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Meeting – Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Chair – Marcia Lambert
Present:  Mary Ellen Halliwell, Jan Kendall, Marcia Lambert, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  Absent:  Amy Alpert, Sara Fiore,

The minutes of the previous meeting concerning the Traffic Island report were amended as follows:  Early August was spent cleaning up the remaining islands sponsored by those who had paid $300 for maintenance in time for the Traffic Island Contest.  Sandi called a few of the other sponsors to alert them that their islands needed weeding.  White Dove and Salem State at Lafayette and Loring immediately complied.  

In response to an email to the Committee from Sandi, Judith Wolfe helped Sandi and Sam weed and deadhead the Washington St. median strip sponsored by Home Depot.  Janis Manning, a Beatification Committee volunteer, helped Sandi weed and deadhead Beadworks island.  Sandi also cultivated the tree lawn and planted the first of three hostas in front of Treasures over Time, in preparation for planting mums in September.  Most of the islands are looking very good although many are starting to show the effects of lack of water.  An email has been sent to Rick Rennard and Ellen Talkowsky expressing concern over the apparent lack of Çity watering and suggesting that different arrangements may be made going forward.  

Sandi attended a Licensing Board meeting on August 10th at which the Tavern on  the Square was to discuss its plan for seating on the green in front of the tavern.  She spoke about her concern that instead of RCG's beautifying the area in front of their new building, as she would have expected, they were going to pave it for outdoor seating.  This resulted in a commitment made by their attorney, Joseph Correnti, and insisted on and recorded by chairman David Shea, that they include beautification of the remaining green area in their project

Old Business
1.   Traffic Islands –
        Sandi suggested that we may be able to signup more sponsors for the traffic islands if we create and place signs on unsponsored islands inviting applications from passersby.  She was told that six such signs would cost $65.00.
        The need for a traffic island subcommittee was discussed.  It was suggested that
Subcommittees be formed at the January or February meeting. Moreover M.O.U.s be sent out in March.  
        Ellen reported on the event celebrating the winners of the window box, traffic island contest.  The event was well attended.  The Home Depot which sponsored the Washington Street traffic island got the major award.  Letters had been sent out the end of July advising sponsors of the contest.   It was suggested that the Traffic Island category include a “new entry” award.  

2.  Tremendous Event
        Ellen is in email contact with Donna and is expecting a proposed event schedule.

3. Smokers Receptacles Winners
        Ellen reported that Taste of Asia, Eastern Bank, CVS, Witches Inc. Harrison’s Comics and the Gulu-Gulu Café are the winners of the smoking receptacles.  The D.P.W. checks on them and to date all are working well.

4.  Newspaper Boxes
        Discussion was tabled until the next meeting

5.  Artist Row Fall plans
        Consensus is the area looks great.  Plants are doing well.  The area is to be revisited about the end of September and appropriate measures will be taken.  The whiskey barrels will be stored in the cottages for the winter.  Ellen is to check with the artists to assess their opinions about the season.

6.  Thank you notes
        Notes of appreciation for the contribution they have made to the city have been sent to Charlene Bailey, and Mary Pelletier of Dubes.

7.  Other
        Mary Ellen met with Mass Bay Commuter Rail representatives to discuss the feasibility of adding a mural to the area walls.  Photos were taken and safety issues were addressed.  The proposal will be submitted to Transit Realty and Mary Ellen will meet on site with Jason Silva to discuss the project.  Similar projects have been undertaken in Roxbury and Mattapan.  We would coordinate with them.

New Business

1.  Community requests for help from the Committee
        It was agreed that the Committee is open towards requests for assistance, but should establish a policy regarding the kind of projects and the level of participation that can be supported.   Factors to consider would include lead time available, projects that involve public space, time involved, volunteers availability and costs if any.  It was decided to put further discussion in “the parking lot.” (Continue discussion until a later time.)
2.  Beautification of the Salem Common
        A recent letter to the editor published in the Salem News suggesting that the Salem Common should be landscaped with plants, the fence fixed etc. generated a discussion regarding the pros and cons of the ideas. It was felt that aside from upgrading the entrance to the park that such projects are beyond the capability of the Committee.
A Motion to Adjourn was proffered, seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  September 15th
Chairperson:     Marcia Lambert