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Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting August 28, 2012

Present: Marcia Lambert, Sam Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis, Maryanne Piechocki, Barbara Sirios,, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent: Sandra Power,    Visitors: Barbara Swartz, Lisa Lyons, Shirley Walker

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M.
Minutes:  The group was presented with a revised and corrected copy of the Minutes of the meeting of July 24, 2012, that had previously been distributed to Committee members.  The revised minutes were accepted and approved as written.    

1.  Window Box and Traffic Island Competition Report:  Ellen noted that the judging and the winners’ celebration at the Brookhouse went very well.  Lisa took photos, got coverage in the Press and has posted photos on our website.  Some forty people attended the announcement of the Winners.  Joan Lovely representing the Mayor, Adele Maestranzi and Meg McMahan representing the Garden Club plus Marcia Lambert and Sandra Power representing Committee spoke.  

2.  Lady of Salem:  Mary Ellen reported that the contest to determine which of the displayed “Ladies” is most favored is going well.  295 votes have been cast by website ballot.  Paper ballots have not yet been counted.   The winners will be announced on September 29th as part of the National Park Service’s Trails and Sails weekend.  The Committee will create a canopied space at 160 Derby Street for announcing prizes. The first place prize will be $250.00.   Plans for the site including furnishings, displays and activities promoting the event were discussed.  The displayed “Ladies” will be taken down in mid October.  

3.   Halloween:  Changes in the availability of donated pumpkins and the complications that arose in working with pumpkin decorating activities with school children were considered.  Ellen will approach school art teachers to help with such activities and to choose the participating classes.  Bev and Maryanne will assist her.  Marcia volunteered to help.  The current cut off age of 14 for participating children may be increased. The display booth on the Common together with the awarding of prizes is to be recreated.  Hours for “manning” the booth were discussed.  Potential sources for donated pumpkins and art supplies will be pursued.    

4.  Shirley Walker (visitor and former Committee member) showed pictures of sidewalk planters that she viewed while visiting Vancouver, Canada. The planters were unique in standing some 3 ft or so tall, were shaped like chimneys and were solidly planted on all four vertical sides from sidewalk to top with ground cover like green plants.  The possibility of creating such planters in Salem was discussed. The Committee thanks Shirley for her visit and report.

A motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting:  September 25, 2012
Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert