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Approved Minutes, February 11, 2009
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A regular meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 7:00 pm in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Stan Franzeen, Jeff Bellin, Dan Shuman, William Peck, Jerry Judge, Christine Michelini, Nancy Sachetti, and David Pelletier.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina.

Members Absent:  Rachel Hunt

Public in Attendance:  Nathan White, Curtis White, David Wall, and Tim Law from Boy Scout Troop #59 (Salem/Peabody).
At 7:08 p.m Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman asked for a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  S. Franzeen made the motion to approve the January 14, 2009 Meeting Minutes, seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Shuman opened the floor for public comments.  Curtis White and David Wall introduced themselves and explained that they had no specific questions but were interested to learn about biking and bike safety as part of a merit badge for Boy Scotts Nathan White and Tim Law.

  • Salem Citywide Bike Plan
Chairman Shuman welcomed Gary Hebert for attending tonight’s committee meeting and turned the meeting over to him.

Gary Hebert, Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike Engineering (FST), introduced himself to the committee and explained that he has been involved in bike planning and engineering for over 20-years.

G. Hebert (FST) prepared a power point presentation for the committee to review each task in his proposed Scope of Services he prepared for the City.

S. Franzeen explained the rational and concept of the Green Line Bikeway to G. Hebert.

J. Bellin elaborated further on the Green Line Bikeway and mentioned that it is figuratively set up as a path of least resistance to get from point A to point B, by avoiding Riley Plaza and the cobbled streets of downtown Salem.  J. Bellin followed up by stating that the Committee should look at ways to connect this bike route safely to downtown Salem.

G. Hebert (FST) continued to present his power point presentation.

J. Bellin asked if G. Hebert to explain the East Coast Greenway Alliance to the public in the audience, so that they could follow along.  G. Hebert explained the gist of the East Coast Greenway Alliance and stated that the Salem Bike Plan should address the best way for bikers to traverse Salem to connect to neighboring community links.

S. Franzeen mentioned that G. Hebert should talk to Andrea Leary, North Shore TMA, to discuss their initiative as it relates to our planning.

G. Hebert (FST) mentioned that in order to keep cost down for the City of Salem he has proposed that the Committee Members assist in the data collection for the plan.

W. Peck inquired about the East Cost Greenway Alliance and how to obtain more information.  G. Hebert referred him to their website.  

Chairman Shuman asked if they power point presentation could be forwarded to Frank Taormina so that he could distribute it to the committee members.  G. Hebert agreed to provide that to F. Taormina.

D. Pelletier explained the Green Line Bikeway concept and how to delineate the bikeway.

G. Hebert (FST) stated that that is one of the tasks in his scope and that FST will look into that.  He suggested that the best way will likely be a combination of bike lanes, sharrows, and signage.  He emphasized that there is a proper application for each method and they will explore the options and offer a recommendation as part of the plan.

D. Pelletier continued to discuss the Green Line Bikeway to G. Hebert and all the time and effort that has gone into the concept.  He expressed his concern that the plan will be completed and nothing will get done.  He suggested that the Green Line Bikeway be implemented first before the other tasks are examined in the scope.  G. Hebert (FST) and F. Taormina offered their suggestions.

F. Taormina asked if the scope could be revised to move the Green Line Bikeway task as the first item to look at and as a separate deliverable that task item could include implementation steps, punch list, and a cost estimate so that when that task is completed the City can allocate the funds need and construct that route.  G. Hebert (FST) agreed that that was something he could do.

D. Pelletier explained the concept of the Green Line Bikeway in that it connects the Willows and Winter Island to the Bike Path at the Town of Marblehead Line as a means to connect North Salem and South Salem via a bikeway.  

D. Pelletier expressed his frustration with the process in which the Green Line Bikeway must go through in order to be implemented.

N. Sachetti mentioned that she understands D. Pelletier’s frustration with process, but in order for the City to implement the Green Line Bikeway, the City Engineer and other City Departments must endorse it first.  AND, In order for the City Engineer to endorse the proposed bikeway, he wants us to put together a Citywide Bike Plan with a consulting engineering firm.  She mentioned that the City and D. Pelletier want the same thing but we have to go through this process in order to get it endorsed, funded, and constructed.

D. Shuman asked G. Hebert (FST) how long it would take to finish Task A – C?  G. Hebert (FST) replied that it would take about four (4) months.

S. Franzeen agreed that the Green Line Bikeway should be a priority and bumped up to Task A since a lot of work has been done to date and it is essentially ready to go.

S. Franzeen followed up on his earlier question regarding the North Shore TMA and that he would like to see a commuting component to the Salem Citywide Bike Plan.

D. Pelletier spoke about other links that could be explored such as the Leslie’s Retreat Park/MBTA grade crossing link, the Vinnin Square/Loring Ave Link, Kernwood Ave/Bates School/Orne St. Cemetery link.

F. Taormina asked the Committee Members if they were satisfied with the Scope of Services as FST proposed, or should it be tweaked in any way.

D. Pelletier asked that the plan look specifically about creating a grade crossing over the MBTA Commuter Rail line to connect the bypass road bike path/Jefferson Station Bike Path to the MBTA Train Station, etc.  F. Taormina agreed that the plan should identify the best option to cross the tracks with steps and contacts at the MBTA to get a grade crossing considered for approval.

F. Taormina asked if the Committee was amenable to performing some of the date collection needed in the plan, as outlined in FST’s Scope of Services.  The Committee Members agreed.

N. Sachetti made a motion to that FST’s Scope of Services be revised as following:  Task A would be the Green Line Bikeway including implementation plan, punch list, cost estimate to construct it, and to explore using sharrows as a method of delineating the on-road bike route.  Seconded by S. Franzeen and approved unanimously.

G. Hebert (FST) ended by stating that he would make the necessary changes to the scope and forward that to Frank.  F. Taormina agreed to forward the revised scope to the committee for one last check prior to contracting with FST under that scope of services.

  • Old/New Business
Chairman Shuman mentioned that there is only 5 minutes left before the meeting will adjourn and there are several items under old/new business.  He asked which item the committee would like to discuss tonight and the other items would be continued until the next meeting.  F. Taormina stated that he could update the committee on the status of the bike path extension.  The committee members agreed that should be discussed tonight and the other items would be continued to the next meeting.

Update on the Salem Bike Path Extension
F. Taormina stated that he still hasn’t heard back from the MBTA regarding the title search on the railroad right-of-way property (142 Rear Canal Street) and the former California Olive Oil property (132 Canal Street).  He stated that he spoke to the property owner of 132 Canal Street and he is not going to perform a title examination of his deed, and would rather wait until the City or the MBTA proves to him that he does or doesn’t have rights to the rail spur.

F. Taormina mentioned that he discussed the matter with Lynn Duncan, City Planner and she had a conversation with the City Legal Department and they are unable to perform the title examination on the two deeds so he will be getting estimates from Attorneys that specializes in researching railroad right-of-way deeds.  F. Taormina mentioned that the City is going to take the initiative and hire its own Attorney to get a definitive answer, so that we can move forward and execute the lease agreement with the MBTA.

There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening, Chairman Shuman asked for a motion to close the public meeting.  N. Sachetti made a motion to adjourn, seconded by D. Pelletier and approved unanimously.  The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 2-11-2009