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Meeting – Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis , Sandra Power,  Ellen Talkowsky,
Judith Wolfe.   Absent:  Sam Fiori, MaryAnne Piechocki.  Guests: Diane Guzman, Joy Winkler
Members met at 7:32 P.M.

The meeting began with a welcome to the guests.  The guests had come to explore with the Committee ideas and plans that would improve the general appearance of their neighborhood called “The Point.”
A fruitful discussion followed: trash barrel problems and the city’s trash collecting contract was addressed, recycling possibilities, window flower boxes, focusing on the community during “Clean Sweeps,”  language translation services for purposes of developing signs and brochures plus the creation of a Victory garden were considered.  The guests were invited to keep in touch with the Committee


The minutes of the meeting of August 23, 2011 were accepted as written.

Money raising and reimbursement issues and procedures were discussed.  
 A Motion to contribute $100.00 to the Salem Cyberspace organization for its garden project was offered and approved.  A Motion to pay Thomsons $122.00 was offered and approved.

1.  Halloween –  Ellen reported that flyers have gone out to the city and notice will be posted on the website.  MaryAnne has spoken to the  YMCA.  Pumpkin decorating will take place at the Bentley and Carlton schools on October 13th and 14th.  Pumpkins are being provided Gibney Gardens, Clark Farm and are expected from other sources.  The pumpkins are to be displayed at a booth on the Salem Common beginning on Friday evening October 15th.    Judges will be found to judge the pumpkins on Sunday morning.   Pumpkins will be grouped by ages (6 and under, 7-10, 11-14).   Halloween Costumes . Com  has donated  $200.00 which will be used for a raffle at the schools and for the pumpkin prize winners.

2.  East India Mall (Pedestrian Mall) -  The fences are to come down by the 2nd of May.  Marcia will draft an  account of the information she was given by a Garden Club member regarding the tasks the club would undertake as they maintained the Mall.

3.  Traffic Island end of year report – The development of a sign to be posted on unsponsored islands which would advertise its availability for sponsorship was discussed.  Those islands needing sponsors were  indentified and the current status of their planting was described.

4.  Lady of Salem – Mary Ellen reported that a postcard  depicting  the project has been designed and is ready for printing.  Ellen will follow up on payment to the vendors.  The sponsors of the currently displayed  models will take possession and keep them for the winter.

5.  Service Men and Women, final report.  Marcia has prepared a letter of notice and given it to the Salem Gazette and Salem News.  Evidently the island needs weeding and collects litter which will be monitored.  

6. Christmas – Ellen has been talking with Jennifer Bell  (organization? Main Streets?)  about the “candy cane” red ribbon wrapping of the light poles.   It has been decided to wrap only the black poles, and to not do Derby Street as the poles are too tall.  Sandi  suggested the older poles only.  We are to take care of the poles and Main Streets will do the wreaths.

7.  MaryAnne will plant mums on Artist Row tomorrow.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting:  October  25, 2011

Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert