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Draft Minutes, December 18, 2009
Salem Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, December 18, 2009

A meeting of the Salem Affordable Housing Trust Fund was held on Friday, December 18, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 313 at 120 Washington Street.

Members present were Aaron Allen, Kathleen Burke, Lucy Corchado, Mary Dennesen, Andrew Meegan, Jennifer Raitt, and Leonette Strout.  Also, Lynn Goonin Duncan, Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development was present.

Members absent were Mayor Driscoll, Councillor Jean Pelletier, Councillor Matthew A. Veno, Chad Colarusso and Mary Lauby.

Also present was Candace Waldron, Executive Director of Healing Abuse Working for Change (HAWC).

Approval of Meeting Minutes
Jenny Raitt noted that the May 8th meeting minutes were voted on at a prior meeting of the Board, but only six members (and not a majority of seven as required) approved those minutes.  Lucy Corchado motioned to approve the meeting minutes from January 12th, May 8th, and July 10th, seconded by Aaron Allen, all agreed (8-0).  

Discussion on Distribution of Funds – HAWC Proposal
Candace Waldron, on behalf of HAWC, presented a proposal to the Board requesting $25,000 in funds from the Trust.  She explained to the Board members that specifically HAWC is requesting help for ADA, fire, and safety upgrades to its newly acquired building in Salem which will be used as an emergency shelter for abused families.  The new shelter will be one of only six handicapped accessible shelters in the Commonwealth.  The building will have the capacity to house seven families at a time.  Each family will stay at the shelter for approximately 6-months in order to have enough time to take advantage of the services that HAWC provides.  The total project budget for all renovations to the building is $948,000.
The Fund currently has a balance of $24,475.00.  Lucy Corchado raised concerns about draining the entire fund.  Board members debated whether or not to allocate all of the Trust’s remaining funds.  Jenny Raitt reminded the group that even if all of the funds are expended, the Trust still has other work that it can do.  Lynn Goonin Duncan informed the Board that $30,000 will be donated to the Trust upon the sale of the Szetela Lane property.  A Purchase and Sale Agreement has been executed and the project is before the Planning Board at this time.  She further informed the members that City is also supporting this effort by giving $60,000 in City HOME funds toward deleading of the building.  She commented that the Trust Fund’s dollars would strengthen the City’s support for this project.  Moreover, this would be a great opportunity for the Board to gain visibility in support of a worthwhile housing effort.  Jenny Raitt echoed that this project fits well into the Trust’s mission and goals.  Aaron Allen said that he could not think of a better project to which to give funding.  Andrew Meegan and Leonette Strout agreed.  The Trust Fund members unanimously voted in favor of awarding $24,000 to HAWC.   

This was Jenny Raitt’s last meeting as a member and Chair of the Trust Fund Board.  The other members of the Board thanked Jenny for her service, dedication, and leadership.  She wished the Board members the best of luck in furthering the Trust’s work to promote affordable housing in Salem.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:
Jennifer Kolodziej
Housing Coordinator
City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development