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Meeting Minutes
March 25, 2008

Present:  Kristen Picone-Barricelli, Chairperson;  Robyn Brown, Roberta Clement, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Paul Falconer, Sandra Power, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky

Kristen called the meeting to order.  The minutes were approved as written.

Old Business

1.Salem Beautification Committee – Annual Report.
        Ellen Talkowsky reported that she had incorporated suggested changes.  The report will be available on the website.

2.  2008 Committee Reports
        A. Clean Sweeps – (May 3rd, May 4th  backup).  We are to meet at the Salem Common at 7:30A.M.  Sweep to run from 8:00A.M. – 1:00P.M. Committee members volunteered to be responsible for the following sites:   
        Artist’s Row             –  Shirley walker
        MBTA                       -  Mary Ellen Halliwell
        Lafayette Park           – Roberta Clement
        Collins Cove              -  Parul Falconer
        Riley Plaza                -  Sandra Power and Marcia Lambert
        YMCA parking lot     -  Judith Wolfe   
Ellen  noted that she had sent letters to schools and to neighborhood groups.  She will contact the media closer to the Sweep date. She will also contact a DJ.   Mary Ellen, Kristen, Marcia and Judith volunteered to meet in the Conference Room on the 4th floor on Friday the 3rd in order to sort “T shirts” and complete other necessary tasks.  Committee volunteers also accepted assignments to contact merchants to ask for “gifts” to offer as prizes for the “Sweep stake” lottery offered cleanup volunteers.  

        B. Traffic Islands
        Ellen and Sandy are to meet to review the fees assessed those who volunteer to plant the islands.  Ellen noted the islands that have been spoken for already.

C.  Artist’s Row
Shriley, Roberta, Sandy and Judith are to meet and view the area in order to plan what to do,  determine costs etc.    Shirley has talked with DPW and others and has determined what the city will do.  A discussion ensued suggesting that the Artists be required to maintain and water the plant as part of their leases.

Mary Ellen and Paul met.  They have located a water source and will be looking for planters similar to those already in place.  The possibility of a mural was considered.

3. Fund Raising Events.
        A.  Plant Sale – May17th
        It was moved and seconded to change the location of the sale from Riley Plaza to the Salem Common.  The motion passed.  Roberta distributed a summary list of supplies needed for the event.  Ellen indicated which items would be supplied by the city.  Committee members were asked to bring a chair and a watering bucket.

        B.  Christmas Tree Ornaments
        Roberta passed around a ‘Salem Beautiful” wall ornament created by Hestia of Marblehead .  She reported that a new design would cost $250.00 or a modification design would be  $50.00.  We would need to order 50 ornaments at $10.00 apiece which could be sold for $20.00 apiece.  
A motion was made and seconded to order for review a modified version of the displayed ornament.   The motion passed.  .  

        C.  Tree-mendous Event
Tasks involved in putting on the event were discussed. Shirley, and Roberta volunteered and others tentatively volunteered to assist Kristen with the project. Discussion will continue in future meetings.

4.  Miscellaneous.   
        A,  Smokers receptacles
        Ellen asks the Committee to work with Main Streets to select and purchase outdoor smoking receptacles to be placed throughout the commercial district. She displaced designs available in one catalog.  She is to e-mail the website to us and asks that we review what is available and to make recommendations.

5. New Business

        A. Street Sweeping
Street sweeping is to begin the week of March 31st. Ellen distributed the schedule.
A Motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.  

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2008.  Chairperson – Sandra Powers

Deadline for Agenda items is Monday,  April 14th.