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December 8, 2010
Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
December 8, 2010
Town Hall Annex
Members present were Toryn Bright, Laura Gal, Larry Greene, Matt Lindberg, Larry Pistrang, Dawn Sulmasy, and Carla Volturo. Also present was Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Chairman Pistrang called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.  

Acceptance of Minutes
The Committee unanimously voted to approve the minutes of November 17, 2010.

Continue Development of Survey Questions
The Committee received Lee Digney’s comments and her organization of the survey into an improved format (attached). The Committee reacted to Lee’s comments and re-edited the document. Larry P. will re-draft questions into final form and send to John to incorporate town letterhead.

The survey will be available online via Survey Monkey. Larry P. will setup. Paper copies will be placed at Princeton Center, Thomas Prince School, Post Office, Town Hall, Mountainside Market, PMLD, Pre-school, 3 churches.

The survey will be publicized through the Town website, the Town News email feature (both to be accomplished by John), the T Prince Connect-ED feature, and by means of a post card to be mailed to each Princeton household (card to be developed by Carla).

The Committee debated whether or not to distribute paper copies to each T Prince family via students' backpacks. As the Committee was unable to reach consensus it was put to a vote.

On a motion by Matt, second by Larry G., the Committee voted 3-3 with one abstention on a motion to distribute paper copies of the survey to each T Prince family via student backpack.

On a motion by Matt, second by Larry G., the Committee voted unanimously to reconsider the previous vote.

On a motion by Matt, second by Larry G., the Committee voted 4-3 to distribute paper copies of the survey to each T Prince family via student backpack.

The Committee set January 10 for the survey to mailed, posted online, and sent via Connect-ED. The surveys are to be submitted by January 25.

Laura raised the issue of the perception of Princeton exclusivity.

Other Business
Larry reminded the Committee that he wants to have a draft of the final report by March 1.

Public Comment

Future Meeting Dates
The Committee will next meet January 11 at the Town Hall Annex at 7:00 PM.
The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:38 PM.

Respectively submitted,
John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
Survey, Digney comments
Survey, Digney version