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December 6, 2011
Board of Registrars

December 6, 2011

Meeting Minutes (draft)

  • Meeting called to order at 8:30am.
  • Attendees: Rosemary Fudeman, Claire Golding (Chair), Anne Littlefield, Lynne Grettum
  • First order of business was to review and approve the minutes from the July 12, 2011 meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. Minutes were approved unanimously.
  • Initiative Petition Update – reviewed the spreadsheet that detailed the Initiative Petitions that were presented to the Board of Registrars during November. The Registrars, through the Clerk’s Office, received 142 petitions and certified 220 signatures. Lynne noted that it was an unusual petition cycle as the majority of petitions were received at once and were fewer in number. Lynne also explained several reasons for rejecting signatures were incorrect addresses (used P.O. boxes instead of street address), and voter signatures from towns other than Princeton. Each petition is town-specific for voter signatures.
  • 2012 Election Calendar – each board member was given a calendar that contained election dates for next year as well as other dates that would be of specific interest to the Board. Lynne briefed the Board on several issues at the Statehouse that could impact election dates. House Bill 1972 calls for the combination of the Presidential Primary (March) and the State Primary (Sept.) in June. There is support for the combination of these two elections; proponents cite cost savings, voter burnout, and the ability to get absentee ballots to overseas voters in a more effective manner as reasons for the change. The State Primary scheduled for Sept. 6th has also caused some concern as it coincides with the Democratic National Convention. The issue is still being looked at by some factions on Beacon Hill.
  • New Voter Project – the previous mailing to 25 residents who would turn 18 by the Special Town meeting in October resulted in 5 voter registrations. The lack of election activity may have been a factor. The Board reviewed the new list of residents will turn 18 by the Presidential Primary on March 6, 2012; the list contained 16 names. The Board will go ahead with the next mailing. Claire will revise the letter to include information about the March 6th primary. The letters will be sent out on January 5th. Lynne also agreed to follow up on a previous action item which was to contact Wachusett High School to find out if they were planning any voter registration activity for the students.
The Board discussed several scenarios to engage the children at the Thomas Prince School in the election process, including a return of the mock election that was held for the 2008 Presidential Primary. There will be more discussion at another meeting.
  • Next meeting will be schedule for April, 2012. Lynne will send out a note to coordinate the date.
  • A motion was made and seconded to dissolve the meeting. Unanimous at 9:06am.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Grettum, Board of Registrars Clerk

Documents used at the meeting:
  • Initiative Petition spreadsheet
  • 2012 Election Calendar
  • List of residents who will turn 18 by March 6, 2012