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Meeting – Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Chair – Marcia Lambert
Present:~ Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Jan Kendall, Sandra Power, Sara Fiore, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe, and Guest Maryanne Piechocki.~~ Absent:~ Amy Alpert, Bev Moustakis.~
Chairperson Marcia Lambert called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.~
The minutes of the September 29th meeting were approved as written.~
Old Business~
1.~ Holiday Season Tree– Ellen reported that the very full tree is up and is topped and~ decorated with large, donated, ribbon bows and the Committee’s last year’s Christmas light strings collection.~ She also reported spending approximately $200 for additional lights and asked for a motion to pay for them out of~ Bcom funds.~ It was suggested that the exact figure be presented before voting.~ The tree was donated.~ As was the time of the driver and the truck that brought the tree down from Maine to the plaza.~ Main Streets will send out the “Thank you’s.”~ Members of the Committee helped in the preparation of some eighty wreaths plus candy striping the lamp posts with red velvet ribbons.~ Ellen noted that the plans for Santa’s arrival at the Hawthorne hotel and the lighting of the Christmas tree ceremony are all set and that she will set up a sound system for use by the Mayor for the “countdown” to the tree lighting.~ The Gathering will prepare hot chocolate which members of the Committee, wearing Committee aprons, will serve during the tree lighting ceremony. Jan reported that the Garden Club will “dress up” the urns on Washington Street and at the Fountain.
2.~ Traffic Islands – Sandi reported that Maryanne Piechocki donated and helped plant some 200 bulbs at the entrances to Riley Plaza.~ Sam reported that she put in some 90 daffodils bulbs in the Washington Street island and plans to put more in later.~
3.~ Artist Row – Mary Ellen noted that the area still looks good.~ She would like to see a few more hanging baskets next year.~ She plans to ask the DPW to help move and store the~ planters inside one of the buildings for the coming winter. A general discussion of issues of interest regarding the Row followed.
4. Public Art – Mary Ellen reported that she, Sam, and Bev are working as a subcommittee together with Jason and Main Streets on a proposed fiberglass figurehead project and presented some information she had received.~~~ Sam is getting information together on available options and gathering information on the experiences of other groups who have created and managed similar projects.~ Discussion focused on the method of choosing the models to be made and the events that might be organized to introduce them to the community.~~ It was suggested that local businesses may be willing to underwrite the cost of the project.~ Mary Ellen also advised that since the MBTA now has definite plans to install a new garage, the proposed mural at the station will be put on hold~
5.~ Future Projects – Marcia led the discussion as to:
~~~~~~a.~ Parking Meter Beautification Arts Project – it was decided to put discussion off until next year.
~~~~~~b.~ Anti-litter Campaign – Ellen recalled previous efforts such as placing anti-litter posters in store windows.~ She noted that Community Development Funds can be used for such activities and she also noted that the City’s Recycling Committee is about to meet and will be considering future events.~ This item was also continued for further discussion next year.
~~~~~~c.~ Yard or Neighborhood Recognition Program – Concerns were expressed about overlooking or leaving people out.~ Ellen will investigate to see whether such contests (yard, door, new door, other) have worked for the Bridge Street project and in other communities. ~
6.~ Finding new members – It was noted that our guest, Maryanne Piechocki, is to be introduced to the City Council in early December as a potential new member.~ Two other community residents have expressed an interest in joining the Committee.~
New Business
1.~ 2010 – Start planning projects – The Clean Sweeps date has been set for May 1, 2010.
The plant sale has been scheduled for May 15, 2010.~ As to sites to focus on for the Clean sweeps event, it was suggested that everyone look for needy locations once the snow season is over.~ City entrance streets are a priority. Sandi advised that some did not feel the 2009 Clean Sweeps date announcement came early enough for them to participate and we should get the date out well in advance.~ Ellen is to bring a notes and a list of things to do to be ready to the Clean Sweeps day.~ The need for flyers noted.~
2.~ Parking lot – Topics that had been continued for future discussion were revisited.
~~~~~~Clean Sweep Banners – The usefulness of such a sign was discussed as well as the cost to create one.~ Cost data is to be gathered.
~~~~~~Traffic Island Wanted Signs – Relevant protocols are to be discussed in January.
3.~ The Committee Meeting for December is cancelled.~ The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 26, 2010.~
Motion to Adjourn was offered at 9:05, seconded and approved.~
Respectfully submitted,~
Judith Wolfe
Next Meeting:~ January 26, 2010
Chairperson:~~~ Marcia Lambert~