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Approved Minutes 05/09/2012
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, Will Peck, Ernest DeMaio, Will Peck, David Hallowes, Brad Sandler.  Also present was Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator Frank Taormina

Members Absent: none

Public in Attendance:   Dan Cooper and David Bowie (Salem Residents that will be appointed to the Bike Path Committee on May 10, 2012).

Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:02PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Bellin made a motion to approve the April 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • New Business
Bike Accommodations Presentation by Gary Hebert (FST Engineers)
Chairman Shuman tabled the item as Gary Hebert had not arrived yet.

  • Old Business
Bike Path Committee Logo                
Chairman Shuman opening up the item and turned the floor over to Committee Member D. Hallowes.

D. Hallowes provided the Committee with a print out of the reworked 5a logo.  The Committee members passed the logos around the table and discussion ensued about the weight of the text under the logo and the space between the acronym and the text.

E. DeMaio stated that he would like to see the bike pushed down closer to the SPBC acronym and the text in all caps.  The Committee agreed that that would help improve the logo.

Chairman Shuman asked the Committee to vote on which revised logo they prefer best: logo 5a (4 votes), logo 5a2 (0 votes), logo 5a3 (1 vote), logo 5a4 (2 votes), and logo 5a5 (0 votes).

Chairman Shuman indicated that there was clear consensus on logo 5a.  He asked the committee for a motion to approve logo 5a.

J. Bellin made a motion to approve logo 5a with bike moved down closer to the SBPC acronym and the text shown in text, or a combination of one or the other.  Seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

Accordingly, D. Hallowes agreed to make the revisions to the logo and forward them to the Committee to final review.  Once the Committee agrees to the exact logo revision it will be added to both the Bike Safely Pamphlet and to the Bike Routes Map.  The logo will also be used on the Committee’s letterhead, website, and all other promotional items releases.

  • New Business
Bike Accommodations Presentation by Gary Hebert (FST Engineers)
Chairman Shuman welcomed Gary Hebert (FST) and turned the floor over to him.

G. Hebert (FST) informed the Committee that he will be giving a presentation at the ITE Northeastern District Annual Meeting in Lake Placid, NY titled “Incorporating Bike Circulation Enhancement Strategies in a Tightly Constrained Urban Environment Salem, Massachusetts”.  He wanted to share the presentation with the Committee before he formally presented it at the end of the month in Lake Placid.

G. Hebert (FST) informed the Committee that the power point presentation is envisioned to be approximately 25 minutes long and it will be presented in two parts tying community initiatives, master planning, design, and implementation elements together in tightly constrained historic urban environment. He informed the Committee that he will not give the entire presentation but rather just go through the presentation slides and hit on the major points that he will share with the attendees at the annual meeting. He mentioned that he will highlight the design and implementation process for the Salem Bike Path Committee’s 4.85-mile Pilot Route and next steps. The Pilot Route incorporates a full range of bike accommodation strategies implemented at a relatively low cost during summer 2011. It will conclude with Salem’s recent initiatives and upcoming implementation elements for bike use marketing strategies. For example, the City has implemented two strategically located ‘free bike share stations’ and is working to complete Phase II of the Salem Bike Path connecting downtown Salem and downtown Marblehead, Massachusetts.

After the brief presentation the Committee asked G. Hebert (FST a few questions and then thanked him for his time and for using Salem as a case study for his presentation.

  • Old Business
User Friendly Bike Routes Map           
Chairman Shuman opened up the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina stated that he has been working with FST Engineers (pro-bono) to design and layout the map and the back of the map.  He asked the Committee if they have any final comments or edits for FST so that the map can be finalized and printed for this summer.

Chairman Shuman preferred to have the text on the back of the map under Within the State of Massachusetts, a Cyclists’ Rights Allow “using either hand to signal…” to “use of either hand”.  The Committee agreed.

W. Peck asked if the bike helmet law could be added to the Top 5 things you need to know about bikes section on the back of the map.  The Committee agreed and changed the title to the Top 6 six things you need to know…

W. Peck also mentioned the State of Massachusetts referenced on the back of the map should read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The Committee agreed to make that clarification.

E. DeMaio would like to see the website link for more information under the Salem Bike Share Program on the back of the map moved to its own section on the very back panel of the folded map.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any more comments or edit to the back of the map.  There none being, he asked the Committee if they had any comments or edits for the actual map.

F. Taormina pointed out several minor items with respect to the exact location of some of the bike routes.  Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked if the street names could be shifted so that they were off of the identified routes, so that both were more legible.  He also asked if the bike share logo and the mountain bike logo could be larger on the map.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further questions with respect to the map or back of map.  There being none he asked F. Taormina what the next step was.  F. Taormina stated that he and G. Hebert (FST) will forward the edits and the revised logo to Maryellen Mitrano (FST) to have the map revised and finalized.  He stated that at the next meeting the committee can see the final product and vote to approve it.

D. Hallowes would like to see the recently completed Bike Safely in Salem Pamphlet conform to the text and layout of the bike routes map or vise-versa.  F. Taormina stated that the Committee had that discussion at the last meeting, lead by E. DeMaio.  The Committee agreed that the safety pamphlet should conform to the text and layout of the bike routes map.  

D. Hallowes asked G. Hebert (FST) if he new what the font used on the cover of the map was.  G. Hebert (FST) did not know, he stated that he would ask Maryellen Mitrano (FST) and get back to him.  D. Hallowes said that he will revise the cover of the bike safety pamphlet accordingly. The Committee agreed that all the items produced by the Committee should have the same look and feel.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other old/new business items to discuss tonight.

Other Old/New Business
Bypass Road Bike Path – Peter Tracy Multi-Use Path Connection Update
F. Taormina informed the Committee that MassDOT finished paving the bike path connection between the Peter Tracy Multi-Use Path and the bypass road bike path at Cross St.  He believes that MassDOT will finish the landscaping and the bike path centerline striping by the end of May.  He shared photos of the recently completed bike path connection with the Committee and stated that this missing link now connects the bypass road bike path to the larger network of on- and off-road bike routes throughout Salem.  The Committee was happy to hear the news.

F. Taormina also informed them that bike sharrows will be striped on Bridge Street from the bike path crossing at Bridge/Webb Streets to the Beverly/Salem Bridge.

Bike Friendly Community Designation
F. Taormina also informed the Committee that the League of American Cyclists did not designate Salem as a Bike Friendly Community in the latest round of applications.  Instead Salem was recognized with an honorable mention award.  He informed the Committee that they the League will be forwarding the City a report card that identifies where our weaknesses are so that we can work on them and reapply in the future. 

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their June 13, 2012 Meeting