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November 10, 2010
Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
November 10, 2010
Town Hall Annex
Members present were Toryn Bright, Laura Gal, Larry Greene, Matt Lindberg, Larry Pistrang, and Carla Volturo. Member Dawn Sulmasy was absent. Also present were WRSD School Committee Member Michelle Scibarrasi and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Chairman Pistrang called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.  

Acceptance of Minutes
The Committee accepted the minutes of October 26, 2010 by unanimous vote.

Prepare for Brainstorming Session
The Committee first discussed the mechanics of how it wished to conduct the session that will take place Nov. 17 at 7 PM in the Thomas Prince School (TPS) Library. After considering whether or not to break down into three or seven smaller groups, the Committee agreed that Larry P. would make introductory remarks during which he would articulate what the Committee believes to be three broad options available:
  • Maintain the current means to form the TPS student population.
  • Agree that Princeton 7th and 8th graders will no longer attend TPS and instead will attend another WRSD school, such as Mountview in Holden.
  • Make a greater effort to increase the student population at the Thomas Prince School.
The Committee agreed that there are multiple consequences, both positive and negative, to each option and that each creates its own set of questions. Among those consequences and questions are: the budgetary implications of school choice, the changes to the educational model that a low population would likely cause, the differences in curriculum in a large population middle school compared to TPS, implications to afterschool opportunities to Princeton 7th and 8th graders attending an out of town school.

Discuss Holden Mountview School Project
Laura related discussions she had conducted about the Mountview project, the Mountview curriculum, and Mountview test scores.

Survey Development
The Committee will begin development of its survey at its next meeting following the Brainstorming Session.

Other Business
As directed by the Committee, John will post a document on the website submitted by Laura concerning laws affecting schools. Carla will submit her Charter school document from the 10/26 meeting for posting on the website. John will contact Dawn for hers.

Public Comment

Future Meeting Dates
The Committee will meet and November 17 at the Thomas Prince School Library for the Brainstorming Session and November 23 at the Town Hall Annex. Both meetings will begin at 7 PM.

The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:27 PM.

Respectively submitted,
John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
  • A Brief Look At Laws Affecting Public Schools (L. Gal)