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Approved Minutes, May 12, 2010
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A regular scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, David Pelletier, Jamie Metsch, William Peck, Ernest DeMaio, and David Hallowes.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina

Members Absent:  Jeff, Bellin and Christine Michelini

Public in Attendance:  none
Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM.  

Chairman Shuman introduced and welcomed new Committee Member Jamie Metsch.  The Chairman also acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.  

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman identified some spelling errors in the minutes.  E. DeMaio made a motion to approve the April 14, 2010 Meeting Minutes as amended, seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
No public comments were taken.

  • Implementation of the Priority Bike Route (aka Green Line Bikeway)
Chairman Shuman opened up the item and turned the floor over to F. Taormina.

F. Taormina updated the Committee that Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike Engineers (FST) will be on contract soon to prepare construction and bid documents for the construction of the priority bike route identified in the Salem Bicycle Circulation Master Plan.

F. Taormina also walked the Committee through the projected implantation timeline.  Theoretically, if FST is on contract by next week then it will take FST approximately two months to finish the construction and bid docs, then the City would have to put it out to public bid for at least a month, then City would need to evaluate the bids, make a selection, and award a contract.  Best case scenario, the selected contractor would be able to start work in September 2010.

D. Pelletier asked if the Committee could review the bid specs prior to it being bid, hw would like to see the bid be broken out into option A and B.  One for thermal plastic pavement markings and one for reflective roadway paint, so that the project can get done with the City’s budget.  F. Taormina agreed that the Committee should review the bid specs with FST and suggested that perhaps Add Alternates could also be used to get the most of the City’s budget  

E. DeMaio stated that FST needs to be mindful as to how the project is bid so that it is not challenged or to confusing for contractors to bid on it.  F. Taormina agreed that the intent of how the bid is awarded, how the potential use of options or add alternates would also need to be specified in detail so that the bid is clear and contractors can bid on them properly.  Discussion amongst the Committee ensued.

D. Pelletier made a motion that FST put together draft bid plans and specs with the Committee’s concerns and ideas in mind.  Then, once the draft bid plans and specs are completed the Committee could hold a Special Meeting to review with FST prior to it being bid.  Seconded by J. Metsch and approved unanimously.


  • Old/New Business
Bike Safety Material for City Website and Distribution to Salem School System
Chairman Shuman opened up the item and gave a brief overview of what was discussed at   the last meeting and what was put together by F. Taormina and Committee Member W. Peck.  

J. Metsch showed the Committee a tri-fold pamphlet which contained all the material that Chairman Shuman spoke about.

E. DeMaio stated that he liked the layout of the tri-fold pamphlet better than the cover letter and two page attachments better, as it is consolidated and more user friendly.  Other members agreed that they liked what J. Metsch put together.

E. DeMaio added that all the photos that are embedded into the bike safety pamphlet should acknowledge and credit the photo taker.

J. Metsch stated that all the photos he used were taken by him.  He mentioned that he just inserted photos he had as an example and that any photos could be used.  He agreed that credit should be given to the photo take as this will ultimately be a public document.

D. Hallowes stated that he has graphic design skills and offered to take what J. Metsch did and work on the layout of the pamphlet to enhance it.

F. Taormina stated that it appears that the Committee wants to deviate from the original concept and perhaps a motion should be made in order to set a new course.

W. Peck agreed that the new layout looks great and the Committee should use it, provided that all the information that the Committee has gathered to date is utilized into it.  Discussion regarding the matter ensued.

J. Metsch agreed with W. Peck but asked if the legal language could be softened and reworded in a different manner.

E. DeMaio echoed those sentiments and added that the bike safety pamphlet should be user friendly, not so direct.  Perhaps the legal language could be used in a footnote or inserted more subtly.

F. Taormina agreed and stated that the City wants to put the information out there for all audiences to understand and do it in a manner that make it fun and interesting, not in a manner which makes it feel like the City is preaching or directing them to do something.

F. Taormina also took the time to thank J. Metsch for taking the liberty of reworking the bike safety material as he did because it will ultimately be a better product which is easier to distribute and easier to read and understand for all audiences.  J. Metsch thanked him.

J. Metsch asked if he could take a stab at softening the text and reworking the layout further with fellow Committee Member D. Hallowes.

W. Peck stated that bike helmet laws and other biking laws are important for people to understand and as long as that is referenced in some form or fashion in the pamphlet then he is supportive of the change.  The rest of the Committee agreed.

W. Peck added that a consolidated one page pamphlet is much easier to distribute throughout the City School System.  He still prefers that it be mailed out in conjunction with student report cards or other school information so that it will be received by the parents.

