Circulation Master Plan would be referenced, but the Master Plan is outdated and needs to be updated to reflect the Committee’s future vision.  He also noted that the Committee needs to play a more proactive role in the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance, if it is successful.  The Committee should be reviewing all roadway improvement projects to ensure that biking is accommodated, not left up to other to decide.

B. Mabbott stated that MAPC created a draft Salem Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance for review and comment.  He stated that he will be providing comment and perhaps the Committee should look at it and provide comment as well.
F. Taormina stated that he will forward the draft document to the rest of the Committee for their review and comment.  He also noted that he feels that the draft document lacks details about the various types of bike accommodations and where they should be installed and how this is enforced.

Kristin Anderson (Salem Resident and soon to be Committee Member) asked about the Bike Master Plan and how it would work with the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance.

F. Taormina stated that the current Master Plan is outdated and only supports three different kinds of bike facilities: off-road bike paths, on-road bike lanes, and on-road bike sharrows.  It does not include the Committee’s Vision 2020 (variations of on-street protected bike lanes or buffered bike lanes).

E. DeMaio stated that the update of the Master Plan needs to be done soon so that the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance reflects the Committee’s future vision. Discussion regarding the update of the Master Plan, timeline, and funding ensured.

D. Cooper asked how long the working group will meet to complete the proposed Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance.

B. Mabbott stated that he believes it will likely take another 3 or 4 meeting and about 6 months time.

F. Taormina stated that he, E. DeMaio, and B. Mabbott will give the Committee another update at the next meeting.

Old/New Business
Vision 2020
Acting Chair Shuman opened the item and turned the floor over to Committee Member E. DeMaio.

E. DeMaio gave an overview of the vision which includes the idea of installing safer on-road bike accommodations referred to as cycletracks or protected bike lanes.  He updated the Committee on the informal presentation that he gave to the City Planner Lynn Duncan along with Chairman Bellin and Committee Member B. Mabbott and shared the presentation boards with the Committee. He stated that the Committee’s Vision 2020 was well received by the City Planner and that she was going to adjust her budget to assist in furthering the idea and updating the master plan.

E. DeMaio stated that next they will be meeting informally with the Mayor so that they could present the Vision to her and get her support for the idea before the Committee introduces the Vision to larger audiences.

E. DeMaio stated that timing is difficult as many large roadway improvement projects are underway or in planning and design stages and do not include the Committee’s Vision.  He stated that the City’s Bike Circulation Master Plan needs to be updated ASAP to ensure that the Committee’s vision is reflected and coupled with the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance would be integral in the design and engineering process for all future roadway projects. He asked F. Taormina is there is any way to expedite things.

F. Taormina stated that he would follow up with the City Planner to see if her budget was approved by City Council or not, and if so when the funds could be available to hire an Engineering Consultant to assist in updating the Master Plan.

D. Cooper asked if the Committee could start working of the update and furthering the Vision before the funds are available and a consultant is obtained.  Discussion ensured and everyone agreed that that could and should happen.

Acting Chair Shuman recognized Michael Williamson (Salem Resident) who had a question about the various projects around Salem.  He asked if the proposed Gas Pipeline for the new Natural Gas Power Plant could pay for the construction of bike paths or bike routes.

F. Taormina stated that the Complete Streets Working Group is discussing the idea of private projects triggering the need to comply with the Complete Streets Policy/Ordinance, but he wasn’t sure if that City would support such a thing.  However, if a project has traffic, impacts, environmental impacts, etc., such as the proposed Pipeline Project, then restoration or mitigation could be required, by one or more of the local land use boards, which could include restoring/improving the existing bike path around Collins Cove, or the creation of a new bike path through other City properties where the pipeline is slated to locate.

E. DeMaio asked if F. Taormina could change the cover letter that they prepared for the City Planner and readdress to the Mayor.  He also asked if he could email the cover letter to the rest of the Committee.  F. Taormina stated that he would take care of that.

The Committee then discussed the idea of subcommittees or a couple members meeting outside of public meetings to research or further Committee initiatives.  F. Taormina stated that he would have that discussion with the Director and get back to them about what they can and cannot do, to ensure that the Committee is adhering to the State Open Meeting Law.

Old/New Business
Discussion regarding the concept of a Car Free Street Day
Acting Chair Shuman turned the floor over to Committee Member B. Mabbott.

B. Mabbott stated that it was getting late and he would give a quick overview about the idea and request that the item be continued to the next meeting.  He stated that the idea of closing a City Street for a portion of a day to hold a bike friendly event is being done all over the country and he would like to explore the idea here in Salem.

F. Taormina stated that perhaps it could be done during an existing event so that there is a built in audience. He asked what street he was thinking about using.  Discussion ensued. The Committee suggested a few options like the NPS Maritime Festival on Derby Street, the Salem Jazz & Soul Festival on Fort Ave/Restaurant Row at the Willows, etc.

Acting Chair Shuman continued the item to the next meeting and the Committee agreed that they would think about the idea in the meantime.  

Acting Chair Shuman asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight, B. Mabbott asked if F. Taormina could update the Committee on the Salem Bike Path Extension Project.  

F. Taormina stated that he and the Mayor have a conference call with the MBTA next Tuesday to discuss options to further the project, as the project is at a standstill with the owner of the former California Olive Oil Company.  He told the Committee that he will give them a full update at the next meeting.  

F. Taormina also informed the Committee that if they have any ideas or would like to add items to future agenda meetings to please let him know, so that he is not setting the agenda every month.  

Acting Chair Shuman asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight there being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Cooper makes that motion, seconded by B. Sandler and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their May 14, 2014 meeting