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Meeting - Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Chair - Paul Falconer

Present: Paul Falconer, Chairperson, Roberta Clement, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Janet Kendall, Marcia Lambert, Sandra Power, and Ellen Talkowsky

In the absence of secretary Judith Wolfe, minutes of the meeting of July 22nd were read by Sandi, and approved as amended

Old Business

1. Traffic Islands/Window Box awards
Roberta reported that 30 to 40 people attended the ceremony at the Brookhouse Home. The winners of the awards were pleased with their framed photographs of their gardens and boxes and the ducks that Roberta had purchased and ribboned. The two-dimensional watering cans to stick in their gardens is a perennial pleaser. Rain forced the completion of the ceremony into the Brookhouse. Jan related the fun she and Shirley had over the three days of walking, sometimes driving, to all the over 25 window box entries for judging. She made particular mention of the beautiful gardens they visited at the homes with the window boxes. Mary Ellen expressed some concern over the contest publicity for the Garden Club, with little credit to the Beautification Committee. Ellen explained that in recent years the Garden Club has performed the judging, and hosted the ceremony, obtaining the venue and providing refreshments. We do provide two judges and it was discussed that in the future maybe we could take a bigger part and be more visible.

2. Special Efforts Letters
Ellen has agreed to send out the letters of special recognition using the format voted last meeting, except that she will just indicate it's from the Committee and not append her name. Sandi gave her the names and addresses of several businesses and residents who have done some beautification. Paul will email her two more. Marcia requested that a list be kept and new ones read at each meeting.

3. Tree-mendous Event
The pros and cons of different venues were discussed, and it appeared that the Mall still outweighed others mentioned; e.g., Town Hall, Salem Five. The natural flow of shoppers through the mall, the hours of operation, security were pluses. The loss of Signatures was a big negative. They were extremely supportive last year and a major representative of the tenants' group. Ellen will speak with Jennifer Bell of Main Streets, and Donna Michaud, a talented and creative woman, who came up with the Event idea last year, in hopes they may offer suggestions or even work with us to plan the event.

4. Artists Row - Banners
Sandi reported for Shirley that the Banners will not be purchased this year. There is, therefore, about $200 left from RCG's $1500 contribution to Artists Row this summer, and Shirley plans to spend it on fall flowers in the existing planted whiskey barrels.

5. MBTA - BCom's sign
Mary Ellen and Paul led a discussion on size of sign and whether it be two or one. It was moved, seconded, and passed to use one. We will reuse the BCom sign that was created for our traffic island in 2007. It will be mounted on the wall behind one of the urns, the legs to be removed.

6. Smokers Recepticles - Status
Ellen reported that the most expensive recepticles were chosen, at $154 plus shipping, and a program needs to be worked out with Main Streets to determine which merchants get them. Interest and the promise to maintain them will be among the determining factors. Marcia, Mary Ellen, and Jan have expressed an interest in helping with this program starting sometime in September.

7. Committee Funds Access and Management
A short, printed explanation of the protocol for purchasing needed items was passed around and read. A P.O. # must be obtained from Ellen before any purchase from a preferred vendor. A vendor not on the list can be added by obtaining his W4 taxpayer form. P.O. #'s can remain open for a period of time, with a specified $ amount. Ellen will give us a copy of the W-9 form but most merchants have completed copies. Ellen advised that she can cover small expenses occasionally, such as incurred by Paul and Mary Ellen for the urns.

8. Tee Shirts - Consensus was to buy Tee shirts for each member, mostly large, with a couple extra large, with a large City seal on the back, and a very small seal on the front side with City of Salem Beautification Committee under it. Everyone was asked to check the website at home to enable them to look at the color chart which Sandi was not able to copy off on her printer - AMERICANAPPAREL.NET - and to email preferences to Sandi for a decision at the next meeting.

9. Newspaper Boxes - Status
Marcia reported that the ordinance to regulate (limit) sidewalk newspaper boxes has been written and will be sent to the City Council in September.

10. Other - Fundraiser at Tides Restaurant
Jan advised that there is no restaurant in Salem physically large enough to host a fundraiser like the one scheduled for October 9th at The Tides in Nahant. Jason has assured her that using a restaurant outside Salem is not a problem for the administration. She is looking for assistance creating fliers and posters. She has a computer program that she can plug in the facts, and an informational letter from the Tides. Marcia suggested using Salem State College for very inexpensive printing. Suggestion was to keep it simple. There were many suggestions for organizations to send the info to; e.g., COA, AARP, Woman's Friend, SSNA and other neighborhood associations including the Alliance, Salem Garden Club, etc. Marcia will help with placing posters.

New Business

1. Committee Replacements
Roberta advised the committee that she has completed her two-year appointment on the Beautification Committee and does not wish to be reappointed. She has sent a lettter to the administration. This announcement was received with much sadness and regret. All thanked her for her hard work on the committee. She assured us she would help with the plant sale in the spring.

Sandi expressed the hope that the remaining committee members would help the administration in its search for new members to fill the now-three empty spots. She asked Ellen to pass on to the administration that perhaps now is the time to put out a public request for interested parties to apply, as was done when the Committee was originally formed 2 1/2 years ago.

2. Other - Payment for repair of T.I. irrigation systems
Ellen re-addressed the issue of the cost of repairing the irrigation systems at the Beverly Bank island and Reilly Plaza. She had addressed this some months ago at an unofficial meeting, but now was asking for a formal vote to cover $582.77 of repair work. She stressed that this work would not have been done without expected monetary assistance from our Committee, and that it was a very necessary piece of our traffic island program. After lengthy discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed to release $582.77 from our fund raising account to the City to pay for the repair of the irrigation systems.

3. Other - Loring Square
Sandi stated that it was her belief that Loring Square was not very saleable and should be partially hardscaped. Its unusually large size, its exposure to large amounts of winter salt, and its susceptibility to constant run-ins with errant vehicles makes it an unwieldy island to manage. She is no longer planting it for SSNA and no sponsor was found for 2008. She expressed the hope that a grant could be found to rehab this island. Mary Ellen suggested planting it with small grasses which might withstand the salt.

4. Other - Kiosks
Roberta asked when are the Kiosks going to be done. Ellen will find out.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandi Power
Secretary pro tem

Next meeting is scheduled for September 23, 2008
Chairperson: Mary Ellen Hallowell