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Minutes – Amended
Meeting – Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Chair – Jan Kendall
Present:  Jan Kendall, Chairperson;   Paul Falconer, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Tom Moran,  Kristen Picone-Barricelli, Sandra Power, Shirley Walker, Judith Wolfe and Jason Silva

Minutes of the meeting of June 24th, were read, amended and approved.

Old Business

1. Traffic Islands/ Window Boxes
        Sandi reported that the traffic island sponsors for this season have been identified. Island maintenance issues were discussed.  It may be necessary to revise the memo of understanding regarding maintenance responsibilities.    It was decided that the Traffic Island project efforts need to be underway by February so that everything is all set May.  There are some twenty five participants in the window box competition.

2.  Special Efforts letters
        Sandi drafted and Kristen approved the text of a letter appreciation to be delivered to those who are to be recognized for their individual contributions to the beautification of the city.  The letter is to be sent on City stationery and signed by Ellen Talkowski.  Several candidates for the award were discussed.  Everyone was encouraged to take note of other beautification efforts and to report the names of responsible parties to Sandi.
3   Tree-mendous Event                          
        Kristen reported that she and Ellen had discussed changing the date and the venue for the event.  Various sites were discussed.  Kristen announced that she needs to retire from the Committee.  Kristen volunteered to be available to help the organizers as best she could.  Various participants noted her considerable efforts on behalf of the Committee and all agreed that she will be missed.

4.  Artist Row  
        Shirley thanked volunteers for their help and noted that the Artists are happy.  Three containers of plants have died due to all of the rain that had collected in them.  Sandi is to re-plant the containers.  The banners are yet to be made.

5.  M.B.T.A.  
        Ellen and Paul have installed the planters at the station and their spending came in under budget.  Pictures were distributed.  All were pleased with the design.  The Beautification Committee sign has yet to be made.

6.  Smokers Receptacles
        This item was tabled.

7.  Committee Funds Access and Management       
        Shirley summarized the spending needs of the Committee and the problems that have arisen.  Jason reported that Ellen has check writing authority for the dispersal of Committee funds.  Confusion remained regarding various related processes.  The discussion is to continue at future meetings.
8.  Fund Raising Event at the Tides
        Jan announced that the Committee is booked at the restaurant for the night of October 9th from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.  The Committee needs to advertise the event.  The understanding is participants will order from the menu and the Committee will receive an amount equal to 10% of all sales made during the time period.

9.  Newspaper Boxes
        Jason reported that the City is in the process of drafting an ordinance that will address the concerns that surround the current status of the boxes.  The City Council has the authority to adopt the ordinance.  The goal is to limit the boxes to three or four sites.

New Business

1.  T- Shirts
        Sandi proposed that the Committee adopt an article of clothing (shirt or vest etc.) that can be worn by members at Committee sponsored events (Tree-mendous event, plant sale etc.)  Gorilla Printing would charge $11.00 a piece for T-Shirts and $15.00 a piece for vests.  It was moved that the Committee adopt something to identify Committee members.  The motion was amended to require that anything adopted by made in the U.S.A.  The amended motion was approved.   The discussion is to continue at future meetings.  Sandi is to bring samples.

2.  The Mall Fountain at Washington Street
        Sandi suggested that the fountain be restored to working condition.  Jason reported that it is being worked on.

3.  Removing Trees from City Streets
        Tom expressed concern about an apparently healthy tree that was cut down recently.  Jason responded that the tree was severely damaged.  He said that the City Tree Warden is very strict.  Unless a tree is beyond salvaging, a proposal to cut the tree has to be posted and a public meeting held.  The exception is cutting made by the electric company for its purposes.  Tom noted that in New Jersey trees are planted on the residential, commercial side of a walk so that the roots have more room to expand.

A motion to adjourn was offered and allowed,

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting is scheduled for August 26, 2008
Chairperson:  Paul Falconer