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Amended Meeting Minutes
Meeting – Tuesday, June 24, 2008
(Amendment language is in bold print)

Present: Chairperson Sandi Power, Roberta Clement, Paul Falconer, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Jan Kendall, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe and Ellen Talkowsky

Review minutes of the Meeting held May 29, 2008  
        Item No. 3 under Old Business is amended to read that the Plant Sale grossed $3054.50 and realized net proceeds of $1273.50.  A statement of account was  distributed.

Old Business

1. Traffic Islands                      
        Sandi reported that she had met with Ellen.  A 2008 list of island sponsors and locations was distributed.  Discussion focused on the status of the sponsored islands and the need for additional sponsors.   Sandi asked that suggestions as to prospective sponsors be e-mailed to either herself or Ellen. Sandi will follow up on the prospects.   Ellen reported that sponsor fees are used to pay High School students who may help with the islands during the summer.  Shirley, Jan, Paul and Mary Ellen were thanked for planting a part of the island on Washington Street.

2.  Special Efforts Letters
        Names of those who should be considered for receipt of a letter of appreciation acknowledging  their special city beautification efforts were suggested.  Sandi has drafted a letter.   The format for the presentation of the appreciation award was discussed.  Sandi asked that names of others who should be recognized by the Committee be sent to her.

3.  Window Boxes/ Traffic Islands       
        Roberta  reported that registration for the window box/traffic island competition will close on July 21st and that judging would take place between July 25 and August 1st.  There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards for each of the four competition division’s  (first time residential window box contestants,  repeat window box contestants.  commercial window boxes and the traffic islands).  The awards will be announced at a reception sponsored by the Garden Club to be held at Brookhouse  on August 6th at 5:30.   Shirley Walker and Jan Kendall will represent the Committee on the judging panel.

4   Tree-Mendous  Event
        In light of Kristen’s absence, only a limited general discussion regarding the date and place of the event took place.  Alternative sites and dates were discussed. The topic is to be explored further.

5.  Artist Row  
        Shirley noted that the location is doing well.  She referred and described the article covering the site published by the Salem Gazette..  There is $200.00 left to cover the cost of a banner or banners.  The design is to go before the City Development Committee.  A RCG Beautification Committee  sign is to be added to the roundabout planter.  Shirley is to plant impatiens there.

6.  M.B.T.A.    
        Mary Ellen announced that there is $250.00 available to spend.  Paul is to get two large containers.  Roberta will provide a list plants used by the Garden Club in the Washington Street planters.  Discussion about the placement of the Salem Beautification Committee sign ensued.

7.  Smokers  receptacles
        Ellen reported that the City Design Review Board chose the more expensive model presented.  The receptacles will be purchased with funds from a Community Development Block Grant. Ellen has spoken with the Main Streets group.  Decisions as to the placement of the receptacles need to be made.  Businesses will be expected to maintain the receptacles.

8.  Other
        A.  Ellen’s responses to the Committee’s written questions regarding access and management of Committee funds were discussed.  Ellen was commended for the time and energy expended in drafting her responses.  Ongoing concerns were expressed.  It was moved, seconded that a representative of the procurement office be invited to the next meeting to explain current practices as they relate to the Committee. The motion passed.  Shirley is to make the request.
        B.  Jan suggested a fund raising event at the Tides restaurant in Nahant.  A date is to be booked.  Local venues also will be explored.
        C.  Shirley suggested to the Mayor that the Harbor Walk be renamed the Walter B. Power Harbor Walk (aka the Power Walk).  The mayor is taking the suggestion under consideration.

New Business

1.  Newspaper Boxes –
        Marcia reported that Jason Silva has written a letter that has to be reviewed by the legal department.  The plan is to have 3-4 places for the boxes (called condominiums) which the owners are to keep clean or lose the site.  They have a list of all the newspapers with contacts (with one exception).

2.  Other
        Roberta shared the “thank you” cards the Committee received from Kristen’s family and Sandi Power’s family acknowledging gifts provided by the Committee and its members.
        Notice was given regarding the planned reading of the Declaration of  Independence on July 4th at the Salem Common.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting is scheduled for July 22, 2008.  Chairperson:  Jan Kendall
Deadline for Agenda items is Friday, July 10th