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Approved Minutes 10/12/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A rescheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Will Peck, Jeff Bellin, Jamie Metsch, Dan Shuman, and David Hallowes.  Also present was Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator Frank Taormina

Members Absent: Ernest DeMaio, David Pelletier,

Public in Attendance:  None

Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  He also informed the Committee that Christine Michelini has resigned and he read her resignation letter into the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Bellin made a motion to approve the July 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes, seconded by E. DeMaio, approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Bike Rack Installation Update
F. Taormina informed the Committee that he obtained approvals from the Salem Historical Commission and from the Salem Redevelopment Authority to install bike rack at various locations downtown.  He stated that Olsen Curtis Fence (contractor hired to install the bike racks) is almost done installing all the bike racks at City Parks, Playgrounds, and Beaches. The historic Plymouth Bike Racks have not been delivered yet, but are expected to arrive in the next week or so.  Olsen Curtis Fence will be installing the Plymouth Bike Racks once they arrive.  He also informed the Committee that the Parking Meter Bike Racks have arrived and will be installed by the City Parking Department after Halloween.

F. Taormina updated the Committee that a couple bike racks have been relocated for various reasons.  He informed them only one of the two proposed historic bike rack will be installed in front of the Salem Public Library and only one of the two historic bike rack will be installed near City Hall.  The two relocated bike racks will be installed at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem and another one at the Post Office.

F. Taormina mentioned that Committee Member Dave Pelletier and Ward Councilor Mike Sosnowski contacted him a couple weeks ago about the bike rack that was recently installed at Collins Cove Beach.  The bike rack was installed in a manner that partially blocks access to the bike path and needs to be reinstalled.  Olsen Curtis Fence has since reinstalled the bike rack to an adjacent location.  He also mentioned that D. Pelletier also suggested that two meter racks be relocated to the Salem Willows, along the amusements and restaurants.  F. Taormina agreed that that was a good idea and asked the Committee for their input.  Discussion ensued.

J. Bellin was concerned about putting bike racks along the Willows amusements and restaurants as he things the sidewalks are often time busy may cause an obstruction.

F. Taormina showed the Committee a photo of the proposed parking meter poles where the bike racks would be installed: one at the last parking meter pole next to Hobb’s Popcorn and one at the Midway Arcade.  He informed the Committee that the sidewalks at 10 feet wide in that area and the meter racks will no cause an obstruction.  He stated that he and D. Pelletier drove out to the site and determined that those are the two best locations for the bike racks.  J. Bellin expressed his concerns further.  Committee agreed to table the discussion to the next meeting, as there is no rush to have those meter racks installed, as they will be installed by the City.

Review Draft Bike Safety Pamphlet               
D. Hallowes handed out copies of the latest iteration of the bike safety pamphlet and updated the Committee as to the changes that were made to it.

F. Taormina pointed out a couple grammatical errors and that at the last time the Committee reviewed the pamphlet they wanted See and Be Seen moved to the second bullet.

W. Peck suggested that a sentence referencing reflectors and headlamps on bikes be bolded and that words need to be changed to must.

Chairman Shuman clarified that Massachusetts State Law states that children 16 and under are required to wear bike helmets, not children under the age of 16.  D. Hallowes will make that change the pamphlet.

J. Bellin suggested that the title on the front of the pamphlet be changed from Bike Safety in Salem to Bike Safely in Salem.  The Committee agreed that that was a great idea!

F. Taormina state that the photos and graphics that are used, if they are not original, should be sited.  

D. Hallowes informed the Committee that the all the photos and graphics are just placeholders.  He has some photos and graphics that he will insert and site any borrowed graphics.

D. Hallowes stated that he would make all the changes and work on the layout of the pamphlet so that the text and graphic are in columns that correspond with the tri-fold layout of the pamphlet.

Creation of User Friendly Bike Routes Map
F. Taormina showed the Committee the progress print.  He informed the Committee that the GIS Administrator has not made all the changes suggested yet, but it is starting to take shape.  He also informed the Committee that he spoke with Gary Hebert from FST Engineering and they are interested in assisting the City (pro-bono) in the creation and layout of the bike map.  The City would just need to pay for the printing costs.  He stated that he will have the GIS Administrator make the rest of the edits and then he will have shapfiles and GIS data forward to FST to assist us with the final layout and details of the map.

Other Old/New Business
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other old/new business items the Committee would like to discuss tonight.

J. Metsch asked if it was possible to have bike sharrows added on Bridge Street (Rte 1A), since it is currently under construction.  
F. Taormina asked where he would suggest installing them along Bridge Street, as there needs to be a logical start and end.

J. Metsch suggested from the bike path crossing at Bridge/Webb Streets to the planned park at the end of the Bridge Street near the Beverly/Salem Bridge.  Discussion ensued.  The Committee agreed that that was a logical staring and ending stop to propose to have a bike lane or sharrows installed.  

F. Taormina said that MassDOT is overseeing the project as that portion of Bridge Street (Rte 1A) is a state numbered route and under State jurisdiction.  He will draft a letter and submit for MassDOT and see if they will consider adding that to the project.  F. Taormina stated that there is no guarantee that they will consider the request as the project is under construction and that additional work would require a change order and additional funds added to the project, and he’s not sure MassDOT can add more money into the project.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other old/new business items.

J. Metsch also suggested that a bike lane be added to Lafayette Street from West Ave to downtown.

F. Taormina stated that Lafayette Street is wide enough to accommodate a full bike lane on both sides of the street.  F. Taormina stated that there is no budget to stripe more bike lanes throughout the City, but he will look into it for the committee as he agrees that that should be the next extension of the bike lane.  The Committee agreed.

F. Taormina mentioned that he is managing the Lafayette Street Improvements Project currently under construction from Harbor Street to Washington/Dow Streets.  He stated that bike sharrows will be striped on the both sides of Lafayette Street through the project area.  Then there will be a gap from there to West Ave.  So installing the bike lane from West Ave to Washington/Dow makes even more sense to do next.

Chairman Shuman mentioned that he had an old new business item he would like to discuss, regarding the cork pin board inside the kiosk at the bike path is in bad shape and needs to be replaced.

F. Taormina stated that at the last meeting J. Bellin asked if the Committee Members could have copies of the key to the informational kiosks at the bike path so that they could remove old information and insert new information.  The Committee agreed that that was a good idea.  He stated that he would make copies of the key and distribute them at the next meeting.  He asked the Committee to contact him prior to installing new items into the kiosk just to make sure that the City is aware and that it is appropriate to install within the kiosk.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked if there was any other old/new business items

F. Taormina stated that the City received the 25% Design Plans for the Bike Path Extension from their consulting engineers AECOM.  He told the Committee that he would updated them in more detail at the next meeting.

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Metsch makes that motion, seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their December 14, 2011 Meeting