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4-22-14 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting April 22, 2014

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons,  Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky.  Absent: Sam Fiori, Barbara Sirois  Visitors,  City Counselor William Legault, Marie Feldmannova

1. Approval of Minutes:  The Reminders and Announcements report on the Washington Street/Canal Street project was amended to request a review by members of the plans for the Canal, Washington, Mill St. intersection at Riley Plaza, presented by the State’s landscapers at a prior meeting.  The major concerns were that the grassed islands replacing the concrete lining pedestrian crosswalks would require mowing and would be impractical to maintain.  It was suggested that hardscaping might be more practical. Plus the recommended New Bradford Pear trees are known to be fragile and short-lived..  The minutes were approved as amended.

2.    Reminders and Announcements:  As to the Washington Street/ Canal Street project it was noted that the grass end caps of the crosswalk will be changed from grass to hardscaped. The Bradford Pear tree plan will be reviewed.  The “Verizon” island will be eliminated and grass will be planted on the inside of the sidewalks.  The Committee was invited to suggest up to three summer projects for the DPW.  The head of the DPW will be invited to the June meeting. A question as to the payment of cost of any injuries suffered by Committee members while working on the islands is to be researched.  
        A request for the donation of books and magazines to be made available at the Plant Sale was made.

3.   Clean Salem, Green Salem May 3, 2014:  The plans for cleaning up of the train station area was offered by guest Marie Feldmannova.  The following groups have been contacted in connection with their participation in the event:  Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association, Salem Volunteers, Gulu Gulu Café and the walk over to the train, South Salem Neighborhood Association,  Sharon Smith , Mack Park, Salem Coast Watch, Remix Church, Meeting House Church, Bridge Street Neck, Collins Middle School and Carleton School. The Committee will clean Lafayette Park.
        Engine House Pizza, Steve’s Market and Shaw’s Super Market will provide food for the lunch following the “clean up” to be held on the Salem Common
        Lisa has developed the brochure for the event which will be distributed to houses on
Lafayette Street and to appropriate locations down town.

4.   Plant Sale:  The sale will held on Saturday, May 17th on the Salem Common from 9:00 – 1:00 and on Sunday May 18th from 9:00 to 12:00.  Various Committee members will contribute house plants. A staffing schedule will be prepared.  Arrangements with Flowers by Darlene are to being made.  
       Three donated raffle items will be offered. There will be a gift certificate from Thomson Garden Shop and Landscaping, a herb garden planter created by Sam Fiori and a 50:50 raffle.
   Committee members are encouraged to bring donated issues of relevant magazines and books to be given away during the sale.  Helium balloons will highlight the event.  

5.  Lady of Salem:  Preparations are being made to hang and display the figures on the walking mall and in other places.  The Lady figures are to be installed at the end of May in anticipation of the Memorial Day and the June Arts Festival.  

6.  Traffic Islands:  The Memo of Understanding for 2014 is to be mailed.  The Committee’s Service Island will be cleaned and prepped by Committee volunteers.

7.  New Business: Plans for Hanging planted baskets on the Mall were discussed together with a consideration of their placement in relation to the location of the displayed Lady of Salem figures.  

A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  May 27, 2014 at 7:00 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz