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Approved Minutes 09/14/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A rescheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Ernest DeMaio, David Pelletier, Will Peck, and Jeff Bellin.  Also present was Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  Jamie Metsch, Dan Shuman, and David Hallowes

Public in Attendance:  None
In the absence of Chairman Shuman, Dave Pelletier assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

F. Taormina stated that Committee Member Christine Michelini submitted a resignation letter on Sept 8, 2011 affective immediately.  The Committee is now a seven (7) member board with a quorum of 4 members.   He explained that the City Council established the Committee to have between 7-10 members.  He is not sure if the Mayor’s Office will appoint someone else to fill that seat or not.

J. Bellin stated that he noticed on the City Website that several of the Committee Member’s term lengths have expired.  F. Taormina said that he will put a request into the Mayor’s Office to have each expired member reappointed to the Committee.

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Bellin made a motion to approve the July 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes, seconded by E. DeMaio, approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Bike Rack Installation Update
F. Taormina updated the Committee on the status of the next round of bike racks to be installed throughout the City.  He stated that he placed the order for all the bike racks at the end of July and expects to receive them sometime in later September or early October.  The majority of the bike racks will be installed by Olsen Curtis Fence and the City Parking Department will be installing all the parking meter racks.

F. Taormina explained to the Committee that he needs to get the downtown bike rack locations approved by the SRA/DRB.  He reviewed a map identifying all the downtown installation locations with the Committee. Discussion ensued.

The Committee agreed to relocate one U-Rack from Boston Street to Washington Street, fronting the Record Exchange and to relocate one of the Plymouth style historic bike racks from the Post Office to corner of Congress and Derby fronting the Scratch Kitchen.

D. Pelletier asked for a motion to approve the changes, motion was made by J. Bellin and seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.

D. Pelletier stated that the other bike rack locations located at City Parks and other city-wide locations be tabled to next month.  F. Taormina stated that the racks will likely be received by then and may start being installed by the contractor.  But he stated that we could wait to have them installed after that, just to give the Committee a chance to confirm the installation locations.  

Review Draft Bike Safety Pamphlet               
D. Pelletier asked for a motion to table the bike safety pamphlet to next meeting as Committee Member Dave Hallowes was not in attendance.

F. Taormina stated that he received a email from Chairman Shuman regarding the MassBike and MassDOT Guide to Bicycling in Massachusetts.  He printed a couple copies and showed it to the Committee Members.  He suggested that perhaps the Committee could use this as pamphlet to hand out at events and post on the City Website.  All the work that has been done to date with respect to creating a safety pamphlet could be put on the back side of the bike map currently being created.  Committee thought it might be a good idea, but prefers to table the item and discuss further at the next meeting.

Creation of User Friendly Bike Routes Map
D. Pelletier asked for a motion to table the bike map discussion to next meeting as the City GIS Department was not able to make at the edits requested.

F. Taormina showed the Committee the progress print, but agreed that the map is not where it should be and will work with the GIS Dept to get a revised map prepared in advance of the next meeting.

Bike Path Maintenance
F. Taormina told the Committee that Chairman Shuman contacted him earlier this summer to install a Witch’s Cup Bike Race Poster inside the information kiosks at the bike path.  He gave the Chairman the keys to the kiosks and he installed the poster. When the Chairman returned the keys he mentioned that the cork board inside the kiosks is in bad shape and needs to be replaced.  He mentioned that the Committee is not taking advantage of getting information out to the public via the informational kiosks. He suggested that the Committee should discuss this as a goal for 2012.  

Since the Chairman is not present, F. Taormina asked to table the item to next meeting.  Committee agreed.

D. Pelletier asked about the rebidding of the Bike Path Maintenance Contract.

F. Taormina stated that he will not be rebidding that until this winter, for another three year period.  He will review the specs with the Committee before it is bid this winter.

Discussion of New Goals for 2012
- Marblehead Trail Issue
D. Pelletier mentioned that the section of the Marblehead trail in Salem, at both footbridges over the Forest River, need to be improved.  He stated that the lip of the bridge creates a tripping hazard that is dangerous to users and the bollards at the entrance to the crossings should be widened, as it is to narrow from bikers to pass through them.

F. Taormina stated that several years ago the Committee brought these concerns to the Marblehead Light Commission’s attention and they invited Bob Jolly, the General Manager, to a Committee Meeting and he said that they are not willing to make any improvements at this time as the property has subsurface contaminates.  Furthermore, they do not consider the trail a bike path, but a recreation trail.      

F. Taormina stated that the former Chadwick Lead Mills property has since been remediated and perhaps the Marblehead Light Commission will reconsider.

D. Pelletier stated that he is going to contact Tony Sasso, the Town Administrator for Marblehead, to see if he can help.

- MBTA Commuter Rail At-Grade Crossing
D. Pelletier also asked about the at-grade crossing at the MBTA Commuter Rail Crossing.

F. Taormina stated that the MBTA never responded to the Committee’s follow-up letter.  He mentioned that initially they stated that they do not permit at-grade crossings over their rail tracks anymore.  The follow-up letter stated that the Committee feels that the crossing is justified and asked If there was a variance or waiver process, and again did not receive a response from the MBTA.

D. Pelletier stated the MBTA initially stated that they cannot do a level platform and have since incorporated it into the recent plans.

F. Taormina showed the Committee a photo log that D. Pelletier submitted to the MBTA identifying 10 at-grade crossing all over the North Shore, including one that was created less then 10 years ago at the Hamilton/Wenham T station.  He believes that if the City or our State Representative can express how important and easy this connection is that they will reconsider.  

D. Pelletier stated that he is going to talk to State Representative John Keenan about the matter and see if he can help.  Or perhaps invite him to a future meeting to discuss the matter with him further.  The Committee agreed.

- On-Road Bike Lane
J. Bellin stated that he rode the entire on-road bike lane a couple weeks ago.  He stated that there needs to be a sign at the intersection of Essex and Hawthorne Blvd because there are no pavement markings that inform riders to go left.

F. Taormina recalled that the Committee was sensitive to installing to many bike signs along the route as they did not want to clutter the area with another sign. Especially on the Hawthorne Hotel side of the intersection.

The Committee agreed that that area is confusing and a sign on the Old Spot side of the road could work.  F. Taormina stated that the project is nearly completed.  The contract is just wrapping up some punch list items.  There is no more money allocated for the project and will need to be done later this fall or next year.

- Salem Bike Path Informational Kiosks
J. Bellin asked if the Committee Members could have copies of the key to the informational kiosks at the bike path so that they could remove old information and insert new information.   F. Taormina thinks that is a good idea.  He stated that the Committee just needs to determine what is appropriate to locate in the kiosks and what is not appropriate.  The committee agreed to discuss the matter further at the next meeting.

D. Pelletier asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their October 12, 2011 Meeting