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6-25-13 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting June 25, 2013

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons,  Sandra Power, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky   Absent:  Sara Fiori,  Bev Moustakis, Barbara Sirois,

Meeting was called to order at 7:55 P.M.  

Minutes of the Meeting of May 28, 2013 were reviewed and amended as follows:
  • Committee member Lisa Lyons did attend this meeting.
  • Paragraph No. 4 was amended to report that Mary Ellen Halliwell and Ellen Talkowsky sought approval of the Lady of Salem before the Salem Redevelopment Committee.
The minutes were approved as amended.

  • Sandi, and volunteers saw to the mulching of Riley Plaza and the Veterans Island.
  • Barbara Sirois, Chairperson Barbara Swartz, Lisa Lyons and Bev Moustakis will be responsible for the maintenance of the Committee’s Veterans Traffic Island for the coming month.
  • The loss of a good friend and active volunteer of the Committee was noted. Chairperson Barbara will send a sympathy card to the family.  
  • Notice was given that Committee member Mary Anne Piechocki has resigned.  She will remain active on the Lady of Salem project.  
(1) Lady of Salem updates and events – Bev and Ellen walked the Plaza and picked out the posts on which the Lady of Salem figures were to be hung.  The installation of 13 figures is to take place on June 28th.  On the 4th of July the Committee will sponsor a table at the National Park Service’s activities for children event.  Children will be invited to stop by from 4 -7 use crayons to color copies of a Lady of Salem figure printed on sheets of paper.  The Committee’s application for participation in the coming September “Trails and Sails” event has been approved.  Tours are planned.  A hard board copy of the Lady of Salem is to be created.  Chair person Barbara asked that plans be completed by the August meeting. It was suggested that the project needs more press.

( 2) Traffic Island Updates – Sandi led the discussion of the status (financial and physical) of the various islands that are managed by the Committee. Chairperson Barbara supplied copies of Google maps of the islands.  Fourteen Islands are being maintained but seven are in need of sponsors.  The Traffic Island project has many complications which were identified discussed and need further attention.  It was decided to offer new sponsors a 20% discount on this year’s  fee if they commit after the first of July.

A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe.

Next Meeting:  July 23, 2013 at 7:30 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz