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Meeting – Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Chair – Mary Lambert

Present: Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Maryanne Piechocki, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  Absent: Sara Fiore, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power.   
The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Review of minutes of meeting held January 25, 2011.  The minutes were adopted as written
Old Business
  • Clean Sweeps -  The event is scheduled for May 7, 2011.  Mary Ellen will update instructions for participants to clarify what constitutes recyclables.  Marcia will help Ellen with the development of flyers.  Notice mailing dates were discussed.  It was suggested that the initial mailings should go out before March 20th and subsequent mailings should go out in early April.  Target groups for receipt of flyers and notices were identified.  Ellen will contact schools and Marica will contact a source regarding. Access to neighborhood associations and others.  Flyers will be distributed at the M.B.T.A. station on Friday the 6th.
  • Plant Sale – The event is scheduled for May 21st from 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. on the “patio” behind Old City Hall.  Ellen will contact Darlene of Flowers by Darlene regarding the date, time and other matters. Marcia will contact the Garden Club.  Various members discussed what they can contribute to the event.  Maryanne volunteered  to make flower baskets and offered to donate a window box for a fund raising initiative and to recruit volunteers for the sale.
  • Lady of Salem – Mary Ellen reported that a meeting is scheduled with the Mayor on March 8th to present the sub committee’s revised plan.  A preview of the project  is planned to be held at Palmer Cove yacht later this year.  The business plan is still under development and a time line is in process.  Various businesses, and locations are being considered for displaying the “Lady.” It was noted that Salem State University will be on the jury.  Marketing brochure models are being perused for ideas for the “Lady” marketing materials to be developed.
  • Traffic Islands -  Ellen has met Sandi regarding the Islands.  The MOU for the coming season is being developed.  Updating the Website and incorporating the MOU is a big task but is underway.  Letters are to be mailed the end of March.  Maryanne will be soliciting volunteers.  Those islands without sponsors are to identified. Improving the appearance of the entrance to the M.B.T.A. station was discussed.
New Business
  • Public Spaces – Marcia suggested that there is a concern about the appearance of the property that fronts the Adriatic restaurant.  Ellen suggested that it may have to be “hardscaped.”  
  • Active Duty Service People  - Marcia suggested that it would be appropriate to create a Salem tribute recognizing and honoring those who are on active military duty.  Sponsoring one to the small traffic islands was discussed.  Discussion is to be continud.
  • Beautification  committee Annual Report – Ellen is working on the report and asked Mary Ellen to summarize the “Lady” project and Maryanne to summarize the “pumpkin” project that took place during the Halloween festivities.
  • Decorative Street Banners – The addition of banners to Front Street and  other streets as a source of visual interest was suggested and discussed.   The discussion will be continued.
  • New Committee members -  The suggestion and request has been made to the Mayor  staffs.
  • Date Next Meeting – Due to scheduling difficulties for members of the Committee for the March meeting, it was decided hold the meeting at the regular time on Tuesday March 15, 2011 rather than March 22nd.
Motion to Adjourn was made, seconded and passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting: March 15, 2011
Chairperson:   Marcia Lambert