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Approved Minutes, July 9, 2008
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A regular scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room 312 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Stan Franzeen, Christine Michelini, Dan Shuman, Jerry Judge, and David Pelletier.  Also present was Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator.

Members Absent:  Nancy Sachetti, Rachel Hunt, and Jeff Bellin

Public in Attendance:  none
Chairman Franzeen called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

1.      Approval of Minutes

Chairman Franzeen asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes.  J. Judge made the motion to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2008 meeting as submitted, seconded by D. Shuman. The motion passed unanimously.

2.      Public Comment

No one from the public was present at the meeting so no public comments were taken.

3.      Salem Bike Path Kiosk (information center)

Chairman Franzeen opened up the item and then turned it over to Frank Taormina who briefly reviewed what was discussed at the last meeting regarding the installation of bike maps and other bike information in the two (2) Bike Path Kiosks (information centers).

F. Taormina showed the committee a photo of the two kiosks located out at the bike path and another picture with the dimensions of the information sign area.  He asked the Committee how much space we should dedicate to each item in the kiosk.
D. Pelletier took the picture with the dimensions and split the information sign area into thirds.  He recommended that two thirds of the sign area be dedicated to a map of the Salem Bike Path and the other third for Bike Path Committee Information. The remaining third of the space could be flex space, or space dedicated to other biking information, including info discussed at the last meeting.  D. Pelletier also suggested that there be a header at the top of the sign board that says Salem Bike Path with two arrows on either side, one that says downtown Salem with an arrow pointing in that direction and one that says downtown Marblehead with an arrow pointing in that direction. The Committee agreed with Dave’s suggestions for the layout.

F. Taormina apologized to the Committee that he was not able to have examples of the bike path map (with aerial photo and without) for their review.  He mentioned that he will have those maps produced for review at the next meeting.
D. Shuman asked if in the flex space, there could be contact info for the local bike shops in Salem and Marblehead.  The Committee agreed and Dan gave F. Taormina the contact info for each shop.

Chairman Franzeen mentioned that he met several bicyclists on the Salem Bike Path over the Fourth of July Weekend, delighted to know about the Committee’s efforts.  He mentioned that they didn't notice the~free-standing~kiosk (information center) that we had installed until he pointed it out to them.
Chairman Franzeen recommended that some kind of sign or marker that points bicyclists to the kiosk, perhaps a simple vertical sign that says something like Bike Information Center to~the end sides of each~kiosk support post facing~bicyclists from either direction. He also stated that the signs should not be wider than the width of the support posts to which they are attached.~~

F. Taormina mentioned that the Bike Path needs a new sign that addresses both the issue with why the bike gates are locked.  He explained to the committee why the bike gates are locked and mentioned that it seems like the bike path is off limits, but a sign should clear up the confusion.  Frank suggested that the new sign read ‘Salem Bike Path is open to the public year round and the bike gates are locked for your safety’.

C. Michelini mentioned that we shouldn’t clutter the bike path with a lot of signs. She asked if there was a way to consolidate the signs.  

F. Taormina mentioned that there are two signs at each entrance into the bike path: one Salem Bike Path entrance sign and one NO MOTOR VEHICLE sign.  He suggested that we take down the NO MOTOR VEHICLE sign and add the new sign ‘Salem Bike Path is open to the public year-round and the bike gates are locked for your safety’ and at the bottom of the new sign include ‘Motor Vehicles are prohibited unless authorized by the City of Salem’.

F. Taormina mentioned that we will work on the exact language that will go on the sign and forward a few different iteration of the proposed sign to the committee members via e-mail.

J. Judge made a motion that a sign be placed at the head of each entrance into the bike path for the reasons Frank suggested. Seconded by D. Pelletier and approved unanimously.

D. Shuman asked if small trail maps could be attached and hung on the outside of the kiosk for bikers to grab.  

F. Taormina questioned how we would replenish the trail maps as they run out.  He mentioned that he could not go down to the Bike Path on a daily basis to check on it.  D. Shuman stated that he or other members could check on it and replenish the trail maps.  The Committee agreed to continue this discussion at the next meeting.

4.      Old/New Business

Annual Report (Fiscal Year 2008)
Chairman Franzeen reviewed the Annual Report with the Committee Members and asked for their comments.  The Committee did not have any questions or comments about the Annual report
F. Taormina asked if the Committee would consider tabling the vote to approve the annual report until the absent members had a chance to comment on it.

Chairman Franzeen asked for a motion to table the Annual Report to the next meeting on September 10, 2008, he also pointed out that there is no meeting scheduled in the month of August. Motion was made by D. Shuman and seconded by C. Michelini.

Salem Bike Path Extension Update
F. Taormina outlined the efforts the City has made to date regarding the expansion of the bike path to downtown Salem:  Frank mentioned that the MBTA has sent the City a Draft Lease Agreement and the City Legal Department is reviewing that document.  Frank mentioned that he is still waiting for quotes from local land surveyors to survey the MBTA Right-of-Way (ROW).  He explained that the MBTA has required the City to survey the ROW so that the surveyed plan can be inserted in the Lease Agreement as an Exhibit.  Frank said that the MBTA has been very responsive and very eager in working with the City to get this done.

The next steps include the survey of the ROW, the execution of the lease agreement, and begin dialog with the property owner of the Hawthorne Animal Hospital shopping plaza to extend the bike path through that last remaining property before it merges back onto the City ROW on Canal Street.

Other Old/New Business Items
D. Pellletier asked about the status of the Green Line Bikeway proposal.  F. Taormina stated that he is still waiting for a recommendation from the City Engineer about the concept.  Until he gets the support of the City Engineer he really cannot move it forward.
Frank agreed to talk to the City Engineer about the proposed bikeway again.

D. Pelletier asked if it was possible if he could attend the next meeting.  F. Taormina stated that he would ask the City Engineer.

Chariman Franzeen asked about the Palmer Cover connection.  F. Taormina mentioned that he and Dave meet with the City DPW about the link, but isn’t certain whether anything was done to date.

D. Pelletier mentioned that he spoke to an x-Marblehead Selectman and to the Marblehead Planning Director about the Marblehead Trail, they told him that in addition to the Marblehead Light Commission, the Water and Sewer Commission also has rights to that ROW and that we should reach out to them as well.  He mentioned that the contact there is Dana Snow.

F. Taormina showed the Committee a letter that the Mayor cc: him on regarding issues on the portion of the Marblehead Trail located within the City of Salem.  In the letter the Mayor mentioned that the City would reach out to the Town of Marblehead again, to be if they would work with us on resolving those issues (width of bollards, maintenance of trial, etc).  Frank told Dave that he will give him a copy and we could show it to the Contact at the Marblehead Water and Sewer Commission.

Chairman Franzeen asked where we were with the petition to change the No Biking on the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall Ordinance. F. Taormina mentioned that he has not had time to move that forward, but will do so prior to the next meeting.

F. Taormina mentioned that he was contacted by the Salem Youth Commission and that they have invited the Bike Path Committee to their Child Safety Day Event.  The Committee volunteered Vice Chairman Bellin to representative the Committee at the event.  F. Taormina stated that he would talk to Jeff about it.   


There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening, Chairman Franzeen asked for a motion to adjourn.  

A motion was made by D. Pelletier and seconded by C. Michelini and approved unanimously.  The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 07-09-08