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Approved Minuutes 10/9/2013
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Jeff Bellin, Dan Shuman, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Bruce Mabbott, David Bowie, and Dan Cooper. Also Present: Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: David Hallowes and Will Peck

Public in Attendance: John Roberts (Salem Resident)
Chairman Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Bellin pointed out three edits on page two of the minutes and then asked if there were any other comments or edits with respect to the September 11, 2013 Meeting Minutes. There none being, Chairman Bellin asked for a motion to approve.  Motion was made by D. Bowie, seconded by D. Shuman, and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Bellin recognized one individual in attendance and asked him to state his name for the record and if he had any public comments at this time.

John Roberts (Salem Resident) introduced himself to the Committee and mentioned that he attended the meeting tonight to learn more about the extension of the Salem Bike Path to Downtown.

F. Taormina updated Mr. Roberts on the status of the extension project.  He informed him that the City and MBTA are continuing to negotiation with the property owner of the former California Olive Oil Company on Canal Street, who abuts the unused rail spur that the City is interested in utilizing to extend the bike path through.  He stated that the City and MBTA have made great progress and expects to hear back from the property owner soon regarding his willingness to relinquish his freight rights.

J. Roberts also asked if the Committee was working on connecting the Salem Bike Path to the City of Peabody.  Chairman Bellin stated that the Committee has started to look at that but in the form of an on-road route, as no off-road route currently exists.

F. Taormina explained that the only potential off-road connection would be utilized the freight line from the Salem Train Station, along the North River Canal, into Peabody.  However, Gilford Rail/Pan Am Railways is not interested in abandoning the freight rights, as that frights tracks is still being used by a gelatin company in Peabody. He stated that perhaps in the future that opportunity may exist, but not at the present moment.  He stated that the Committee has started to think about creating on road bike route to connect to Peabody as they want to someday be able to connect to the Border to Boston Trail.  F. Taormina shared a map of the Border to Boston Trail with Mr. Roberts.

B. Mabbott stated that he was disappointed that the City of Peabody did not include a bike lane on their reconstructed main street (Lowell Street), which turns into Boston St in Salem.  He asked if there was an opportunity to create a bike lane on Bridge Street from the Salem Train Station to Boston Street, connecting to Peabody.

F. Taormina stated that there is still one last phase of the Bridge Street Reconstruction Project, performed by MassDOT, which is to widen Bridge Street from the North Street overpass at the entrance to the Salem Train Station to Flint Street.  He noted that MassDOT has not fully designed and engineered the project yet, but his understanding is that that section of Bridge Street would be widened to three or four lanes. He is not sure when MassDOT will further the design and engineering of the project, but likely not until after the new MBTA Parking Garage is completed.  He stated that once that project starts up he would bring it to the Commission’s attention so that they could provide some input with respect to bike accommodations on the reconstructed roadway.   To answer Mr. Roberts’s question, he stated that creating a bike lane on Bridge Street and Boston Street is likely how the City and the Committee will connect to Peabody.

  • New/Old Business
F. Taormina stated that the City is soliciting quotes for the work and expects that this work will be completed in the next month.

  • Old/New Business
Presentation on Bike Infrastructure
Chairman Bellin turned the floor over to Committee Member Bruce Mabbott.

B. Mabbott set up a PowerPoint presentation for the Committee, to share his experience of cycling through Europe from Paris, France to Istanbul, Turkey.  Along the way he took numerous photos of interesting and innovative bike infrastructure used throughout the European countries he rode through. Following his presentation, he added some slides of examples of innovative and interesting bike lane designs used throughout the USA, like protected cycle tracks in New York City.  Following the presentation, the Committee Members thanked B. Mabbott for sharing that with them and discussion regarding the various bike infrastructure and bike lane designs ensued.

Old/New Business
Discussion regarding 2014 Bike Summit
Chairman Bellin opened up the item and turned the floor over to Committee Member Dan Cooper.

D. Cooper stated that he would like to see various bike related industries, neighboring bike committees, City/Town Officials, etc., come together to discuss how we can share ideas, learn, and regionalize bike routes.

D. Bowie likes the idea but thinks that we may need more time to work out the logistics.

F. Taormina asked who would spearhead the Summit.

D. Cooper stated that he would make some calls and research other bike summits that he is aware of.  He understands that the Committee cannot take this on themselves, but hopes to have MassBike, East Coast Greenway, or some other bike advocacy organization to spearhead the summit, with the Committee and City’s support.

F. Taormina stated that if we can find a willing organization, then the City would be happy to host the event and assist with outreach and advertisement.  He also agreed with D. Bowie that we need more time to host such an event. Perhaps 2015 would be better. The Committee agreed.

Chairman Bellin stated that some of the ideas that B. Mabbott spoke about in his earlier presentation could be incorporated into the Bike Summit, and perhaps the Committee could share them with the Mayor and other City Officials.

F. Taormina stated that perhaps we could invite Engineering firms to attend the Summit to speak on these innovative bike infrastructure ideas.  He also stated that the Bike Circulation Master Plan that the Committee created in Jan 2010 needs to be updated and perhaps these kinds of ideas can be vetted with Transportation Engineers and incorporated in the updated plan, if they are feasible and transferable to Salem.  The Committee agreed and asked about funding for an update.  F. Taormina stated that he would need to look into that.

E. DeMaio stated that the Committee needs to do some research and strategize how to make a strong case for these innovative bike infrastructure ideas.  He feels that the ideas need to feasible and warranted before they are brought to the experts. After the ideas are determined then we can bring them to the experts to explain how we can implement them.

D. Cooper agreed with E. DeMaio and stated that as a group, they need to determine what our future goals are with respect to bike accommodations.  He asked if the next meeting could be used to discuss this. The Committee agreed and F. Taormina stated that he would add it to the agenda.

Chairman Bellin also asked if F. Taormina could put the replacement of the informational kiosk at the Salem Bike Path on the next agenda as well.  F. Taormina stated that the Committee members should do some research as to what kind of replacement kiosk they want and we could review those at the next meeting.  The Committee agreed.     

Chairman Bellin asked if there was any more old/new business to discuss tonight as it was getting late. There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  E. DeMaio makes that motion, seconded by B. Sandler and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their November 13, 2013 Meeting