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AHTF Agenda, March 29, 2007

Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board

Notice of Meeting

You are hereby notified that the Salem Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board will hold a meeting on Thursday, March 29, 2007 from 6:00-7:30 pm at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street.

                                                                                               Julie Quinn,
                                                                                                       Housing Coordinator

Tentative Agenda:

Roll Call

Mayor Driscoll, or her appointee
Michael Northcutt
City Councilor, TBD
Heather Picard
City Councilor, TBD
Leonette Strout
City Councilor, TBD
Jennifer Raitt
Kathleen Burke
Mary Lauby
Chad Colarusso
Mary Dennesen


Discuss role of the Trust

Describe current affordable housing initiatives in the City
·       FTHB Programs
·       Housing Rehab Programs – Owner-Occupied and Investor Owner (new program being developed)
·       New Projects – St. Joseph’s, 50 Palmer, 1 Harrison, 28 Goodhue
·       Expiring Use Projects– Loring Towers and Fairweather Apartments

Housing need - brainstorming  (10 minutes)

Next Steps
·       Establish regularly scheduled meeting
·       Establish Trust Documents
