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Meeting – Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Sara Fiore, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent: Amy Alpert, Maryanne Piechocki,

The Meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting held June 22, 2010 – The minutes were approved as submitted.  
~Old Business
~1. ~Salem Academy’s Annual Community Partners Fair.  – Ellen reported that the group has invited representatives from the Committee to attend a joint meeting on September 8th.  The object of the meeting is to identify community issues that could be addressed with group projects.  Marcia and Sandi indicated that they would try to attend.   
~2. ~Tree planting...10/9...Global Work Party – Marcia noted that the Salem Recycling Committee is planning a tree planting event for October 10th. They are looking for ideas and want to know whether we are interested in joining them.  They envision a Global Work Party Event.  Marcia is to get more information for purposes of further discussion at the next meeting.
3, ~Traffic Islands – Sandi submitted the following report:
Traffic Island Report - End of Season~ 8/24/10

New this year traffic islands sponsors:~ Taste of Asia, The Rotary, Cornerstone Books, Treasures over Time, Captain Driver Park
Possible new sponsor:~ Ellen has referred case manager Carlton Beaver of Life Bridge to me.~ He agrees to send in an MOU and $75 to sponsor a part of the island on Mill and Margin Streets~ across from Life Bridge.
Islands remaining unsponsored:~ Loring Square, Washington Sq. North, Mc Donald Square,~ and two sections of Riley Plaza.
Public Space newly planted:~ corner Washington/New Derby under Rotary sign (requested by The Rotary as part of their sponsorship)

Traffic Island Competition winners:~ First :~ Rose Ins., planted professionally;~ Second: Home Depot, planted and maintained by Sam Fiore and Beverly Moustakis,
Third: Tache Realty, planted professionally; Best new business entry:~ Taste of Asia, planted and maintained by Sandi Power. ~ Sam Fiore and Tache Realty also took prizes in the window box category.

Volunteers (BCom associates) who have helped maintain islands:~ The Rotary and Cornerstone Books - Jack Melin, Janis Manning, Marvin Johnson;~ The Rotary Sign Garden - Mary Ånn Lyons;~ Rose Ins. and Freedom Communications - Charlene Bailey;~ Taste of Asia and Salem Bike - Judith Wolfe and Lucy Sprague; McDonald Island - Jack Melin and Janis Manning; Boys and Girls Club - Barbara Kelley and Joanne Kowalski.

In July, in response to a request made at the June meeting, Sandi sent to BCom members a list of island sponsors who needed volunteers for maintenance.~ All but one had a volunteer, but needed a second.

In early August Charlene Bailey and Sandi Power responded to Frank Taormino's request for help weeding and grooming the Harborwalk before opening day.~

On Friday, Aug. 27th, Sandi will meet with Frank Taormino, his contractor Target Construction, landscape architect Michael Blier,~ and Lucy Corchado of the Point neighborhood~ to discuss restoring, replacing the failed plantings at the new gardens at Peabody/Ward Streets bordering Congress.

Sandi Power
Traffic Islands
4. ~Public Spaces - Mary Ellen’s Public Art committee (including Amy, Sam, Beverly and Maryanne) has met often and productively.  She distributed a draft “power point” presentation that is being developed for purposes of introducing the community to a reproduction of the figurehead taken from the clipper ship known as the Jenny Lind. Costs were discussed as well as possible activities for children and others were described.   The availability and the possibility of getting grants was discussed and will be pursued.  Preparations are ongoing for the Arts Festival scheduled for June 6, 2011.  Efforts are being made to find fifteen or more sponsors.  Members of the committee are planning to attend an October  meeting of the Salem Art Association Board in order to introduce the project.  The committee hopes to meet with other organizations in the near future.  The group is working on a timeline to be presented at the next meeting.  The traffic islands were revisited.  Lafayette Park, Mill Hill and others need attention.  Sandi will send out a list of trouble spots.
5. ~Haunted Happenings- Sell plants, Wreaths, pumpkin contest – It was agreed that it is too late to hold a plant sale in the Fall.  Marcia has ten wreaths to contribute to the event. The various past school and community related activities were reviewed.  It was suggested that the Committee had sponsored a pumpkin decorating event in the past.  Bev will check with the Boys and Girls club to see what is planned and Ellen will check with the schools and others.  Discussion to be continued at the next meeting.  
6. ~Financial Report  - Ellen distributed a Beautification Committee Funds  report.  As of June 23, 2010, the Committee has $3,147.99 in its account.  The Committee was reminded that it must decide on what it wants to spend its funds.  The “figurehead” project may be challenging.
7. Short/Long term projects/goals- Marcia suggested that the Committee needs to “decide where we are and where we are going.”  She wants to begin the discussion in October..
A Motion to Adjourn was made and seconded and approved.  Meeting adjourned at 9:02 P.M.
Next Meeting – September 28, 2010                                                                               Chairperson     - Marcia Lambert