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September 21, 2010
Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
September 21, 2010
Town Hall Annex
Members present were Toryn Bright, Laura Gal, Larry Greene, Matt Lindberg, Larry Pistrang, Dawn Sulmasy, and Carla Volturo. Also: Selectman Edie Morgan, WRSD School Committee member Michelle Sciabarrasi, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Chairman Pistrang called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  

Acceptance of Minutes
The Committee accepted the minutes of September 7, 2010 by unanimous vote.

Logistics of September 29, 2010 Public Hearing
The Committee agreed that Michelle would draft by Thursday 9/23 a flyer that Laura would then distribute at public locations. The Committee decided that the Public Hearing would also be publicized through the Connect-Ed program at the school (John to contact Mary Cringan), through the Town web site and its Town News feature, and through all available email distribution lists. A second announcement is expected in this week’s Landmark.

The format agreed upon was that Larry P. as chair would make some brief introductory remarks, explaining that the Hearing is not an information session, but an opportunity for the Committee to hear questions, concerns, and suggestions for it to consider. The fact that the decline is anticipated to affect future seventh and eighth grade classes and is not the existing situation will be emphasized. Audience input will be limited to three minutes per speaker with the opportunity to speak additionally after everyone has made initial comments.  The Selectmen’s charge to the Committee will be displayed throughout as an overhead.  Carla and Dawn will record comments on easels with large pads of paper. Sheets will be taped to walls as completed.

There will be no handouts; the Committee’s webpage will provide all pertinent documents.

Michelle presented information relative to various regional district subjects including the Regional Agreement and the budgeting process.

Post-Public Hearing Brainstorming Session
The Committee decided to meet October 12 to react to what it heard at the Public Hearing and begin creating a survey. October 19 is tentatively scheduled if a follow-up meeting is necessary. Topics to be investigated and interim products will be determined as part of the brainstorming and survey process

Other Business
John was asked to inquire of the Town Clerk about distribution of materials at the State Election November 2, 2010.

Public Comment
Edie suggested that Selectmen O’Brien and Superintendent of Schools Pandiscio or Business Manager Brennan be invited to attend a meeting, and that specific questions be prepared in advance for those meetings.

The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:56 PM.

Respectively submitted,
John Lebeaux
Town Administrator