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Approved Minutes 1/8/2014
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Dan Shuman, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, David Bowie, and Will Peck. Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: David Hallowes and Dan Cooper

Public in Attendance: None
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes and Annual Report
Chairman Bellin asked if there were any comments or edits for the November 13, 2013 draft meeting minutes, there being none, he asked for a motion to approve.  Motion was made by D. Bowie, seconded by W. Peck, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Review 2013 Salem Spins Bike Share Program ridership figures
Chairman Bellin turned the floor over to Frank Taormina.

F. Taormina passed out two spreadsheets, one with the ridership figures for the Downtown Bike Share Station and one for the new Salem Wharf Bike Share Station.  He noted that the figures for the Salem State Bike Share Station have not been received and compiled yet.  He stated that his colleague Jeff Elie (City Energy and Sustainability Manager), a Salem State Intern, and he compiled and created output bar charts, pie charts, and tables. The Committee passed around the spreadsheet and discussed the output data.

Chairman Bellin noted that there were 584 total users at the Downtown Bike Share Station this year (from March to end of October) and 60 total users at the new Salem Wharf Bike Share Station this year (from September to end of October) and that 67% was Female, whereas 52% of the users of the Downtown Bike Station were Male.

The Committee also noted that the Salem Wharf Station was used most on Thursdays and Saturdays, while the Downtown Station was used most on Saturdays and Sundays.  Also the largest group of users of the Salem Wharf Bike Station were In-State Residents/Visitors (35%), followed by Out-of-State Visitors (33%), International Visitors (20%), and incomplete undetermined users made up 12%. The Downtown Bike Station was used most by Out-of-State Visitors (37%), followed by Salem Residents (30%), other In-State Residents/Visitors (17%), International Visitors (11%), and 3% were Salem State Students.

The Committee asked if the ridership numbers increased or decreased from last year. F. Taormina stated that he did not bring the figures from last year, but did confirm that the ridership numbers have increased at the Downtown Bike Station. The new Salem Wharf Bike Station was installed in September so there was nothing to compare there, and he hasn’t received the figures from Salem State yet, so he wasn’t able to confirm.

The Committee asked some questions about next year’s bike share program, the condition of the bikes at each station, etc.  F. Taormina stated that he could not answer those questions, as he doesn’t manage the program, his colleague Jeff Elie does.  He stated that he would invite J. Elie to a future meeting so that he could answer those questions for the committee and share with them other bike share related items he is working on.

Old/New Business
Review proposed Kiosk Replacement on Salem Bike Path
Chairman Bellin stated that he did some research of his own and shared those findings with the Committee. He stated that he initially looked at some electronic kiosk models but they are fairly expensive (approx. $4,000 minus installation) and may not serve the purpose that the Committee is looking for.  He then looked at a recycled plastic model similar to the existing model on the Bike Path, made by Kirby Built Products. This model is far more reasonable and includes a recycled rubber pin board, which will hold up better than the cork board that currently exists in the existing model.  He priced out the unit which is approximately $1,100 each, minus installation.

F. Taormina stated that he contacted the Barco Products, the manufacturer of the existing information kiosks on the bike path.  He informed them about the issue with the cork board and they informed him that they were aware of that defect and now have a recycled rubber tack board retrofit kit that can be installed into the existing model.  He informed the Committee that the cost for a retrofit kit is about $158 a piece and the City DPW could install the units.  Discussion ensued.

B. Mabbott suggested that the Committee keep the existing kiosk and try the retrofit kits.  Then once the Salem Bike Path is extended in the future and more kiosks will be needed we can either keep this model with the retrofit kit, or explore purchasing a new model.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Bellin asked for a motion.  B. Mabbott made a motion to purchase two retrofit kits to replace the defective cork boards in both existing information kiosks, seconded by D. Shuman and approved unanimously.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further Old/New items to discuss tonight.  

F. Taormina brought to the Committee’s attention that the Mayor’s Office is interested in submitting an ordinance to City Council that would designate the Salem Bike Path(s) as “No Smoking” so that it can be enforced by the police.  

D. Bowie mentioned that he has a friend who often walks with dog on the bike path and takes that opportunity to smoke a cigar.  As simple as it sounds, he enjoys being able to do that and the proposed Ordinance would prohibit him from doing that. D. Shuman and B. Sandler agreed with D. Bowie and discussion ensued.  

F. Taormina stated that he is aware of many complaints that have been fielded by the City regarding Salem State Students smoking and littering on the bike path.  He believes that this could be one of the reasons why the ordinance is being proposed.  

E. DeMaio stated that if the City has a consistent policy of prohibiting smoking in public parks, trails, etc., the bike path should be consistent with that policy. ~If the City permits smoking in public parks and pathways it should be permitted here. ~We should not be setting a precedent either way, in his opinion.

Following further discussion, the Committee was generally in favor of the ordinance.  F. Taormina stated that he would let the Committee know how the City Council voted on the proposed ordinance.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further Old/New items to discuss tonight.  

E. DeMaio followed up on the vision of Salem’s future bike infrastructure discussion at the last meeting. He wanted to know when that Committee to start working on that vision and when perhaps it could be discussed with or presented to the Mayor or other City Officials.

F. Taormina stated that the City Bike Circulation Master Plan would need to be updated to include the Committee’s long-term vision, as the current plan does not include any language or discussion about protected bike lanes.  He also noted that only 2 of the existing 9 members were a part of the first Master Planning process and a significant portion of the Master Plan has been implemented so it would give the Committee an opportunity to revisit the goals, recommendations, and priorities of the Plan.  

E. DeMaio understands and agrees that the Master Plan needs to be updated but worries about time and how long it will take to allocate funds and then start implementation. Discussion ensued.  

F. Taormina stated that he would look into the cost of hiring a Engineering Consultant to assist in the update.

E. DeMaio asked if at the next meeting F. Taormina could add an agenda item based around brainstorming the Committee’s scope for updating the Master Plan.  F. Taormina agreed.

B. Mabbott asked if the Committee members could review the Master Plan in advance of the next meeting so that Members could be prepared to discuss what areas of the plan they want to update, expand upon, or delete.  Some of the Committee Members stated that they don’t have a hard copy of the Master Plan.  F. Taormina stated that he only has a limited amount of hard copies but the Plan is available in electronic format on the City Website.  The Committee agreed to review the Master Plan and come prepared to discuss updating the plan at the next meeting.

Chairman Bellin asked for a motion.  B. Mabbott made a motion for F. Taormina to look into funding to pay for updating the Master Plan. Seconded by D. Shuman and approved unanimously.  

F. Taormina stated that he will report back to the Chairman to let him know how much it will cost and if he can secure the funds needed in advance of the next meeting, before finalizing and posting next month’s meeting agenda.

Chairman Bellin asked if there were any further items to discuss tonight, there being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  B. Mabbott makes that motion, seconded by B. Sandler and approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their February 12, 2014 Meeting