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Approved Minutes 02/09/2011
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, February 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Jeff Bellin, Christine Michelini, Jamie Metsch, William Peck. Dan Shuman, Ernest DeMaio, and David Pelletier.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  David Hallowes

Public in Attendance:  None     
In the absence of Chairman Shuman, Jeff Bellin assumed the Chair position and called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.    

  • Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes were tabled as there was not a quorum of members from the December 15, 2010 meeting present to vote and approve the minutes.  Later in the meeting, after Chairman Shuman arrived, quorum was reached and the minutes were reviewed.   J. Bellin made a motion to approve the December 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • MBTA Salem Commuter Rail Station Garage and Station Improvements
F. Taormina reviewed the MBTA’s responses to all the public comments received by the MBTA, including the Bike Path Committee’s comments, for the 30% design plans for the Salem Commuter Rail Station Improvements and Parking Garage.

F. Taormina read aloud the responses from the MBTA with respect to the comments made by the Committee.  Discussion ensued.  Committee agreed that a second letter should be sent to the MBTA in response to their responses, to try and emphasis the importance of their original comments.

J. Bellin made a motion to have F. Taormina draft a letter to the MBTA regarding the installation of an at-grade crossing at the rail station, striping of bike lanes from Bridge Street through the MBTA parking lot to the planned parking garage facility, and suggest the total number of bike parking spaces (100-150) that should be accommodated for in the enclosed bike parking area shown in the MBTA’s 30% design plans. Seconded by C. Michelini, approved unanimously by he Committee.

F. Taormina stated that the MBTA has not scheduled the next public hearing yet, but he will notify the Committee when that has been confirmed.  He also stated that he would draft the letter and have it available for the Committee to review and approve at the next meeting.

  • Old/New Business
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall Pubic Meeting – Post Meeting Overview  
C. Michelini made a comment that the committee should issue comments to the consultants working with the City on the redesign of the pedestrian mall.  Specifically the inclusion of a bike lane through the pedestrian mall.

J. Metsch clarified that all the committee really should suggest is that biking be permitted on the redesigned pedestrian mall, as it is currently no permitted by city ordinance.

J. Bellin added that the City’s consultants were not aware that biking is currently not permitted on the pedestrian mall, and that point needs to be explained to the consultants as well.

D. Pelletier expressed his opinion on the current state of the pedestrian mall and suggestions as to whether it should or shouldn’t be opened to traffic and permit parking.  

Chairman Shuman appreciated D. Pelletier’s spirited opinions, but asked that the rest of the comments from the Committee regarding the matter pertain to bike advocacy.

F. Taormina stated that regardless as to what the outcome of the redesign is (keep pedestrian only, shared pedestrian and vehicular, or open mall to vehicular traffic) truck delivery and some minor vehicular traffic will have to be permitted and bike passage should be permitted and planned for as well.

C. Michelini motion that F. Taormina submit something in writing to the City’s Consultants on behalf of the Committee to permit and plan for bike access through the pedestrian mall, and to bring to their attention the current city ordinance against biking.  Seconded by J. Metsch and approved unanimously.

F. Taormina stated that there are two more meetings regarding the redesign of the pedestrian mall, both on the second Tuesdays of the next two month, which is each a day before the next two Committee Meetings.

Update on Preparation of Bike Safety Material           
Chairman Shuman tabled the item to the next meeting as committee member D. Hallowes was not in attendance.

J. Metsch asked the Committee if it was ok for F. Taormina to ask D. Hallowes if he could forward the bike safety material to him, so that someone else on the Committee could finalize the material.  The Committtee agreed and F. Taormina agreed to speak to D. Hallowes.

MAPC Bike Parking Program Grant
F. Taormina updated the Committee on the status of the project.  He stated that he needs to obtain permits from the following City Boards and Commissions prior to purchase and installation: Historical Commission, School Committee, Park and Recreation Commission, and Salem Redevelopment Authority.

F. Taormina showed the Committee some four different GIS Maps plotting all the proposed bike racks within each City Board or Committee’s jurisdiction.  He stated that he is working with an intern from Salem State University to assist him in photographing all the installation locations and plotting them on GIS Maps.  Once he has all the application material in place he will file with each of the City Boards and Committees.

F. Taormina showed the Committee MAPC’s Bike Parking Program Annual Report.  He stated that this is likely the last year of the program and that all participating Cities/Towns must permit, purchase, install, and request reimbursement prior to May 2012.  Any money unused will be returned to the funding agency working with MAPC.

D. Pelletier understands that the historic bike racks are not part of the program this year but asked  if the City could purchase two historic bike racks for in front of City Hall.  F. Taormina said that that was a good point and that he would look into it.

Priority Route Bike Path
D. Pelletier asked where the City was at in terms of implementing the planned on-road bike route.

F. Taormina reported that the construction and bid documents are completed and the project will be available for bid on February 22nd and due on March 23rd.  Construction will likely start in mid April and be completed sometime in May.

Chairman Shuman asked if there are any further questions or comments.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 2-9-2011