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Approved Minutes 1-9-2013
Salem Bike Path Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Dan Shuman, David Bowie, Dan Cooper, Will Peck, and Ernest DeMaio.  Also Present: Frank Taormina, Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator
Members Absent: Jeff Bellin, David Hallowes, and Brad Sandler

Public in Attendance: Bruce Mabbott (Salem Resident)
Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any comments or edits with respect to the November 14, 2012 Meeting Minutes, there being none he asked for a motion to approve.  D. Bowie made that motion, seconded by D. Cooper and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Shuman welcomed those in attendance and asked their names for the record and asked if there were any public comments at this time.  

Bruce Mabbott (Salem Resident) stated he did not have any comments at this time.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other public comments at this time, there being none he moved onto the next agenda item.  

  • Old/New Business
Update on Salem Bike Safety Brochure
Chairman Shuman opened the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina mentioned to the Committee that the last meeting was cancelled because they failed to meet quorum to hold a public meeting.  So he updated the Committee on where things left off the last time they met, back in November 2012.

F. Taormina shared the most recent version of the Salem Bike Safety Brochure and pointed out the edits and formatting changes the Committee asked for.  He also informed the Committee that the Salem Mass-in-Motion Coalition will be paying for the printing of the safety brochure and therefore want to add their logo and edits.  He mentioned that he incorporated those edits to the brochure as well for the committee review.   Discussion ensued.

Chairman Shuman pointed out a grammatical error on the on the backside of the brochure.  F. Taormina noted the error and will make that change.

W. Peck pointed out another grammatical error and suggested a few changes to the text under the section “See and Be Seen”.  The Committee agreed and F. Taormina noted the error and text changes.
B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) asked if he could review the brochure and pointed out a couple grammatical mistakes as well.  F. Taormina noted the errors.

E. DeMaio pointed out an edit and F. Taormina noted it.

Chairman Shuman stated that he sent F. Taormina an email about adding text to the section titled “A Safe Bike” regarding brakes.  F. Taormina stated that he did receive the e-mail but did not make the edit to the revised brochure.  The Chairman to offer the suggested text addition and F. Taormina said he would make that change as well.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further comments or questions about the safety brochure.

F. Taormina stated that he will make the edits and have the draft final brochure available at the next meeting for the Committee to vote and approve.  Once approved he will then forward it to Mass-in-Motion and it will be review to approved at the State level prior to the funding being released.  Chairman Shuman agreed and continued the matter until next month.   

  • Old/New Business
Review and prioritize future on- and off-road bike routes
Chairman Shuman opened up the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.  

F. Taormina stated reviewed the future on- and off-road bike routes already on the working map from the last meeting and asked the Committee if they had any other suggestions.

E. DeMaio stated that he would like to see the pending bike lane on Lafayette Street extended all the way to Derby Street and then continue down Derby Street to connect to the existing bike route at the Congress/Derby/Hawthorne Blvd Intersection.  Discussion about the Lafayette/Derby Street Intersection and the South River Harborwalk as a potential off-road path to the Congress Street Bridge ensued.  The Committee liked the idea and it was added to the working map.

B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) asked if he could offer some suggestions.  The Chairman allowed the public comment.  B. Mabbott suggested that where the proposed Salem Bike Path ends at Domino’s Pizza at intersection of Mill/Washington St that it be extended closer to downtown at Riley Plaza.  Discussion regarding the difficulty ensued.  B. Mabbott suggested that the Committee consider striping a bike lane or sharrows through the Riley Plaza Parking Lot and ending it at the Washington/Norman/Derby St Intersection.  The Committee liked the idea as a feasible compromise to the complication surrounding the extension from that point into downtown, but agreed it need to be looked at closer by and engineer.  It was then added to the working map.

B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) also suggested that the Committee consider adding a bike lane to Fort Ave as it is a very wide street.  The Committee agreed and added it to the working map.

D. Cooper mentioned that connectivity to our neighboring communities are important and if we could reach out to them to discuss their bike planning idea, if any at all.

B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) stated that Boston Street is another very wide street that could accommodate a bike lane and could connect to Peabody’s pending bike lane. He also expanded on the Boarder-to-Boston Bike Trail (Northern Strand) that goes from Danvers to Salisbury and was wondering it there was a way to connect to that.  He stated that Peabody is trying to connect to it and asked if the Committee could find a way to connect on or off road to Peabody.  Discussed relative to their understanding of City of Peabody’s pending on-road bike lane and existing off-road bike path ensued. The Committee asked if F. Taormina could obtain those plans for the Committee to review.  F. Taormina said he would make that request and bring them in at the next meeting.

B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) also stated that the intersection at Boston/Bridge/Proctor/ Goodhue Streets is very dangerous.  The Committee agreed.  F. Taormina stated that FST Engineer is on contact with the City to look at that intersection and make improvements to it.  He also stated that there are several other properties in the area that are required to build off-road paved paths along the North River Canal (pursuant to MassDEP Chapter 91), connecting back to Bridge Street.  Discussion about the proximity to Leslie’s Retreat Park and a potential connection to Boston Street and the City of Peabody ensured.  F. Taormina stated that he will obtain plans for the roadway improvements in the area (which may have considerations for bike accommodations) and look for the off-road paths so that the matter can be looked at closer at the next meeting.

D. Bowie asked about the South River Harborwalk and the proposed extension to Lafayette Street, near Wendy’s and Beverly Cooperative Bank.  F. Taormina gave a status update on the proposed project and explained the logistical issues surrounding the extension as it passes through land owned by Wendy’s and land owned by National Grid and leased by Beverly Cooperative Bank.  D. Bowie stated that if/when that is created it could be used as a safer off-road connection to Derby/Congress/Hawthorne Street Intersection or back to Derby Street, just beyond the Lafayette/Derby Streets Intersection. The Committee agreed.

B. Mabbott (Salem Resident) suggested that the Committee consider installing a protected bike lane on a portion of Loring Avenue (from Harrison Ave to Leggs Hill Road) and Fort Avenue (from Derby Street to Columbus Ave).  Unaware of the idea, which apparently is starting to gain momentum around the country and not mentioned in the City of Salem’s Bike Circulation Master Plan, the Committee discussed the idea further with Mr. Mabbott.  The Committee said that they would look into the idea.  They were hesitant to recommending the installation of curbing, bollards, or any permanent barriers that entirely separate the vehicular travel lane from the bike lane on the street as it could be ill received by the City Engineer and City DPW with respect to plowing complications, maintenance, etc.  The Committee did however like the idea of perhaps installing colored rumble strips or pavement marking that help define and further protect the bike lane from the vehicular travel lane.          
Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  W. Peck makes that motion, seconded by D. Bowie and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their February 13, 2013 Meeting