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Approved Minutes, June 9, 2010
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A regular scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, David Pelletier, Jamie Metsch, Ernest DeMaio, and David Hallowes, Jeff Bellin and Christine Michelini  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  William Peck

Public in Attendance:  Marcy Clawson and Rob Clawson (Salem Residents)
In the absence of Chairman Shuman, Jeff Bellin called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM and he acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
J. Metsch identified some spelling errors in the minutes.  J. Metsch made a motion to approve the May 12, 2010 Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
J. Bellin acknowledged Marcy and Rob Clawson (Salem Residents) for the record and asked them if they had any public comments.

M. Clawson stated that she often rides a bike with her child to the Saltonstall School via City Streets.  In doing so she explained that some parents on the PTO get upset that she does, because it may not be safe.  She asked what the Committee was doing to make riding a bike in Salem safer, and if the Committee is planning and ride routes throughout the City?

J. Bellin stated that the City is going to stripe bike symblols and sharrows on the streets to delineate bike lanes.

F. Taormina stated that the Committee finished a Citywide Bicycle Circulation Master Plan which identifies several on and off-road bike routes throughout the City, all which have been reviewed by a Professional Traffic Engineer.  He continued to explain that presently the Committee is implementing a priority bike route (aka Green Line Bikeway), with the hopes that once completed the City and the Committee could try and make that route, or a portion of that route, a Safe Route to School.  He explained what the Safe Routes to School Program was how it could be applied to the priority route.  He also mentioned that once the priority route is completed that it would consist of striping bike lanes, bike pavement markings, and bike route signs placed at decision points.  The hope is that once the priority route is implemented that cyclists will have their own designated lane in the street and vehicular traffic will understand that they need to share the road with cyclists, which in turn will hopefully make riding on Salem Streets safer.

D. Pelletier explained where the priority route will begin and end and the rational for the route.

F. Taormina asked Chairman Shuman (arrived at the meeting at 7:15 PM) if they could take the agenda out of order and discuss the Priority Bike Route Update item under Old/New Business, while they were on the topic, as it could provide more clarification for the question asked by the public.
Old/New Business
Priority Bike Route Update
Chairman Shuman took the meeting agenda out of order and opened up the Priority Bike Route Update item under Old/New Business.

F. Taormina updated the Committee and the public with respect to the Implementation of the Priority Bike Route.   He stated that the City has FST Engineers on Contract to put together Construction and Bid Documents.  FST Engineers will attend the next meeting to review the bid documents.  Once reviewed and approved by the Committee, the City will then bid the project.  Once the project is awarded to a qualified contractor then the work will performed.  He stated that the work should be completed by late summer, early fall 2010.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further questions o the matter.  There being none, he tabled the rest of the Old/New Business Items and opened up agenda Item #3.

  • Bike Safety Material for City Website and Distribution to Salem School System
J. Metsch identified the changes made to the previous iteration of the bike safety pamphlet.

F. Taormina stated that he likes the way that the information is laid out on the previous version better than the new version.

D. Pelletier stated that there are really four key things that we should try and convey:  lock your bike,  be seen at night,  stay to the right, and  have fun.

D. Hallowes stated that the photos he used were ripped from a Google image search and could be replaced if the Committee did not like them.  Discussion ensued about the photos ad which ones should be used and/or replaced.

E. DeMaio stated that he agreed with Frank that the layout of the previous iteration was easier to read and understand, partly because all the font is consistent, whereas the new version has different font sizes.  He recommends that the font size be smaller and more consistent and better organized like the older iteration, so that it is easier to read.

J. Metsch agreed with E. DeMaio’s point, but stated that the text and information on the new version, which D. Hallowes and he put together is much better than the old iteration.  The committee agreed.

F. Taormina stated that in the absence of W. Peck, he wanted to make sure that something regarding riding at night and wearing reflective gear and proper equipment was an important thing that W. Peck wanted to see on the bike safety pamphlet.

C. Michelini stated that putting to much information on the pamphlet could result in information overload.

J. Metsch stated that perhaps we could add a sentence or two about reflective gear and property bike safety while riding at night under the helmet and equipment section.  Discussion ensued and the Committee agreed that it should be included.

E. DeMaio asked about the helmet graphic and if the wrong way to wear a helmet image could be further exaggerated, as it is such a subtle difference from the right way to wear a helmet image that people might not understand what is the right and wrong way to wear a helmet.  Discussion regarding how to fix the image was discussed.  D. Hallowes stated that he could play with the image and address E. DeMaio’s concerns.

Chairman Shuman asked if the cover photo could be changed, perhaps to an image showing someone enjoying bike riding.  Discussion regarding the appropriate cover photo was discussed at length.  Ultimately the Committee agreed that a photo of a bike lane or an individual riding in a bike lane or bike path with appropriate safety equipment on is more suitable for cover.  F. Taormina stated that he believes that he has a photo of an individual riding on the Lafayette Street bike Lane, which could work.

D. Pelletier complemented both D. Hallowes and J. Metsch on the work that they have done to date regarding the bike safety pamphlet.  

D. Pelletier made a motion to that the four keys bike safety items and the font size and consistence be changed to the draft bike safety pamphlet.  Seconded by C. Michelini and approved unanimously.

D. Hallowes asked if the Committee would like to see the pamphlet on a legal size paper (8½” x 14”) so that more information could be disseminated.   
J. Metsch stated that the Committee is so close to approving the content and layout of the pamphlet, and that they should not change things now. Discussion ensued and ultimately the Committee agreed to keep the tri-fold pamphlet on a regular 8 ½ x 11” paper.

F. Taormina stated that he will work with D. Hallowes and J. Metsch on the revision.  He added that there are a couple minor changes that he would like to see on the back of the Pamphlet under the “brought to you by:” section of the pamphlet, such as adding the Salem School Department and, with all due respect, removing the Chairman’s name underneath the Salem Bike Path Committee.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further questions or comments from the Committee.  There being none, he asked the pubic if they had any questions or comments regarding the Bike Safety Material.

Rob Clawson suggested that perhaps the helmet graphic could be a ‘spot the difference’ game for children.  He also agreed that the some of the extra text on the back of the pamphlet should be removed.

  • Old/New Business
Outstanding Bike Path Maintenance Items
F. Taormina updated the Committee on the previous request to have the bike gates permanently opened and removable bollard installed at each entrance, utilizing the Bike Path Maintenance Funds.  He stated that the bollards have been ordered and he is waiting for an estimate from Ferrari Landscape Contractors, who are currently on contract with the City to maintain the Salem Bike Path.  He explained how the gates will be locked open and exactly where the bollards will be installed at each entrance.  Discussions regarding both matters ensued.

D. Pelletier asked about the stone dust around the gate.  F. Taormina stated that he will try and get that done first, while the bollards are being fabricated.

Chairman Shuman asked if the City could install a sign at the current end of the bike path and let the public know that the bike path will be extended soon.  F. Taormina stated that that is not a good idea, as the City has not executed the lease agreement with the MBTA yet because of the issue with Pan Am Railways not willing to release their freight right at this time.  Once the Right-of-way is under the City’s control then perhaps a sign stating that could be installed.

MAPC Bike Parking Program
J. Metsch asked about the 2010 MAPC Bike Parking Program

F. Taormina stated that this year, instead of giving each of the Communities within the Region and allowance based on your population, like they use to in years past.  This year they have $475,000 available first come first serve.  He told the Committee that the City has subscribe to the program and they are available to start making purchases.  He asked the Committee Members to start thinking about installation locations and at the next meeting we could discuss it further.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further old/new business items to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Pelletier made that motion, seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 6-09-2010