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Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting July 24, 2012
        Revised Minutes 

Present: Marcia Lambert, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Barbara Sirios, Barbara Swartz, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent: Sam Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Maryanne Piechocki.    Visitor: Lisa Lyons

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting of the meeting of June 26, 2012 were approved by a vote of the members

1.~ Lady of Salem - Bev noted that plans for 2013 were being developed.  The goal is for a total of twenty “Ladies.”  A new contact is considering the project.  Voting for the 12 currently sited “Ladies” is going well.  The winner will be announced during the Trails and Sails event scheduled for September.  The website is being improved and may be expanded.
2.~ Window Box Contest – Ellen reported that the announcement of contest winners has been moved from August 8th to August 9th.  The event cosponsored with the Garden Club will be held at the Brookhouse. Ellen is managing registrations for the contest.  Registrants will receive invitations to the Brookhouse event.  Winners will receive notice by phone.  Winners will receive certificates created by the Garden Club and framed by the Committee.  Lisa will work on pictures of the entries.  It was suggested that pictures of all of the traffic islands be taken and posted.  It was also suggested that notices about the concerning the awards ceremony be sent to sponsors.  

3.~ Traffic Islands – Sandi led the discussion as to the status of the sponsored islands.  It was noted that some ten volunteers worked to establish the Military Island over a period of two days.  Unfortunately, a rose bush was taken from the Island. The Committee is grateful to a loyal Island supporter who contributed $50.00 to the cost of a replacement plant. Also the City has been asked to reserve cobblestones taken out of the Pedestrian Mall for use by the Committee for traffic islands..  Certain islands need attention and will receive an email “reminder.”  It was reported that the sponsored Vinnin Square Island gets run over “all the time.”~~It was suggested that white lines be painted around it.          

4.~ Future plans, projects, etc. - Notice was taken regarding the newly planted areas on Bridge Street.  They are put in by the State Department of Public Services are well done but not maintained.  Ellen is to find out who is responsible. Marcia suggested that we should appeal to Neighborhood Associations concerning Clean Sweeps.  The Military Island was discussed again and plant recommendations submitted.  Certain uncared for grassy “tree lawn” areas installed by the State on North Street were described as unsightly. It was suggested that the “Civic Pride” of abutting neighbors might be triggered by a letter from the Committee.  Marcia volunteered to write such a letter.   ~~~~

5. ~Other - It was decided to discuss Halloween at the August meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:37.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  August 28, 2012
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert