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February 19, 2013
Board of Registrars
February 19, 2013
Meeting Minutes
  • Meeting was called to order at 9:05am
  • Attendees: Anne Littlefield, Rosemary Fudeman, Lynne Grettum – Claire Golding joined the meeting at 9:15am.
  • First order of business was to review and approve minutes from October 17, 2012, and November 16, 2012. There were no changes made to either of the minutes.
October 17th minutes were approved unanimously by Anne Littlefield, Rosemary Fudeman, and Lynne Grettum. Claire Golding was not in attendance at this time.
November 16th minutes were approved by a majority vote.  Anne Littlefield did not vote as she was not in attendance on November 16th, and Claire Golding was not yet in attendance
  • Lynne passed out a copy of the 2013 Town Political Calendar and the Special State Primary Calendar. The group reviewed the relevant dates for each election. Lynne explained that the Town Election would be combined with the Special State Primary on April 30th. The Special State election will be June 25th.  The Town Meeting would remain in May on the 14th. There will be three last day to register sessions, one for the Town Election and Special State Election, one for the Town Meeting, and one for the Special State Election.
  • There was a discussion on the next mailing for the Voter Registration Project. Due to the three last day to register sessions the mailing would have to be customized for each registration session.
  • 1st mailing will be for residents born between November 6, 1995 and April 30th 1995
  • 2nd mailing will be for residents born between May 1, 1995 and May 14th 1995. Lynne to check and see if there were any residents born in this timeframe. If not we would be able to eliminate this mailing.
  • 3rd mailing will be for residents born between May 14th 1995 and June 25th 1995.
Claire will customize the letters and send to Anne. Anne will print the letters and mailing labels. Anne and Rosemary will stuff and mail the envelopes for the 1st mailing the week of Feb. 19th.
  • Motion to dissolve the meeting was seconded. Unanimous at 9:41am
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Grettum, Clerk