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Meeting – Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Maryanne Piechocki, Sandra Power,,  Ellen Talkowsky,
Judith Wolfe.   Absent: Bev Moustakis’ Sara Fiori .  Visitor: Margaret Crowdis
Meeting was called to order at 7:28 P.M.     

Review of Minutes:  It was noted that the amended minutes of the meeting held on  April 15, 2011 failed to note and correct  the spelling of Scott Thomson’s last name as it appeared in paragraph six.

The minutes of the Meeting held May 24, 2011, are amended as follows:  Paragraph two is amended to  report that Sandi sent “Thank You “ letters to volunteers. The two sentences regarding “designers” are deleted from paragraph four. Paragraph five is amended to indicate that Paul Brown with the assistance of Salem State returning Veteran students will clean up the Mill Hill island. The Minutes were approved as amended.   

Old Business
  • Plant Sale  . . . . procedures for 2012 -  Maryanne and Sandi have drafted a four page memo detailing “Plant Sale” procedures.  Copies of the memo are to be sent to Committee members for review and comment.  Salem Sound CoastWatch contributed $20.00 to the Committee from its own sales at the Plant Sale.  
  • Traffic Island Updates - Issues regarding recognition of exemplary traffic island plantings by non-sponsors were discussed.  Currently   awards are given to Traffic Island sponsors by the Salem Garden Club at the time that the annual window box awards are announced.  The Committee would also like to add Honorable Mention Awards for traffic island sponsors.
A motion was offered and seconded that the Committee recognize those who voluntarily, individually and independently undertake the beautification of public places. The Motion passed.

As to other “Island” issues it was noted that Lifebridge has cleaned and planted  one of the two Margin Street  islands and has asked permission to plant the other, that Fresh Taste of Asia Restaurant has agreed to sponsor the Summer Street island, there are concerns about the quality of the grass mowing at Riley Plaza and that almost all sponsors have renewed their commitment to their designated islands.  Sandi suggested that the Mill Hill median strip might benefit from cobblestones and trees, that the Washington Street business plaza might benefit by being given an appropriate name and sign, that she will approach the NSHCDC student work program to see if there is interest in maintaining the Ward/Peabody Street island.  The “Adopt an Island” sign was discussed.  Sandi will get it designed.    It was suggested that the sign be reviewed and approved by the entire Committee before it is used.
  • Lady of Salem Update - Mary Ellen reported on the status of the project.  Three figureheads will be ready for display at both the Maritime and Heritage Days festivals.  The logistics of the placement of the figureheads is yet to be finalized. There was discussion about  arranging for providing information and answering questions regarding the project at manned tables placed  near the displayed figureheads.  
  • Active Duty Service Island -  Marcia met with  Salem State University’s Paul Brown  who is organizing the veteran students who will help clean up the Mill Hill island.  Ellen reported that the language to be placed on the plaque to be displayed on the island will be reviewed by the Mayor’s office.  It was noted that the term “active duty” does not include National Guard service.
  • Business Cards – Ellen reported that City of Salem business cards are authorized for city employees only.  The committee can use Ellen’s cards and add printed additional information if needed.
  • Hanging Baskets – The discussion regarding the desirability of adding hanging plants to poles  in front of downtown businesses raised problematic issues.  Following reports of discussions with other communities, it was decided that maintenance problems including the need for watering discouraged this project at this time.
A Motion to Adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  July 26, 2011

Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert