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4-23-13 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting April 23, 2013

Present:  Chairperson Pro Tem Barbara Swartz, Sara Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell. Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky   Absent:  Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons, Mary Anne Piechocki

Meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.  
Review Minutes of the Meeting of March 27, 2913:  It was moved and seconded that the Minutes be approved as written.  The Motion passed.

  • Discuss/Appoint a new Chairman of the Committee:  It was reported that Marcia Lambert has resigned as Chairperson of the Committee due matters of  health.  The Committee was heartened to learn that her health is improving.  Marcia’s contribution to the Committee as Chairperson is well known and much appreciated.  It was moved, seconded that Barbara Swartz be elected as the new Chairperson.  No other nominations were proffered.  The vote for Barbara was unanimous.
  • T-Shirts:  Sandi noted that three new members are in need of Beautification Committee t-Shirts.  Discussion followed as to changing the blue color of our existing T-Shirts to one that will get more attention when worn in public.  Providing T-Shirts for Committee volunteers working on Traffic Islands and other projects was also discussed.  Sandi will follow up as to what options are available in shirts costing up to Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars.  Mary Ellen will help select the color.  Shirts will be ordered for Committee members plus six more shirts for use by volunteers    
  • Clean Salem Green Salem:  Official flyers have been created and distributed.  Notices have been posted on various web sites such as Face Book, Salem City site, Salem volunteers’ site and the Dejas site.  This year’s Clean Salem Green Salem is to be based at Leslie’s Retreat on Bridge Street.  As per last meeting’s presentation by City Councilor William Legault, Aaron Katz and Callie Lipton of the Dejas will be organizing the site with the help of the young people they work with from the Plummer Home, the Boys and Girls Club and others as they clean the area, provide entertainment and at an appropriate time offer pizza and drinks and other snacks.  A visit from an ex Patriot is expected.   Chairperson Barbara and Ellen have had two meetings with these sponsors.  Salem Recycles also agreed to base their events at the “Retreat.”  It was reported that there will also be a show at Lapin Park  City and an event promotion will be held on Friday night.  Ellen noted that the Salem Education foundation, plus three or four neighborhood groups have indicated their intentions to clean their areas.  North Side Carting is to be contacted about the possibility of picking up the waste collected in these neighborhoods.  The need for donations of tools and pick up bags was addressed.  Sam and Sandi and Bev will ask various businesses about donations.  Ellen noted that we have ten brooms donated by Lori Bruno.  Cleanup volunteers will be given a packet with gloves and a ticket for the lunch.   The Committee will be responsible for cleaning, mulching and improving the appearance of the Pedestrian Mall.  Ellen is to ask the Boy Scouts to assist in the project as they have done so in the past.  There will be a tent and table set up near Rockafellas.  Supplies will be dropped for our use.  We are to arrive by 8:30.     
  • Traffic Island letter.  The letter to Traffic Island sponsors drafted by Sandi was read out loud.  A few changes were suggested.  A motion to approve and adopt the amended letter was offered, seconded and passed.  Ellen was asked to distribute the letter together with the Memorandum of understanding.  A copy of both documents is to be posted on our website.  Sandi has been responsible for having already cleaned up about ninety percent of the program traffic island.
  • Plant Sale:    The Plant Sale had been scheduled to be held on Saturday, May 18th.  A request to reconsider adding Sunday hours was discussed.  As per a roll call vote, it was decided to hold the Plant Sale on Saturday and Sunday this year. The Sale will held on the Common with Saturday hours from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and on Sunday from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.  Sandi is to contact Darlene of  Flowers by Darlene regarding supplying plants for sale at the event.  Sandi is to report her findings to Ellen by the end of the week. Sandi and Chairperson Barbara will meet with Darlene to discuss the plant selections to be provided.    Ellen displayed a flyer that had been created by an Artful Graphics intern from the North Shore Community College.   An attempt will be made to have the flyers available for the Clean Salem Green Salem event.  The Garden  Club will be noticed of the event.  It was requested that members arrive between 7:30 – 8:00 to assist in setting up the event.  A tent, a table and carts from Artist Row will be available. Ellen will provide the cash box. Sandwich board like stands plus a banner will advertise the event.   The availability of garden tools for sale plus a raffle of Committee created items was discussed.  Bev volunteered to create a window box for the raffle and Sam volunteered to create another item.  Proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets will be split 50/50 between the creators and the Committee.  Bev volunteered to bring coffee and doughnuts for the Committee volunteers who will work the Saturday event.
  • Other:  It was noted that the designated Veterans Traffic Island does not have a sponsor.  It was moved, seconded and approved that the Committee will be the official sponsor of the island.  The Committee will be responsible for planting, maintaining and cleaning the island.  Responsibilities will be exercised on a weekly basis.  The Island is irrigated. The Island needs mulch.  Sandi was authorized to spend up to  Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars to obtain six yards of mulch.
A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe.
Next Meeting:  May 28, 2013 at 7:30 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz