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Approved Minutes, May 14, 2008
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A regular meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present: Acting Chair Jeff Bellin, Dan Shuman, Nancy Sachetti, Jerry Judge, David Pelletier, Christine Michelini (arrived in the middle of Agenda Item 3), and Rachel Hunt (arrived at the end of Agenda Item 3).  Also present was Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator.

Members Absent:  Chairman Stan Franzeen

Public in Attendance:  Will Peck (Resident, 27 Broad Street), John Hersey (CTPS)
In the absence of Chairman Franzeen, Vice Chair Bellin assumed the Chair for tonight’s meeting. At 7:06 p.m. Acting Chair Bellin called the meeting to order.

1.      Approval of Minutes

Acting Chair Bellin pointed out one spelling mistake on page two of the March 12, 2008 Meeting Minutes and asked for a motion to approve the minutes as revised.  D. Shuman made the motion, seconded by J. judge and approved.  Acting Chair Bellin asked for a motion to approve the April 9, 2008 Meeting Minutes, motion made by D. Shuman, seconded by N. Sachetti and approved.

2.      Public Comment

Acting Chair Bellin acknowledged Will Peck in the audience and thanked him for attending tonight’s meeting.  No public comments were taken at the time.

3.      Bike Safety Day Event

Acting Chair Bellin opened up the item and game a brief overview of the site visit that was conducted at Bentley School on May 7, 2008 at 6pm.  He stated for the record that he, D. Pelletier, J. Judge, and F. Taormina from the City were present at the site visit.
Acting Chair Bellin then outlined the structure of tonight’s meeting which involved confirming each of the stations at the Bike Safety Day Event and which member will be running each.  He stated that at the site visit there was talk about holding one more meeting prior to the event potentially on Wednesday, May 28th.  At the next potential meeting the Committee members would outline the details of their stations, tie-up some other loose ends and finalize the planning of the event.
F. Taormina updated those members that were not present at the site visit how the layout of the event would be set up and showed them a map.

The Committee began discussing the four (4) stations.  Acting Chair Bellin recalled there being five (5) stations, the missing one being a riding/games station.  The Committee members discussed whether there should or shouldn’t be a fifth station.

A motion was made by N. Sachetti to not have a fifth station unless one of the members in attendance would own up to it (at that time Committee Members Rachel Hunt and Christine Michelini were not present), seconded by D. Shuman.  Discussion ensued.

Acting Chair Bellin mentioned that there were a number of members that were not present that could potentially run the fifth station.

N. Sachetti asked if the motion could be tabled to vote until either Rachel and/or Christine arrived to the meeting.  Committee agreed to table the item.

Acting Chair Bellin reviewed the other Stations with the Committee and asked for members to confirm which station they would be organizing and running: Station 1 - Repairs & Maintenance (Dave Pelletier) Station 2 – Bike Safety Equipment (D. Shuman), Station 3 – Rules of the Road (J. Bellin), and Station 4 – Salem Bike Path/Bike Path Committee Info (F. Taormina).

D. Pelletier mentioned that we need the Bentley School opened so that we have access to electricity, bathrooms, and tables and Chairs for the event.

N. Sachetti asked whether we received approval from the Bentley School to utilize their facility.

F. Taormina mentioned that he tried to calling and e-mailing the Principal of the Bentley School but never received a return call or e-mail.  He told the Committee that he would follow up and confirm the request to use the school facilities.

N. Sachetti asked if we secured any sponsors or vendors for the event.  F. Taormina answered, stating that there would not be any sponsors and one vendor.

N. Sachetti asked is and who is putting together a flyer for the event, punch cards for each station, stations signs, and a banner for the event.  F. Taormina answered stating that he would take care of all of those items except for the banner because there is no money in the budget to purchased one.  He agreed to create a flyer and distribute it, create the punch cards and station signs and see if he can create a banner on the GIS Plotter.

D. Shuman asked if Frank contacted Neal Todson about the free bike locks and/or volunteers.  F. Taormina stated that Neal has committed to the free bike locks and may also send some volunteers to help out as well. Frank said that he will contact Neal to confirm.

Acting Chairman Bellin mentioned that they would move onto the next agenda item and table the discussion of the bike safety event until the other members of the Committee arrive.

4.      Old/New Business

F. Taormina asked the Committee if they could take the Meeting Agenda out of order to

acknowledge John Hersey from Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS).  The Committee agreed and the floor was turned over to John.

John Hersey introduced himself as a Transportation Planner from CTPS which provides technical and policy-analysis support to Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).  John mentioned that CTPS is performing user counts for all the bike paths in the Commonwealth.  He stated that on Saturday May 17, 2008 they will be counting trail users on the Salem Bike Path and Marblehead Trail and was looking for volunteers to count trail users for a block of time on the 17th.  He explained who the count would be conducted and what would be expected from those that are interested in assisting them.

