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Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2008

Present:  Roberta Clement, Chairperson; Paul Falconer, Marcia Lambert, Tom Moran, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky, Jason Silva

        The Minutes were reviewed and approved as amended.  Marcia Lambert’s name is removed from the Riley Plaza clean up and is added to the Artist’s Row project.

Old Business

1.  Clean Sweeps – May 3rd, May 4th backup
        The status of requests to merchants to contribute prizes for the raffle was reported.  Several requests are still being considered.  Tom will make pick-ups as requested.  Ellen reported on the Clean Sweeps plans of various organizations and schools.  Letters together with participation forms had been sent out to from forty to fifty groups.  Commitments include: the clean up of Bridge Street by the Federal Street Neighborhood Assn., the City will clean the Riley Plaza parking lot, the Girl Scouts will clean the YMCA parking lot, The Gathering will clean the Pedestrian Mall.  In addition Main Streets wants to be involved.  The group cleaning Artist Row will also clean the Walgreen entrance.
        Ellen needs volunteers to help organized materials on Thursday, May 1st at 6:00 P.M. 4th floor.
        Ellen asks that members arrive at the Common between 7:30 and 8:00 A.M. to help with the setup.

2.  Plant Sale – May 17th
        Roberta reported that plant prices will be available on May 1st.  Supplies have been identified and accounted for. There will be three tents.  Roberta and Ellen will make signs. Ellen will see to water and snacks. Roberta has purchased water and candy.  Ellen will provide the “starter” cash for the cash box.  Kristen will take care of the raffle tickets.  Jason will provide two display carts.  Committee members are asked to wear aprons etc, to bring a chair, watering can etc. and to bring contributions to sell.
        If necessary a special meeting may be called for May 13th at 7:30 P.M.
        Ellen asked that members arrive at the Common at 7:30A.M. to help with the setup.

3.  Traffic Islands
        Ellen reported that she and Sandra met, reworked the sponsorship pricing, and developed a “thank you” letter.  The pricing now takes into account renewal of long time sponsorships, first time sponsor discounts, not-for-profit sponsors, and fee waivers for those islands maintained by the sponsor alone.  There are two new applicants. Discussion ensued around ground covers and signs advertising the availability of the island for sponsorship.  There may be 4 -6 islands waiting for sponsors.  Efforts will be made to get water to the Vinnin Square island.  

4.  Artist Row
        Shirley reported that the artists have chosen magenta and white geraniums plus wave petunias plus impatiens as their flowers of choice.  The DPW is to help with hauling in the planter barrels etc. RCG is to contribute Fifteen Hundred Dollars to the project.  The barrels to be planted will cost about Thirty Dollars each.  The planter boxes will be affixed to walls.   Banners are being developed and the Lobster Shanty will have new umbrellas.

5.  Christmas Ornaments
        Roberta reported that Hestia will design an ornament for Fifty Dollars but only if a commitment is made to place a Five Hundred Dollar order.  It was decided to pass on the ornament project at this time.

6.  MBTA
        Mary Ellen’s report that was included in the Agenda was noted.  Ellen noted that the City is reviewing the MBTA’s permit.

7.  Smokers receptacles
        It was recommended that receptacles be black.  Tom described a design he liked and will talk with the establishment that uses it about price etc.  Ellen noted that any purchase would need Design Review Board approval. The project can be funded by a Community Development block grant.  The project would be sponsored by Main Streets and the Salem Beautification Committee.

8.  Other
        A concern regarding a failure of communication among subcommittee members may result in excluding some members from the work of the subcommittee was raised. It was suggested that subcommittees have chairs and that all members be given notice and be invited to all meetings.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting is scheduled for – May 27, 2008.  Chairperson:  Shirley Walker

Deadline for Agenda Items is Monday, May 19th.