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Approved Minutes, July 14, 2010
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A regular scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Jeff Bellin, David Pelletier, Jamie Metsch, Ernest DeMaio, and Will Peck.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  Dan Shuman, Christine Michelini, and David Hallowes

Public in Attendance:  Gary Hebert, PE (FST Engineering)
In the absence of Chairman Shuman, Jeff Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:42 PM and he acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Bellin identified an error in the minutes.  J. Metsch made a motion to approve the June 9, 2010 Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment

  • Review and Approve Draft Construction and Bid Specs for Priority Route Bike Trail
F. Taormina recognized Gary Hebert from Fay Spofford, & Thorndike Engineering (FST).  He stated that the City of Salem has contracted with them to prepared the construction and bid documents for the creation of the priority bike trail, as identified in the Salem Bike Circulation Master Plan.  He then turned the floor over to G. Hebert to walk the Committee through the draft document and plans.

G. Hebert (FST) reviewed each plan sheet with the Committee.

D. Pelletier asked if the City/Committee could install a square black or green pole instead of the typical galvanized flat sign pole.  Discussion ensued.  The Committee agreed that a black square pole would be better suited for the installation of all the associated bike route signs.  Motion was made by D. Pelletier, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

E. DeMaio pointed out that the match lines on each of the draft plan sheets do not match and need to be corrected.  G. Hebert (FST) agreed and stated that he would correct that.

D. Pelletier asked about creating a more defined entrance into the Palmer Cover off-road route via jersey barriers instead of the proposed pavement markings, so that cars do not park near the entrance and block access.  Discussion regarding each scenario ensured.  G. Hebert suggested that the pavement markings stay, the majority of the Committee agreed to leave the plans as proposed in this area.

D. Pelletier asked if the City/Committee should call out schools along the bike route in the form of small signs under the Bike Route Sign. Discussion ensued, and the Committee agreed that this is not something that should be called out via signage.

W. Peck asked if a sign pointing out the Palmer Cover Park be included at the entrance.  G. Hebert stated that the signs that direct riders to parks are located prior to arriving to the park.  Once you reach the park, there is no need to identify the park.  G. Hebert reminded the Committee that they are trying to minimize signage along the bike route.

E. DeMaio stated that Essex Street (from South Washington Square to Hawthorne Blvd) is dangerous and the Committee should try to find a different route for riders along this stretch of the planned bike route.

J. Metsch disagreed and stated that this stretch is safer than the lower end of Essex Street and trying to exit out of South Washington Square traffic is more dangerous.  Discussion about South Washington Square/Essex Street loop ensued.  

J. Bellin brought to the Committee attention that it was 8:30PM and meetings do not typically go longer than that time.  He asked if the Committee wanted to extend the meeting and finish reviewing the draft plans and specifications or table the matter till the next meeting in September, as the Committee does not meet in the month of August.

J. Metsch made a motion to extend the meeting so that the plan and specs could be reviewed and approved tonight so that the hired Engineers can revised as necessary and work with the City to bid the work next month.  Seconded by D. Pelletier, approved unanimously.

D. Pelletier asked if all the signs at Essex Street/Hawthorne Blvd/Washington Square near the Hawthorne Hotel and the historic properties could be eliminated and only use pavement markings.  The Committee agreed.  G. Hebert (FST) will revise the plans accordingly.

Discussion regarding the Intersection of Derby Street/Hawthorne Blvd/Congress Street ensued.  G. Hebert (FST) explained to the Committee that the bike route through that intersection is designed to Mass Highway Department standards.  

E. DeMaio and J. Bellin think that the Committee should offer a secondary route for less experienced riders.  They suggest using the south side of Hawthorne Blvd from the Hawthorne Hotel to the Immaculate Conception Church to Derby Street.  

J. Metsch and G. Hebert (FST) disagreed and stated that routing riders in that direction still has dangers and ultimately they would have to pass through the intersection in order to continue on the bike route toward Congress Street.  Ultimately it was decided that G. Hebert (FST) and F. Taormina will discuss the secondary option with the City Engineer and the Police Traffic Division and see if that option could be included into the plans.

J. Metsch suggested that a sign that shows a picture of the bike lane in between the lanes of traffic might work better than the sign with text identified in the plans.  G. Hebert (FST) stated that no such sign exists and that the sign they have in the plans is compliant with Mass Highway and the Federal Highway Department’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

W. Peck asked if the City could install additional street lights heading down Hawthorne Blvd toward the intersection at Derby St because it is dark.  Perhaps having more street lights will help.  F. Taormina stated that he would have to discuss with the City Engineer and the City Electrician.  He is not certain if that is something that could be done in this bid.

D. Pelletier asked if bike sharrows could be added to Szetela Lane, near Collins Cove, instead of directing bikers along the Collins Cover off-road bike path toward Memorial Drive.  Discussion ensued.  G. Hebert stated that that would have to include a curb cut and the construction of an ADA compliant ramp.  The budget is limited and that may not be able to fit within the budget.  G. Hebert would look into that for the City and discuss that further with the City Engineer and Police Traffic Division.

F. Taormina stated that a sign should be located at the entrance to the Collins Cove/Peter Tracy Walkway from Webb Street/Andres Street as that is a decision point.  Riders can go right tor left along Collins Cove.  He suggests that the bike route sign include two small signs below:  one with an arrow directing riders toward the Willows and one arrow pointing riders toward the by-pass road bike path.  G. Hebert (FST) and the Committee agree.  D. Pelletier suggests that the sign and arrow identifying the by-pass road bike path be changed to Beverly.  The Committee agrees and G. Hebert (FST) will include that into the plans.

E. DeMaio asked if the entrance into Columbus Square from Fort Avenue could be rerouted differently around the traffic island, as it is confusing.  The Committee agrees.  G. Hebert (FST) will change the pavement striping according.

J. Bellin asks if there are any further questions regarding the bike route plans and specs for G. Hebert (FST).  There being none he tables the remaining items on the agenda to the next meeting on September 8th and asks for a motion to adjourn.  D. Pelletier makes that motion, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 7-14-2010