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Meeting – Tuesday,  February 23, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Amy Alpert, Sara Fiore, Jan Kendall, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sandra Power, Maryanne Piechocki, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe   Absent: Bev Moustakis

Review of minutes of the meeting held January 26, 2010 – The minutes were amended to reflect in item number two under Old Business that Peter Tirrell is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

1.   Clean Sweeps, May 1, 2010 – Ellen presented a draft of the “Save the Date” card that will be distributed.  She has met with Julie Rose of the Recycling Committee and representatives of several other organizations that will participate in the event.  There will be several collection centers for such things as for bikes, electronic waste, “lightly used clothing and jewelry,” plastic bags etc.  Ellen and  Julie are looking at suitable rewards for children participants and will report at the next meeting.  As last year there will be blue bags for collected recyclables.  A “rain date” is to be determined.  Ellen will send out requests for help by email.

2.   Plant Sale, May 15, 2010 – Ellen will get a flyer together, a press release and will post the event on the website.  Sandi and Amy will co-chair the event and will coordinate the” home grown” plant collection section of the event.  Amy will contact “Flowers by Darlene” and will look into the possibilities of the sale of plant containers.   Salem Coast Watch will sell native plants.

3.  Traffic Islands –  (Report submitted by Sandi Power, Traffic Island Committee)

Ellen and Sandi met with Rick Rennard, Ron Malionek and Tom O’Shea to discuss the watering situation for the2010 season. They have agreed to replace the time clock for Hawthorne Blvd. irrigation system which has not worked for some time.  Rick will confer with Jimmy Levesque to determine which downtown islands have the best possibility to bring an irrigation system in.  They will decide the order for irrigating them over the next few years.

MOU’s will need little change this yeasr except the fee schedule will be refined.

Sandi met with Joanne Scott and two staff members at the Boys and Girls Club to plan their garden on Hawthorne Blvd.    They will put out a call for community volunteers in their April newsletter to help them plant and maintain.

There is a possibility previously unsponsored islands at Riley Plaza will be sponsored by the Salem Rotary and the Cornerstone Book Store.

Stimulus money will allow us to hire as much summer help as we need.  This help will be helpful for our watering and maintenance.

It was reported that the City has a water truck but needs a driver.  It is possible to try nighttime watering on the third shift.

4.  Community Art -  Mary Ellen displayed the sample Jenny Lind sprite figure head purchased by the Committee.  The figure was well received.  She reported that Jason         needs to meet with the Salem Redevelopment Committee to get authorization to continue this downtown project. It was reported that certain business have indicated an interest in the project. Discussion followed as to the number of figureheads that should be involved, as to display issues and costs.  A motion to continue with the project was offered, seconded and passed.  Mary Ellen, Sam, Amy and Bev will manage the project.

5.   Committee member Jan Kendall announced her resignation.   Her contribution to the  
Committee was thankfully acknowledged.  It was noted how much she will be missed.

A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next meeting:  March 23, 2010
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert