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Approved Minutes 09/14/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A rescheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, Will Peck, Jeff Bellin, David Pelletier, and Ernest DeMaio.  Also present was Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator Frank Taormina

Members Absent: Jamie Metsch and David Hallowes

Public in Attendance:  None

Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Bellin mentioned that there was significant discussion about changing the wording in a portion of the safety pamphlet that did not make it into the meeting minutes. He offered to draft a paragraph outlining the discussion.  The Chairman asked for a motion to table the minutes to their December Meeting. Motion was made by J. Bellin, seconded by E. DeMaio approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Bike Rack Installation Update
F. Taormina updated the Committee as to the progress of the new bike racks installed throughout the City.  He informed them that it appears that the Contractor has installed all but two bike racks and the City Parking Department hasn’t started installing the new parking meter bike racks yet.  

F. Taormina mentioned that at the last meeting J. Bellin was concerned about putting parking meter bike racks along the Willows amusements and restaurants.  The Committee discussed the matter further and agreed that two parking meter bike racks will be located along the Willows amusements and restaurants.  Specifically, one at the end near Hobb’s Popcorn and the other in front of the Midway Arcade.

Review Draft Bike Safety Pamphlet               
J. Bellin asked the Committee to reconsider changing the sentence “Helmets are necessary for all riders at all times…” to Helmets are recommended for riders at all times” as it is only a state law for minors 16 and under.  The Committee agreed.  J. Belliin made a motion to change necessary to recommended, seconded by D. Pelletier, approved unanimously.

D. Pelletier asked if a direct link to the bike routes map can be added to the back of the pamphlet.  But further asked if that web link can be simplified so that it is easy to remember and easier for people to get to it.  F. Taormina stated that he isn’t sure what is involved in doing that and that he will have to discuss it with the City of Salem’s Web Master.

W. Peck suggested that the Committee further emphasize wearing a helmet in the paragraph on the back of the pamphlet.  Discussion ensued.

D. Pelletier made a motion to add “Keep your smarts, wear a helmet “at the end of the paragraph. Seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.

Creation of User Friendly Bike Routes Map
F. Taormina showed the Committee two different progress prints.  One showed the bike routes with all the street names and the other showed must the major arterial streets.  The Committee agreed that the map that only shows the bike routes with the major arterial streets is better.

D. Pelletier asked that the on and off-road bike routes be changed to distinguish the two colors better.  Instead of Green and Blue, he suggested Green for off-road and Red for on-road routes.  The Committee agreed.

E. DeMaio suggested that the scale at the bottom of the map be moved in order to be more prominent, perhaps above or below the legend.  D. Pelletier asked if the scale could be inserted vertically along the side of the map, as the bike route is a north-south route and can be read and used easier if it were oriented that way.  Discussion ensued.  F. Taormina suggested that he have two draft maps made showing the scale in either instance.  The Committee agreed.

E. DeMaio suggested that the numbered State Routes symbol be larger on the map and the street names be smaller.  He also suggested that only the major arterial roads and the roads in which the bike routes follow be named.  The Committee agreed.

D. Pelletier stated that the map cannot serve all people.  It just needs to identify the bike routes.

W. Peck stated that the only people that will understand the map are residents and no visitors.  The Committee agreed to include the major arterial streets and label some points of interest (public restrooms, parks, beaches, downtown, etc) which will serve both residents and visitors.

W. Peck mentioned that the Bridge Street By-Pass Road was recently renamed to the Srg. James Ayube Memorial Drive.  The map should have the new name on the map.  The Committee agreed.

Other Old/New Business
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other old/new business items the Committee would like to discuss tonight.

W. Peck mentioned that some of the vegetation is starting to encroach onto the by-pass road bike path and it should be cut back.  F. Taormina stated that he would put a request in to DPW to have it taken care of.  

W. Peck also stated that there are very few lights at the Blaney Street Wharf, especially near the newly installed bike racks.  F. Taormina stated that the City now owns the property and the recent construction brought utilities to the site, but additional site lighting will not be installed until the next phase of development and he isn’t sure when that will happen.  J. Bellin asked if a flood light could be added to the corner of the temporary building shining toward the bike racks.  F. Taormina stated that he will look into it.

E. DeMaio mentioned that he noticed that the Bike Share Station at Hawthorne Blvd doesn’t have any instructions as to how one uses a bike.  F. Taormina stated that there should be a sign of some kind out there identifying the area and outlining the details of the program.  E. DMaio stated that there isn’t anything there.  F. Taormina stated that Paul Marquis manages that program for the City and he will bring that to his attention.  He added that he believes that they will be installing a shelter for the bike with sign panels on either side calling out the bike share station and outlining the program guidelines.    

D. Pelletier stated that the downtown bike share station should be at NPS Visitor Center on Essex Street not at Hawthorne Blvd.  F. Taormina stated that it was sited there because the Hawthorne Hotel agreed to manage the station for the City.  He is not sure if discussions were had with NPS regarding a station at that location.  He suggested that he invite Paul Marquis into a future meeting and the Committee could discuss it further with him.

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their December 14, 2011 Meeting