D. Pelletier made a motion to consolidate the bike safety material and cover letter into a multi-fold pamphlet.  Seconded by W. Peck and approved unanimously.

D. Pelletier made a motion that J. Metsch and D. Hallowes rework the content and refine the layout of the bike safety pamphlet.  Seconded by D. Hallowes and approved unanimously.

D. Hallowes asked if there was a deadline.  F. Taormina stated that there isn’t but show us what you have done at the next meeting and we can go from there.  The Committee members agreed.

F. Taormina offered to assist J. Metsch and D. Hallowes in any way he can.  He stated that he has various bike path photos and all the information in the Bicycle Circulation Master Plan in electronic format if they want to use it.       

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further questions regarding the bike safety pamphlet, there being none he continued the matter to the next meeting.  Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other Old/New Business Items to discuss tonight.

Outstanding Bike Path Maintenance Items
D. Pelletier followed up on previous requests to have the bike gate paved around or opened and a removable bollard installed at each entrance, utilizing the Bike Path Maintenance Funds.

F. Taormina stated that he is not sure when DPW can get to it.

D. Pelletier asked if the City could hire a contractor to do it, so that it can finally be completed.

F. Taormina stated that he would look into in.  He stated that he would ask his landscape contractors who are currently on contract with the City to maintain the Salem Bike Path, if this is something that they could do.  Discussion was had regarding changing the pavement around the gates to stone dust, which would likely be something the landscape contractors could do instead of paving.

D. Pelletier asked if it could be completed as soon as possible or at least before the end of the season.  Specifically, he asked that the rocks around the gate be removed and stone dust be installed to the level of the pavement and that a bollard be installed in front of the gates so that they can be opened from now on, but still act as a deterrent for motor vehicles.  F. Taormina stated that he will get it done before or by the end of the season.  He added that the bollards would be removable, like the ones at the Canal Street Entrance.

Living Green and Renewable Energy Fair
Chairman Shuman mentioned that the Salem Chamber of Commerce asked him if the Committee would be interested in being a part of the event and holding a bike rodeo.  He stated that he will be present for that event and asked if Frank still has extra bike lock and or bike helmets from the last Bike Safety Event the Committee held.

F. Taormina stated that he has a whole box of extra bike locks but he is not sure if the Salem Police Department still has extra bike helmets.  He told the Chairman that he would give him the locks for the event and will have to look into the bike helmets.

Bike Share and Electric Bike Meeting
Chairman Shuman stated that he and Frank were invited to a meeting at the Mayor’s Office with folks from MIT and Green Mobility Inc., regarding the possibility of creating bike share stations in Salem with both regular bike and electric bikes.  He explained the technology of electric bikes and he and Frank shared what was discussed at the meeting with the Committee.

MAPC Bike Parking Program
F. Taormina told the Committee that he was informed that MAPC will be releasing funds for the 2010 Bike Parking Program.  He stated that this year, instead of giving each of the Communities within the Region and allowance based on your population, like they use to in years past.  This year they have $475,000 available first come first serve.  He told the Committee that the City will subscribe to the program this year and asked that the members start to think about places to install bike racks throughout the City so that we can capitalize on the program.

2010 Bike to Work Week 5/17 – 5/21
J. Metsch explained the details of the bike to work week program offered by the North Shore TMA.  He asked if the City could send out an e-mail blast so that residents and businesses are aware of it.  F. Taormina stated that he would add it to the City of Salem Website on the City News link on the website, which concurrently gets e-mailed to everyone that subscribes to city news.

Salem Bicycle Circulation Master Plan Question
E. DeMaio asked if any of the abutting communities have Bike Path Committees, such as ours, and if they have a master plan of on and off road bike facilities they have identified, and if there is an effort to try and link some of these routes regionally.

D. Pelletier stated that the East Coast Greenway is trying to do that regionally.  He added that the universal approach is great but we just approved the master plan and we are currently trying to focus on the priority route.

E. DeMaio stated that he understands D. Pelletier’s comments, but he is not talking about a Maine to Florida bike route, which is what the East Coast Greenways mission is, he is more talking about abutting communities.  For instance, if we build an on-road route to the Peabody Line, it shouldn’t just end at the City Limits, if there is some outreach to the abutting communities as we implement the routes, perhaps they can continue the route through their city street as well.

F. Taormina stated that the Committee reached out to the Town of Marblehead regarding their adjoining recreational trail, but they have not attempted to reach out to other neighboring communities yet, but they should in the future.
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any further old/new business items to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  D. Pelletier made that motion, seconded by J. Metsch and approved unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:26 PM

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 5-12-2010