J. Hersey passed out his business card to all the Committee members and told them to contact him if they are interested in volunteering.  The Committee members thanked him for coming and mentioned that they would be interested to see what the tally is once the count has been complied.

Bike Safety Day Event (continuation of tabled discussion)

Acting Chairman Bellin reopened Item 3 on the agenda because both Committee Member Christine Michelini and Committee Member Rachel Hunt had arrived.

With the agenda item re-opened, N. Sachetti briefly updated the recently present Committee members of the past discussion.

Acting Chairman Bellin asked if either C. Michelini or R. Hunt would be interested in organizing and running a fifth station at the Bike Safety Event revolved around games and riding course.  Both C. Michelini and R. Hunt volunteered to organize and run the station at the event.

F. Taormina asked if the Committee could confirm exactly how many stations there will be and who will be organizing and running each station.  Discussion ensued and the following was confirmed:

Station 1 (Bike Repairs/Maintenace) Dave Pelletier and Jerry Judge
Station 2 (Bike Safety Equipment) Dan Shuman and Nancy Sachetti
Station 3 (Rules of the Road) Jeff Bellin
Station 4 (Salem Bike Path/Bike Path Committee) Frank Taormina
Station 5 (Games and Bike Riding Course) Rachel Hunt and Christine Michelini

It was also suggested that Chairman Franzeen, who was not in attendance that night, be the master of ceremony or host of the event, which would involve greeting people that arrive to the event, explaining the format of the event, and guiding people through the event.

Acting Chair Bellin explained to the Committee that they will be holding a special meeting on either May 27th, 28th, or 29th to confirm the exact layout of each Station prior to the event.  The Committee discussed when they could all meet next, but no consensus was reached.  Acting Chair Bellin asked F. Taormina to e-mail the potential meeting times/dates to the Committee members and confirm quorum.

F. Taormina mentioned that in addition to that, he needs at least one person from each Station to attend the next meeting to ensure that they meet the objective of the special meeting.  The Committee agreed and Acting Chair Bellin closed the agenda item.

Acting Chair Bellin tabled the remaining Old/New Business Items and opening agenda item 5) Bike Path Kiosk.

5.      Bike Path Kiosk
Because of time and the importance of finalizing the Bike Safety Event, D. Pelletier made a motion that this agenda item be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting on June 11, which is after the Bike Safety Event. Seconded by D. Shuman and approved unanimously by the Committee.

6.      Old/New Business

No Bicycling Ordinance on Essex Street Pedestrian Mall (Ch.42, §43C)
D. Pelletier opened the item and passed out draft language to addressing his concern for this existing ordinance, rewording it to allow biking on the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall, but discouraging reckless riding and trick riding that may/can damage street furniture or endanger pedestrians on the mall.

Discussion regarding the Ordinance ensued.  F. Taormina stated that he would discuss this with the Planning Director and with the City Clerk to see what the process is to submit the petition to have the City Council consider changing the ordinance for the reasons stated. F. Taormina mentioned that afterward he’d draft a letter on behalf of the Committee and submit it to the City Council as directed by the City Clerk and the Planning Director.
Bike Path Maintenance Contract
F. Taormina mentioned to the Committee that the three year contract (2006-2008) with True Green Land Care ends this fall (October 2008).  He mentioned that he is putting together a new Bid Document to have the Bike Path Mowed and Maintained for another three years (2009-2011).  Once completed, he would have the Committee review the scope of work prior to bidding it.

Living Green & Renewable Energy Fair
F. Taormina mentioned that the City, the Salem Chamber of Commerce, and the Salem Main Streets Program are hosting the Fair and that they invited the Bike Path Committee to have a booth and a presence at the event.  F. Taormina mentioned that he e-mailed the Committee a couple weeks ago to see if anyone from the Committee would be present for the Fair on Saturday, June 14th, 2008 from 10am – 3pm and Jeff Bellin was the only member that said he could attend on behalf of the Committee.  F. Taormina stated that he would work with Jeff to get poster boards and other materials ready for the event and that he will likely be present for the event as well.

D. Pelletier asked if the Committee could use the Bike Path Maintenance Funds for anything other than maintaining the Bike Path.  F. Taormina was not able to answer the question but said that he would discuss it with the Planning Director and get back to the Committee.  


There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening, Acting Chair Bellin asked for a motion to adjourn.  

A motion was made by D. Shuman and seconded by N. Sachetti and approved unanimously.  The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 05-14-08