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Approved Minutes 05/11/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, William Peck, Ernest DeMaio, Christine Michelini, and Jamie Metsch. Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  Jeff Bellin, David Pelletier, and David Hallowes,

Public in Attendance:  None
Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.    

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman pointed out one spelling error on page 3.  He asked for a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  J. Metsch made a motion to approve the March 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Old/New Business
Review Draft Bike Safety Material               
In the absence of Committee Member David Hallowes, Chairman Shuman offered to contact him to get the draft safety pamphlet in a its original format so that he can distribute it to the other members via e-mail for their review and edit.  The Committee agreed to come back to the next meeting to discuss their edits.
MAPC Bike Parking Program Update
F. Taormina updated the Committee on the next round of bike racks to be purchased and installed throughout Salem.  He informed the Committee that an intern working with the City Planning Department has taken a photo log of all the bike rack installation location at all City Public Schools and most City Parks.  He explained that the MAPC Bike Parking Program Guidelines requires municipalities to place orders by July 31, 2011, bike racks must be installed by March 31, 2011, and the deadline for reimbursement is May 15, 2012.

Priority Route Bike Path
F. Taormina reported that bids came in $20,000 under budget for the epoxy pavement marking option, which was the Committee’s first choice, as it has a longer life span than traditional reflective pavement paint or the thermoplastic option.  He also informed the Committee that a contract was awarded to Markings, Inc. from Pembroke, Mass in mid April and construction is underway.  He expects construction to be completed by the end of May beginning of June 2011.  He stated that he is currently working on a press release and will touch base with the Mayor’s Office regarding a ribbon cutting event.  Once that is confirmed he will notify the Committee.   

E. DeMaio asked if the selected contractor is reputable.

F. Taormina replied by stating that our Consulting Engineer’s (FST) and the City Purchasing Department checked the contractors references, licenses, credentials, etc, prior to award.  He also stated that this contractor once had a contract with the City to stripe all City street centerlines and crosswalks, but he apparently was outbid for the 2011 season.

Other Old/New Business
W. Peck asked if the Committee would be interested in creating a Bike Safety Awareness Week Event in conjunction with the Salem Police Department.  Discussion ensued.  J. Metsch stated that the timing is off and perhaps the Committee should wait until the safety pamphlet is completed before we pursue the event. F. Taormina added that the one the safety pamphlet is completed he was going to have the Salem Police Department review and endorse it, so he agrees with J. Metsch that we should wait till that is completed first.  C. Michelini as said that it would be a good idea to wait until the bike lane is completed also.  The Committee agreed to wait until the bike lane is striped and the safety pamphlet is completed before coordinating such an event with the police.

E. DeMaio asked if the Committee would be interested in creating a user friendly map that could be used by residents and visitors.  Discussion ensued.  The Committee agreed that that would be very useful.  F. Taormina stated that he will work with the City GIS Administrator and prepare a draft map for the Committee to review at the next meeting.

J. Metsch mentioned that since several projects are nearing the end, the Committee should consider new goals for 2011.  The Committee discussed several different ideas, but agreed to think about ideas and discuss then at the next scheduled meeting in June.

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  C. Michelini makes that motion, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their June 15, 2011 Rescheduled Meeting