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Minutes, June 13, 2007
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Stan Franzeen, Vice Chair Jeff Bellin, Christine Michelini, Dan Shuman, and Jerry Judge.  Also present was Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Members Absent:  David Pelletier, Nancy Sachetti, and Rachel Hunt

Public in Attendance:

Chairman Franzeen called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

1.  Approval of Minutes

D. Shuman made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2007 meeting. Seconded by J. Judge.  No discussion ensued and the motion passed unanimously.

2.  Public Comment

No public comment was made.

3.  Town of Marblehead Light Commission Letter

Chairman Franzeen welcomed the invited guest Robert Jolly, General Manager of the Town of Marblehead Light Commission (MLC).

Mr. Jolly introduced himself and gave a brief overview of the Town of Marblehead Recreational Trail  and explained that the portion of the trail within the City of Salem, City Limits (from Lafayette Street over the Forest River Footbridge to the second footbridge to the Town of Marblehead line) is owned and controlled by the Marblehead Light Commission. The right-of-way has utility lines running directly beneath the trail and extends along and under the paved portion of the City of Salem owned Salem Bike Path right-of-way and that the Town of Marblehead has an easement along that right-of-way to maintain their underground utilities, and pays an in-lieu of taxes fee to the City of Salem in the amount of roughly $8,000 a year.  F. Taormina mentioned that those funds go into a maintenance account for the Salem Bike Path.

Chairman Franzeen asked Mr. Jolly whether the bollards before each of the footbridges could be widen by 3 to 5 inches in order to allow better access.  Mr. Jolly explained the Marblehead Light Commission’s concern with motor vehicles entering the recreational trail, but agreed that shifting the bollards apart should still deter motor vehicles from entering the recreation trail.

D. Shuman asked if some stone dust could be added to the lip of the footbridge abutments to create a safer passage for trail users and to fill in some of the potholes and rutts. Conversation ensued regarding the committee’s concerns with the condition of the trail.  

Mr. Jolly replied and explained the Marblehead Light Commission’s concerns with the site.  Pointing out that there is a DEP Consent Order issued for the site because of the subsurface contaminates and that the abutting former Chadwick Lead Mills Property is also contaminated, but is slated to be remediated and developed.  The development proposal includes several improvements to that recreation trail and better access from the Lead Mills Site to the recreation trail and to the Forest River flats/beach area. Mr. Jolly stated that the Light Commission doesn’t want to do any major improvements to the area because of these reasons.

Mr. Jolly explained to the committee that he will discuss both issues with the Marblehead Light Commission but he felt that both were fairly minor and could be done.  He stated that he would keep in touch with Frank regarding this matter.

F. Taormina mentioned to Mr. Jolly that at the opposite end of the Salem Bike Path the underground utilities come back up above ground in the undeveloped portion of the City of Salem Bike Path right-of-way behind Gardner Mattress on Canal Street/Broadway.  The City will be clearing the brush from that right-of-way in order for the City to access an outfall pipe at Rosie’s Pond and in order for the Marblehead Light Commission to maintain their overhead utilities, and for the future expansion of the Salem Bike Path to proceed through that right-of-way.

Motion was made by D. Shuman to have Frank draft a letter to Mr. Jolly thanking him for attending the meeting and answering the committee’s questions.  Seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.

4.  Green Line Bike Trail

In the absences of committee members Dave Pelletier, J. Bellin spoke about the proposed green line bike trail.  He mentioned that the only “missing link” to accomplish this on- and off-road bike trail is to pave a portion of land through Palmer Cove Park.

Chairman Franzeen stated that he would prefer to see it run along Palmer Cover and hug the water and the adjacent auto repair shop to connect Congress Street to Leach Street. Discussion ensued regarding the preferred location of this paved path through the park.

F. Taormina mentioned that he could email the committee an aerial photo of the park so that they can identify their preferred location and bring to the next meeting to discuss with the others.

D. Shuman made a motion to have the committee members investigate the site on their own time and have F. Taormina forward the committee members an aerial photo of the park so that they can outline their preferred location and bring it to the next meeting to share their thoughts with the committee.  Seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.

5. Old/New Business

F. Taormina updated the committee that he placed an order to purchase 2 Big Belly Solar Powered Trash Compactors (green), 3 city standard benches (black seating slats w/green stanchions), and 2 kiosk message centers (green).  He stated that all the checks have been cut and he will wait to confirm the products have been delivered correctly and intact prior to payment.  He will pursue with the final request for reimbursement from Mass Highway and submit the paperwork to finalize the Phase I Bike Path Contract with Mass Highway.

F. Taormina updated the committee on the Salem Redevelopment Authority Committee (SRA) Meeting prior to this meeting at 6pm to discuss the MAPC Bike Parking Program and the Salem Bike Path Committee’s proposal to purchase and install bike racks throughout downtown Salem.  He mentioned that Vice Chairman Bellin and Committee Member Jerry Judge were also present.  Frank stated that the SRA has endorsed the concept, the locations, and the styles of bike racks and they have referred the matter to the SRA’s Design Review Board (DRB), which meets on June 27th at 6pm and invited the committee members to attend it if they would like.


There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening a motion was made by Vice Chairman Bellin to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator
City of Salem

BPC 06-13-07