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Approved Minutes 06/15/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A rescheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, William Peck, Ernest DeMaio, Christine Michelini, David Pelletier, David Hallowes and Jeff Bellin.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  Jamie Metsch

Public in Attendance:  None
Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.    

  • Approval of Minutes
The minutes were tabled until after the review of the draft bike safety material.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Review Draft Bike Safety Pamphlet               
D. Hallowes made edits to the draft bike safety pamphlet and forwarded it to all the Committee members for their review prior to the meeting.

J. Bellin stated that more info about visibility on biking is necessary.  He will give some thought to suggested language and let the Committee know as soon as he drafts something.

W. Peck shared a bike accident story with the Committee and emphasized that he bike safety pamphlet should have more reference to state laws and rules of the road.

D. Hallowes disagreed and stated that the audience does not want to read about state laws relative to biking, but rather bullets of important bike safety information given in a user friendly manner.  Discussion regarding the matter ensured.

J. Bellin suggested some language for the Visibility on the Bicycle section “weaving in and out of traffic or riding in a parking lane makes you less visible to traffic”.  Committee discussed and agreed to add language.

F. Taormina suggested that D. Hallowes add all the Committee’s suggested text and edits to the pamphlet and at the next meeting we can simplify the pamphlet and discuss formatting.

D. Pelletier stated that the 5 rules of riding at the top of the pamphlet should be an outline.  The only rule that is not discussed in the pamphlet are the rules of the road.  Committee agreed that the pamphlet should follow that outline.

W. Peck offered edits and additional text for the Bicycles Must Obey all Traffic Laws section of the pamphlet.  He also had other edits and suggested text that he gave to D. Hallowes to include in the pamphlet.

Chairman Shuman stated that there was one error in the pamphlet.  Riding on the right side of the road is not always applicable.  Instead he suggested that it be replace with “always ride with traffic”.

D. Pelletier made a motion that any other edits and text additions be given to Committee Member Dave Hallowes.  Seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any comments or questions regarding the May 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes.  There being none, he asked for a motion to approve.  D. Pelletier made a motion to approve the May 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes, seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.

  • Old/New Business
Salem Bike Path Maintenance Update
F. Taormina shared photos with the Committee on the recent maintenance items completed on the Salem Bike Path.  He informed them that the center line on the bike path was restriped along with the crosswalk at Loring Avenue.  He also stated that the three year maintenance contract with our landscaping company expires at the end of the season (November 2011).  He will be rebidding the maintenance of the bike path for another three years later this winter.

D. Pelletier asked if the City could have the entire bike route system maintained instead of just the ½ mile long Salem Bike Path.

F. Taormina explained that the maintenance funds can only be used to maintain the Salem Bike Path, pursuant to the annual in-lieu of taxes agreement with the Town of Marblehead Light Commission.  Discussion regarding the use of those funds ensued.  

D. Pelletier and J. Bellin clarified that  if the bike routes system continues to grow, then the Committee needs a budget to maintain them or else they will fall into disrepair.  Discussion regarding that matter ensured and F. Taormina agreed that he would discuss the matter with the Director and see what he can do.

Priority Route Bike Path
F. Taormina reported that despite the bad run of weather, the City’s Contractor is nearly complete with the bike lane striping.  He shared photos with the Committee of the progress to date.  The only items left to be completed are the striping of the northern portion of the bike lane and the installation of all the bike route signs.  He anticipates that the project will be completed by the end of June 2011.

D. Pelletier asked if more bike sharrow markings could be installed in a couple locations where it seems complicated to follow the route.

F. Taormina stated that the signs will be installed at all the decision points along the route, which the Committee agreed to when they reviewed and approved the bid plans and specs.  He asked the Committee if we could wait until the project is completed before we determine whether changes need to be made.  The Committee agreed.     

He stated that he is currently working on a press release and will touch base with the Mayor’s Office regarding a ribbon cutting event.  Once that is confirmed he will notify the Committee.   

Creation of User Friendly Bike Routes Map
F. Taormina showed the Committee draft bike routes map that the City GIS Administrator prepare.

D. Pelletier stated that it needs to be simplified.  

Christine Michelini and Chairman Shuman agreed.

E. DeMaio stated that it should look like an MBTA Commuter Rail Map with the route shown on a simple outline of the city with some landmarks or streets.  He would love to see a graphic artist prepare a map for the Committee if the City could afford it or if the Committee had a budget.

F. Taormina stated that the City’s GIS Administrator, Olle Duijvesteijn is very talented and if he had some examples he certainly produce the kid of map that the Committee is looking for.

Chairman Shuman stated that he has some good examples of bike maps that he can give Frank to give to Olle.  Committee agreed to have the map revised so that they can review at the next meeting in July.

Other Old/New Business
D. Hallowes stated that once the map is produced we could add it to the new Facebook Page that he created for the Salem Bike Path Committee.  He also asked if Frank could forward him the photos of the bike path and bike lane so that he could post them on the Facebook Page also.  He also mentioned that there is a Bike Parade scheduled for July 2nd at the Salem Common.  He will forward the details to the Committee via email.

D. Pelletier asked if the colors of the various bike routes could be changed.  Instead of the on-road bike lane being green and the off-road bike path being red, they should be switched.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked is Frank was also to determine what was involved with naming the Bike Lane after Judge and former Mayor Zoll.  

Frank stated that he didn’t but he believes that the City Council may have to be involved in that decision.  He will look into it and report back to the Committee.  

D. Pelletier suggested calling it the Zoll-Way or Zoll-Bikeway.

D. Pelletier asked if the Committee could come up with a logo.  Discussion ensured.

E. DeMaio likes the idea so that everything that the Committee put out is consistent and well branded.

Discussion of New Goals for 2011
E. DeMaio stated that because there isn’t much time left in tonight’s meeting, we suggested tabling the discussion of new goals for 2011 till the July Meeting.  The Committee agreed.

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their July 13, 2011 Meeting