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Meeting – Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chair – Jan Kendall

Present:  Amy Alpert, Sara Fiore, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Bev Moustakis, Jan Kendall, Sandra Power, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky  

New members were welcomed and introduced.

The minutes of the meeting held November 25, 2008 were approved as read.

Old Business

1. Tree-mendous Event:  Shirley distributed copies of her published letter “to the editor” acknowledging all of those who helped to make the Event a success.   She reported that a photo of the Event will be published in a Destination Salem guide.  Costs of the event were reported and purchases that can be reused in the future were highlighted.    

2.  M.B.T.A.:  The urns at the train station have stocked with Nunan’s greens plus bittersweet, dogwood and red ribbons that Mary Ellen and Paul gathered from many places.  They still have a small amount of money left in their budget.  Mary Ellen has begun the work to renew necessary M.B.T.A. permits.  Ellen reported that the Bridge Street entrance to the station is to be repainted.

3.  Newspaper Boxes: Marcia noted that the proposed newspaper box ordinance has been submitted to the Salem City Council.  A committee will be created to consider the matter.   The ordinance as it stands would require vendors to obtain a Thirty ($30.00) Dollar license and are responsible to clean and maintain their boxes.  The Beautification Committee will appear before the city Committee.  Ellen will try to send members a copy of the ordinance.  

4.  Publicity:  Tom requested that members bring photos of Committee activity to the next meeting. The photos will accompany a story to be published in the Salem Gazette.  Videos may be taken for use on Salem Now (SATV)

5.  Donations to the Committee:  Ellen reported that  “Thank You” Letters have been sent.  

6.  Traffic Islands:  Sandi has received a number of good comments about the Islands.  She noted that city maintenance of the Islands was problematic.  She noted the accomplishments of Committee volunteers plus the efforts of abutting storekeepers in
improving the appearance of a piece of Washington Street.  A discussion of remaining concerns about the overall appearance of Washington Street followed.   

New Business

1.  2008 Annual Report:  Activities of the last year were reviewed.  Ellen is to draft the annual report and distribute it for all to review.

2.  Traffic Islands 2009:   Sandi reported the need for more sponsors and the need for more “hands on” help from Committee members. City contribution to the maintenance of the Islands was slow.  Island sponsors need offers of help and the Memo of Understanding needs to emphasize the responsibility to maintain the islands .  Tom suggested that help may be available through the Sheriff’s Department.  The median strip on Washington Street was discussed.  Various suitable ground covers were suggested.  Sandi is to look into them.

3.  2009 Projects:
       M.B.T.A.  Mary Ellen is working on the 2009 permits and needs to know event dates (e.g. Cleansweeps.  Suggested dates are 4/25/09 or 5/2/09. Dates are to be confirmed at the next meeting.)
        Artist Row.  Shirley reminded all that all the planters and supplies are in the “Theory” cottage and that the RCG building would probably be occupied by June.  RCG sponsorship for the season needs to be pursued.  Plants may be the only necessary purchase for the coming season.
        Plant Sale on the Common.  May 16th is the suggested date for the sale this year.  It was noted that David Pelletier is interested in the Committee’s participation in improving the area of the Common that abuts Lafayette Street.  Information on sustainable gardening is to be gathered.
        Salem State community service project.  Marsha reported that the college has designated March 19th as a day to undertake community service work and is looking for suggestions.  Painting the Artist Row cottages was suggested.
4. Budget.  Ellen distributed a statement of the Committee’s income and expenditures for 2008.   Past and anticipated expenses were discussed.  The Committee expressed its appreciation for all of Ellen’s support and work on its behalf.

5.  Tom noted that the Salem Veteran’s Committee intends to remove the deteriorated gun now located at the foot of the Winter Street monument.

A motion to adjourn was proffered and approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  2/24/09.
Chairperson:  Sandi Power